• 2 months ago
On this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast, Donald Trump last night announced the coming creation of Stargate, an AI company that will be funded and operated by the tech titans that put Trump into power in November. They gave him the open, vocal support he so desperately needed, piled him high with near endless amounts of dollars and crypto, and lo and behold we have the second Trump administration. Welcome to the Technocracy. President Trump announced last night that Stargate will immediately create over 100,000 new jobs, and will work to bring mRNA vaccines to cure cancer to the market. I would imagine that it will be funded in crypto more than dollars, and in fact, just may be crypto’s “coming out party” to the world. In the 5 years we’ve been doing this Podcast, we’ve only had a small handful of times events were so intense we have to do an emergency program, today is that day. TO THE FIGHT!!!


