• vor 2 Monaten
Vietnam: Der Krieg, der die USA veränderte versucht etwa 50 Jahre nach dem Krieg eine Aussage darüber treffen zu können, inwiefern der Krieg die us-amerikanische Gesellschaft nachhaltig verändert hat und welche Spuren der Krieg hinterlassen hat, die immer noch sichtbar sind.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/vietnam-der-krieg-der-die-usa-veranderte


00:00You may have seen movies about Vietnam, but this is the real story, told only by those
00:10who were there.
00:12We were brothers.
00:13The camaraderie is so strong.
00:16You know he's willing to die for you, and he knows I'm willing to die for him.
00:24The situation John was in, he was a dead man.
00:33But you do what you have to do to save somebody.
00:38We'll find the people in the footage.
00:42That's me, right there.
00:43And half a century later, we unite them.
00:55We saw images that are burned into your soul.
01:00You know, I still have nightmares.
01:02Even to this day, I'm stuck in that moment.
01:06Decades running war that changed the world forever.
01:11And the people who fought in it.
01:15It's thought that over three million were killed in the conflict.
01:22Without you, I wouldn't be here today.
01:31Thank you for saving my life.
