• vor 2 Monaten
Als seine Tochter Olivia all ihr Geld in die Restaurierung einer verfallenen Villa stecken will, versucht der erfolgreiche Geschäftsmann Eric sie davon abzuhalten. Aber kaum ist er in Italien, verliebt er sich in die Schönheit, Magie und Romantik, die das Land in La Dolce Villa für ihn bereithält.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/la-dolce-villa


00:00Buongiorno. Io sono Eric Field.
00:03Parla Italiano!
00:06Tipico Americano.
00:08I understood that.
00:10Hi, Dad.
00:11So you're buying an Italian villa?
00:13Small towns are selling old houses for one euro to bring new people in.
00:16The mayor was telling me all about the whole scheme.
00:18At least you admit it's a scheme.
00:20Dad, this is Francesca Fucci, mayor of Montezara.
00:23Okay, let's go see what a buck buys around here.
00:27The one euro price tag makes sense now.
00:29The one euro you expect to see in Chapel?
00:33You realize that DIY means do-it-yourself?
00:35It's best villa in town, eh?
00:37You say that about every place?
00:39How are you going to support yourself?
00:41I'll figure it out.
00:42Dad's worried.
00:43Cioccolato, per favore.
00:45You're Italian and so...
00:47It's in process, yes.
00:49American son.
00:52Dad has a secret that before he was a boring consultant, he was a professional chef.
00:57You don't realize you're in Italy, right?
00:59There's no better place to rediscover your passion.
01:02I can show you.
01:03It's a date.
01:05Uh, that's a saying in America.
01:08People say that.
01:09They say it all the time.
01:10Okay, then.
01:11It's a date.
01:17Eric, you better hurry that reno along.
01:19We need you here.
01:22I think my time here in Italy may be coming to a close.
01:25Then we should keep it professional.
01:32Could I really change?
01:34At my age?
01:35You're still young-ish.
01:38One, two, three.
01:41Were you on a date?
01:42What? No.
01:44Not a date, no.