• 2 months ago
ઓલપાડ તાલુકાના બે મહિલા સરપંચને રાજધાની નવી દિલ્હીમાં યોજનાર પ્રજાસત્તાક પર્વની ઉજવણીનું આમંત્રણ મળ્યું છે.


00:00We have come to invite you as a special guest
00:04We have come to take notice of your work
00:09and we have come to welcome you on 26th January
00:18How many connections have you established in your village?
00:21We have around 700-800 houses in our village
00:25We have established a NALSEJAL Yojana
00:27We have provided NAD connection
00:29and we have supplied water to all the houses
00:31What was the condition of the water you supplied?
00:33We used to supply water by using wells and wells
00:41In 2020, NALSEJAL Yojana was established
00:44We have received around 16 lakh grants from Mukesh Bhai
00:50We have supplied water to all the houses
00:55and we have supplied water to all the houses
01:00We have come to invite you as a special guest
01:04We have come to invite you as a special guest
01:11We have come to invite you as a special guest
01:20We have come to invite you as a special guest
01:26We have come to invite you as a special guest
01:34We are very happy to have you
01:40What was so special about NALSEJAL Yojana?
01:43What was so special about NALSEJAL Yojana?
01:45In NALSEJAL Yojana, there was a shortage of water
01:50In NALSEJAL Yojana, there was a shortage of water
01:58With NALSEJAL Yojana, there are two underground tanks in our village
02:05With NALSEJAL Yojana, there are two underground tanks in our village
02:13What message do you have for the villagers?
02:17What message do you have for the villagers?
02:22We are very happy to have you as a special guest
02:29We are very happy to have you as a special guest
02:32We are very happy to have you as a special guest
02:43We are very happy to have you as a special guest
02:48We are very happy to have you as a special guest
