• 2 months ago
But for those who step into 4Leg Care, gratitude is writ large in the eyes of animals and compassion filled in the heart of humans.


00:00You must have seen people donating blood so far, but in Alwar, dogs are also donating blood.
00:17Three dogs of Alwar's four-leg care organization have donated blood six times so far and given life to other dogs.
00:23This organization has been running in the animal hospital environment of Alwar for a long time.
00:27In this, dogs injured in accidents are treated.
00:31This organization is run by the youth.
00:34In this, injured dogs are treated and after recovery, these dogs donate blood when needed.
00:41According to the members of the organization, apart from dogs, cats, monkeys and pigeons are also treated here.
00:48Most of the dogs come from accidental cases like spinal injury or fracture.
00:55Blind people are also treated here.
00:59Most of the dogs come from accidental cases.
01:02We keep the dogs with us until the treatment is complete.
01:06After the treatment is complete, the dogs are released to the same location from which they were rescued.
01:14Sometimes, a dog has a permanent paralysis.
01:17Sometimes, the dog will not be able to walk on its own legs or its hind legs.
01:21So, we keep the dog here.
01:24According to the members of the four-legged care organization,
01:27taking care of animals and treating them is a social work.
01:31During their treatment and the expenses incurred in the care,
01:34people of the society cooperate and other people donate.
01:38Currently, more than 85 dogs are being treated and cared for by the organization.
01:44We rescue them and treat them according to the prescription of the doctor.
01:50We give them food from time to time.
01:53When they recover, we release them.
01:56It's been a long time since they've been walking.
01:58When they recover, we release them.
02:01At least 50 plus have been released.
02:04We collect their blood and freeze it.
02:10Or at the same time, when the other dog has a requirement,
02:13we take it out of the case and give it to the other dog.
02:15For the first time, the dog has been matched.
02:17But later, we have to check whether the dog has a blood infection or not.
02:21We have to check all the time.
02:23According to the members of the same organization,
02:25the vaccination of the dogs who donate blood and other important things are also taken care of.
02:31After donating blood, the dogs are given nutritious food
02:34so that they do not feel weak and are not affected by the disease.
02:39For Alwar Saeed TV Bharat, this is Piyush Pathak's report.
