• 2 months ago
Nicolás Payarola, abogado de Wanda Nara, respondió todas las preguntas sobre el conflicto legal que tiene de protagonistas a Wanda Nara y Mauro Icardi.



05:30We can understand them, but it's the dynamics of that family.
05:33My role is to represent that family legally and not give therapeutic advice.
05:36I don't know if I used to do that before.
05:38Now, it gives us the feeling, when we listen to the audios from one side or the other,
05:42we all feel here, at least I think all of us, that both parents are
05:47drilling the brain of the girls so that they say such or such thing in the audio.
05:51It's the feeling.
05:53If we go to what is approved, at no time...
05:56No, yours is legal, I understand that.
05:58But legally, based on that, what is approved is...
06:02The girls were systematically asked to change the name of a person
06:06in disobedience to a judicial order.
06:08Doctor, I have a story to tell you.
06:10Wanda also submits to the girls, in front of a desk in Santa Bárbara,
06:19to declare against the father, with Wanda sitting there looking with a desk.
06:24I mean, it's crazy.
06:25It's crazy that Wanda doesn't manipulate the girls,
06:27when she was in front of a desk in Santa Bárbara.
06:29May I, Pepito?
06:31There is a moment when the girl speaks to him and tells him about the juvenile judge.
06:37That's not a phrase.
06:38No, it's a lexicon.
06:39I... No, no, no.
06:40I mean, there is an intervention of an adult who speaks...
06:45Wait a second, so I can...
06:47Of everything they said, I'm going to take the job, if they give me the place,
06:50to answer everything.
06:51First, Pepe, there is no submission.
06:53You weren't there.
06:54I was there.
06:56No, but it's not...
06:57I'm sorry.
06:58I mean, anyone who speaks...
06:59I was there.
07:00I mean, the moment when the girls asked to speak,
07:02and they expressed what they had to express.
07:04But they told him...
07:05But they told him that he was the writer.
07:07Sorry, sorry.
07:08Obviously, the writer, if you read the act that he opens,
07:11there is a notarial communication where the writers are given,
07:14precisely understanding if they have previous interviews,
07:17if they manage to generate a dialogue link with the minors,
07:20to be able to make testimonies,
07:22and those testimonies, even, imagine how calm we are...
07:25But, doctor, if you were there, it's even worse.
07:27Pepe, I'll let you interrupt me, but I'll keep answering you.
07:29No, it's okay, but it's...
07:30But I'll keep answering you.
07:31Forgive me, but it's not normal.
07:32It seems to me that there is a habit that if you speak above the other,
07:35what remains is what you say.
07:36You can say whatever you want, I'm going to answer you,
07:38the first thing you asked me.
07:39No, I'm talking in a context that seems to me that Wanda is there,
07:41you are there, who is Wanda's lawyer,
07:43in a context with a writer who should be in front of...
07:45I continue with the first question you asked me.
07:47...a cameraman, not in Wanda's house in Santa Barbara.
07:50Is that normal for you?
08:14Yes, what Pepe says is that he does not have legal power
08:16You are right.
08:20Beyond the legal power, it is what it is.
08:22I want to ask you specific things.
08:25Is it true that Icardi told his daughters that China was the babysitter?
08:30We do not have that certified anywhere,
08:33except what the minors tell in front of the writer.
08:36Is it true that Wanda is bothered by the presence of China in that house
08:40when her daughters are there?
08:43Wanda was aware all the time about the couple that may have Mauro.
08:47But it bothers her that China is there.
08:49It bothers her that she is with her daughters.
08:51Because that's what the audios say.
08:53It started to bother her when the girls told
08:56how the bond was and what they knew and what they didn't know.
08:59It's not good or bad, it bothers her.
09:01It can bother her.
09:02Like Icardi, it bothers her that she is elegant in the other house.
09:05What does elegant mean?
09:07I haven't spoken to Eliana for a couple of days.
09:09I spoke only about a topic that happened yesterday.
09:12What happened yesterday?
09:14Videos of a person circulated.
09:20She is afraid of him, elegant.
09:23She is afraid of him, elegant said.
09:25The reality is that what he said was a little more serious
09:27because he made an accusation about a behavior by...
09:31Of violence?
09:32No, no, no violence.
09:33At least that's what we understand.
09:37That motivated a judicial presentation, not by this girl,
09:41but by the lawyers who had taken Eliana to trial.
09:45And in that sense we had to talk, nothing more.
09:48I go back a second to the subject of elegant and blah, blah, blah,
09:51which are like secondary participants in all this mess between Wanda and Mauro.
09:56Why does Wanda bother her?
09:58The presence of China with these episodes that you told.
10:02Yes, they themselves said that elegant was a lover of Wanda for three years
10:06and he was also in contact with the girls.
10:09What is the conflict?
10:11If the two had lovers or boyfriends or whatever.
10:14I really don't know, I don't know.
10:16But you talk to Wanda all day.
10:18No, no, but there was an idea that Eliana and Wanda had a relationship for three years
10:22and the reality is that...
10:23They said it.
10:24But they had intermittencies for three years, okay?
10:27It's not the same as a three-year relationship.
10:29Were the boys participants in that relationship or did they meet on that Wanda birthday?
10:32The only time I knew they were as a family was on Wanda's birthday
10:37and when she traveled with the three boys who went to stay with the father.
10:41And now your relationship with Elian, I say, right?
10:43Because we, from what we knew, I mean, how was that approach
10:47that he ends up playing for you, so to speak, in some way,
10:50so that you represent him.
10:51He was with Chipola before, I'm crazy.
10:53He was with Chipola.
10:54The first lawyer was Alejandro.
10:55How did you meet Elian?
10:56How did you get to Elian?
10:58By his producers, by his producers.
11:00Well, you cleaned Chipola and you cleaned Rosenfeld.
11:04They are very good lawyers, they are very alive, I don't know.
11:06After Alejandro, three more lawyers passed.
11:08There were three lawyers.
11:09I'm sorry, I'm not clear in all this discussion,
11:11what is the basis of why the girls are not with the father?
11:14Because we have proven that the father forced the girls to lie.
11:17But did the justice say that or do you determine it yourself?
11:20Because according to us...
11:21All parents are liars.
11:22It is what we denounce, it is what we denounce and accredit.
11:25But I tell you this, we had understood that the justice said that
11:27such a day had to reintegrate the boys.
11:29And before the birthday?
11:30Before or after, according to who counted, because they were 15 days.
11:33But shouldn't there be a judge who said, no, it's okay,
11:37that they stay with the mother for now?
11:39That is precisely what tomorrow's evidence is for.
11:41We present a complaint with the facts that the minors reported.
11:44But you are not disobeying a judicial order?
11:48No, I think it is, I imagine that we can understand it well.
11:54Given the facts that we know, we file a complaint.
11:57Until that complaint, which goes to the criminal court and the lawsuit
12:01in the civil court, asking for the interruption of the communication regime,
12:04is resolved, yes, we continue with the current state.
12:09In fact, when we notify the opposite party,
12:12to erode what they consider, they asked for five days of extension,
12:16with which they also understand, and in fact,
12:18they are taking five days to answer.
12:20They don't consider it a serious issue.
12:23I'm sorry, but I don't understand.
12:25You say that the foundation is that girls lie,
12:27and you established that in front of a desk in Wanda's house,
12:30with you in front.
12:31No, I didn't say that the foundation is that girls lie,
12:33that the father forces girls to lie.
12:35And Wanda doesn't?
12:37Wanda doesn't force girls to lie?
12:39No, we haven't taken that into account.
12:41Neither have you, doctor.
12:43Nor, at least, what I'm saying is,
12:46the law was not infringed,
12:48in fear of forcing minors to lie,
12:50on Wanda's side, if he hadn't been denounced.
12:52He doesn't have an excluded person,
12:54who has put her in his home.
12:56Does Mauro want the tenancy?
12:58They sued her, and that's how we did it too.
13:00And what did Wanda tell you when he found out about that?
13:03That he considered it a logical question,
13:06based on the belligerence that existed in the file.
13:09We understand, and I repeat it again,
13:11Mauro is excellently represented,
13:15And if his lawyers presented that,
13:17they consider that it's the way,
13:19and on this side, it's the respect,
13:21and the legal work, obviously the opposite,
13:23because we have to represent Wanda.
13:25Did you commit to deliver the girls on the 15th?
13:28Isn't that in writing?
13:30No, they asked to sign an agreement,
13:32they asked Dr. Rosenfeld, they asked me,
13:34and neither Dr. Rosenfeld, nor I,
13:36agreed to sign that agreement.
13:38At Desvila station, at the IPF in Bancalar,
13:40where we talked so much?
13:42Yes, they were delivered at 7.30 on January 6th,
13:44when they were with Wanda.
