• 2 months ago
Storm chaser Aaron Jayjack reports roads and highways covered in snow and ice in the aftermath of the historic winter storm in Houston, Texas, on Jan. 22. But warmer weather is coming to thaw the ice.
00:00a big difference from 24 hours ago. It was cloudy, snow was coming down. It looked like a
00:05it was a winter storm was raging out here in Houston. Right now we've got blue skies. You
00:10see the beautiful Houston skyline back behind me. And I'm going to be, you know, things are in pretty
00:16good shape here in Houston. I'm considering, you know, we got the three to four inches of snow
00:19yesterday and everything was covered in snow. Roadways are covered in snow. This morning on
00:24our drive to where we're at right now, we're on an elevated surface right here.
00:28Still ice and snow on this elevated surface, but most of the roadways, we got just enough sun
00:33yesterday afternoon. The sun came out and melted off the majority of the snow. On the drive over,
00:38we were driving through some of the tall buildings on that skyline back behind me.
00:42And in some of those areas, there was, it was basically like an ice rink between the buildings
00:45where the, it was protected from the sun. On this elevated roadway, you can see in the sun,
00:50but still very much covered with snow and ice. And most of the covered elevated roadways here
00:57in Houston are like this. If you look off in the distance, there's some cars coming
01:01on dry, dry pavement where the, it's not an elevated surface where the roadway is actually
01:07in contact with the ground. So significant difference between a roadway on the, on the
01:11ground and these elevated surfaces here in Houston. And now, you know, things are expected
01:16to warm up today. We should get into the, into the around the 40 degree range later this afternoon
01:22and all the way to almost 70 degrees on Sunday. So significant warmups,
01:27significant change here going from winter to spring in a matter of days here in Houston.
01:33And people got to get out and enjoy some amazing snow and sledding yesterday here in Houston.
01:39Apparently a lot of people are experiencing that snow for the first time in their lives
01:43and now trying to get their lives back to normal. People trying to get back to normal
01:47training. Just have to be careful on these elevated surfaces and some pockets between
01:51the buildings and whatnot. So there is still very slick conditions on the roadways here in Houston.
