• 2 months ago
This Veganuary we visited Non Viet vegan.


00:00This restaurant is the third branch of a chain of restaurants, being the non-vegan.
00:06This one is solely dedicated to vegan food and meals.
00:11And the biggest intention of the restaurant is to share how good vegetables can taste.
00:17There's a lot of people that might not be interested in veganism itself,
00:22but they have a loved one or a friend or someone they know that is vegan,
00:26and they can come to the restaurant and get a whole experience for themselves of how good vegetables can taste.
00:33And it's really nice that they can share that kind of a meal with other people as well.
00:38So it's a very inclusive place to the families of vegans, not just themselves.
00:43It's been really exciting to see the customers that come over here to give it a try,
00:47because they love the other non-vegans, but they themselves eat meat.
00:51And then they leave so happy and satisfied.
00:55Everyone is just so surprised at how much flavour is in the food,
00:59and how good all the different ingredients come together.
01:02And you're still getting a traditional Vietnamese dish.
01:05A lot of them have been redone so that vegans can still enjoy the meal,
01:09but you don't lose the authenticity, and it seems to land with the people from their smiles.
01:15And they keep coming back.
01:17All of the restaurants have a very beautiful atmosphere where you feel like you're stepping into Vietnam.
01:21You're getting a chance to travel without travelling.
01:24And they're very relaxing environments. They're very comfortable.
01:28So if you just want to come and enjoy a meal by yourself, that's also available.
01:32So I feel like they've got those two contrasts that they really offer.
01:37It's a comfortable, serene space to be in, as well as a space to just really share a meal.
01:43The sharing bowls, everyone can dip from different plates and such like that.
01:48And just enjoy good food.
