The Divine Miss M, Matt Hawkins, was laid to rest today at Gorbal Wood Crematorium. There was sadness but also many smiles as people had so many happy memories af Matt to share.
00:00So we're here at Gornal Krem and it's the sending off of the Divine Miss M.
00:06Sir, what's your name?
00:07I'm Gary Lindsay Moore.
00:08Very turned out in style to say goodbye to her.
00:13How did you know her and what does she mean to you?
00:16Just being around on the scene, seeing her, then getting to know her in later life.
00:26I'm going to say the only person that's ever managed to get me into a sequin bra.
00:32Just the most, yeah really just incredibly wonderful person.
00:40You need people like Divine Miss M in our world.
00:44Just an incredible, incredible talent and beautiful person, so kind and so warm to people.
00:52Just brought joy, brought a smile to people's faces.
00:57So much fun and yeah, just such an engaging person and just naughty chat when you got to see her.
01:05And I really, really did not know Divine Miss M.
01:12Really, really well, but I knew her and she recognised me.
01:19You know, just yeah, what a fabulous person and will be greatly missed.
01:25Nice words, thank you sir.
01:27Hello guys, introduce yourselves, who've we got?
01:29I'm George.
01:30I'm Ricky.
01:31I'm Jamie.
01:32Cool, where are you from guys?
01:33You're from the Black Country?
01:34From Birmingham.
01:35I'm from Dugley Wales, but I live in Birmingham now.
01:38Yeah, yeah fair do.
01:39So how did you know about the Divine M, Miss Divine M then?
01:43I've known the Divine Miss M for about 38 years.
01:46Yeah, wow.
01:47Old, old friend.
01:48Yeah, yeah.
01:49Old, old friend.
01:50And is she, when was the Miss Divine M born?
01:53Was it back, way back when like?
01:56Yeah, way back when and she always had no confidence in singing and we told her get and do it.
02:04And that was it, the sky was the limit.
02:06Yeah, yeah.
02:08She had a heart of gold and like she would care for anybody and she had never had like a bad bone in her body.
02:15She, if anybody needed any advice, she'd be there.
02:20Like if someone like goes, I don't feel like doing this.
02:24She'd try and power herself back up to let them do their career and do what they want to do.
02:31So a massive loss then.
02:33Yeah, yeah.
02:34Very massive loss.
02:35Massive loss.
02:36To the gay community.
02:37Yeah, yeah.
02:38And Miss Divine M, she had a night at the Gifford didn't she?
02:42A lot of people knew her from DJing there.
02:44Did you, did you get involved in a few of those nights?
02:47Was there a bit of bopping?
02:48Yeah, a few nights, yeah.
02:50Yeah, well great stuff and there's definitely a few colourful people to see her outside.
02:55Yeah, yeah.
02:56And her favourite colour was like red, purple.
02:58Yeah, yeah.
02:59So as you may see.
03:01A lot of purple clotted about.
03:04And I always remember the double act with Miss Martin at the village.
03:08Oh wow, okay.
03:09And they were terrible together.
03:13Terrible in the most amazing way.
03:15In the most amazing way, the both of them.
03:17Yeah, yeah.
03:18They had a person called like Cherub, like she told us like,
03:22she knocked for 40 odd years and I was like, wow, that's a long time.
03:27Yeah, too, right.
03:28Well thank you for your kind words, gents.
03:30No problem, thank you.
03:32Hello sir, what's your name?
03:33Wayne Westcott.
03:34And Wayne, we've got a fantastic tribute there on the t-shirt.
03:39What did Divine M mean to you?
03:42Meant the world.
03:43Friend for over 25 years.
03:45How did you first meet her then?
03:47Birmingham gay scene.
03:48Yeah, yeah.
03:50And was she DJing there?
03:52No, she was on a night out.
03:54So was she as Divine M or was she as?
03:57As Mattie that night.
03:58Yeah, yeah, got you.
03:59And I take it you encountered Divine M on some of her DJ spots and the clubbing nights.
04:05Yeah, many a times, yeah.
04:05A good DJ?
04:06Yeah, brilliant.
04:07Yeah, yeah.
04:08Favourite track that she'd love to spin?
04:10Just anything from the 80s, really.
04:12Yeah, yeah, cool.
04:13So a big loss to the community.
04:16Yeah, definitely.
04:16Yeah, well, fantastic way to pay tribute, sir.