• 2 months ago
इराक, ईरान और अफगानिस्तान के छात्र बिना सूचना विश्वविद्यालय परिसर से बाहर कदम नहीं रख पाएंगे. यूनिवर्सिटी प्रशासन को देनी होगी जानकारी.


00:00In Aligarh Muslim University, the number of foreign students is decreasing.
00:07In 2019-20, the number was 616.
00:13By 2023, the number has decreased to 178.
00:20In the last few days, the university administration has given notice to two Bangladeshi former students and one current student.
00:29Now Iran-Iraq and Afghanistan students have held a meeting and issued an advisory for them.
00:38What is this advisory? What is its purpose?
00:41Let's know what the advisor of foreign students Ali Nawaz Dehbi said about it.
00:48Basically, our students are foreign students.
00:53We have a prime motto of their welfare.
00:57That is why we hold meetings with them.
01:01We held a meeting with Bangladeshi students.
01:03In the next routine, we called students from three countries and interacted with them.
01:11We advised them to be careful about their social media and to stay away from cyber fraud.
01:20We also advised them to fulfill their visa requirements on time.
01:27We also advised them to be well-informed.
01:32We told them that they can go wherever they want.
01:37We told them that they can go wherever they want.
01:42We told them that they can go wherever they want.
01:47We have a representation of 26 countries.
01:51We have a representation of 26 countries.
01:54We have 170 students here.
01:58I think it is true that in the last few years, the number of international students has increased.
02:06People from all over the world have come here and taken admission in different courses.
02:10I think it is true that the number of international students has increased.
02:15I would like to say that many times the advisories are issued by the university authorities on safety and security issues.
02:29But I also believe that the university is not a school at that level.
02:39People from the university can move to other places.
02:44But it is important to have a positive sense.
02:48And at the same time, every student, student, teacher, employee in the university has the right to write, read and speak.
02:57As long as it is done in a democratic and peaceful manner.
03:01I believe that this applies to foreign students as well.
03:05As of now, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan students as well as students from other countries have not come up with any comment on this advisory.
03:17But somewhere, the question arises that can this type of advisory increase the number of international students in AMU?
03:29This is Suhail Ahmed from CTV Bharat Ki Nihal, Aligarh.
