• 2 months ago
നിയമവശങ്ങൾ നോക്കി കോടതിയെ സമീപിക്കുമെന്നും മെത്രാപ്പോലീത്ത.


00:00This is Rishiraj Singh, when he was in charge of excise, he told us that if the use of alcohol is reduced, the use of narcotics will increase.
00:17Two months ago, I asked him, what is the situation today?
00:24He told me that if the use of alcohol is reduced, the use of narcotics will increase.
00:31The use of alcohol in Kuzhukadal, Vettikappal, Kuchuvallankalai, schools, beaches, etc. has reduced drastically.
00:42The use of alcohol in schools has also reduced drastically.
00:45So, the use of alcohol has increased drastically.
00:54That is where our future lies.
00:59In the same way, in the IT parks, there is a place to sit.
01:04I think it is going on very well.
01:08If you come here, you will find a place to sit.
01:15In Malappuram for 580 days, in Alappuzha for 160 days, there is a place to sit.
01:23It is happening in both places.
01:26I have been in touch with the Chief Minister and the Chief Ministers.
01:33But, if you ask me why this is happening, it is because humans are becoming inhuman.
01:43We have seen the recent cases.
01:45It is very brave.
01:47A mother is killed, a father is killed, a son is killed, a wife is killed.
01:52We are moving towards a terrible situation.
01:55We should not destroy the intelligence of intelligent people and turn them into beasts.
02:00We should not kill them.
02:03Drinking alcohol is dangerous for the body.
02:09Now, there is a plan to start a new factory.
02:12There is a strong protest against it.
02:15What we can do is, we can find the ways of justice and truth.
02:23We should go towards those ways.
02:30Not only in Malappuram, we have announced it.
02:33There are some legal aspects of it.
02:35We should look at how those aspects are being followed in the court.
02:40People are very aware of this.
02:43Sir, can you repeat what you said?
02:47In the last 29 weeks, we have lost more than 1000 people.
02:52The reason is, earlier, we used to get answers based on the freedom of information.
03:01Now, we have stopped that.
03:04I don't know if it is because there is no argument.
03:07Anyway, there is no new way.
03:10We have given such a direction.
03:12Whatever happens, it will happen.
03:14This is a very dangerous thing.
03:16There are parties that have been protesting since the age of 13.
03:21In the past, there were 27 parties.
03:24Now, there are parties that have been protesting since the age of 13.
03:28What is the future of this country?
03:32This time, the media said it very clearly.
03:37What is wrong with this?
03:39But, they said that there will be a reduction in the number of participants.
03:43This is not the first time.
