Neena Gupta started her day on a lively note, sharing a candid video on Instagram Stories that showcased her playful side. In the clip, the actress is seen directing her team to keep the video short and sweet, before striking a pose and getting goofy for the camera. Looking stylish in a black leather jacket, blue jeans, and trendy accessories, Neena captioned the video "Morning Masti." This comes after her recent post celebrating Hindi Diwas, where she shared a video of herself reciting a poem.
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00:00Naina Gupta started her day on a lively note, sharing a candid video on Instagram stories
00:06that showcased her playful side.
00:08In the clip, the actress is seen directing her team to keep the video short and sweet,
00:13before striking a pose and getting goofy for the camera.
00:16Looking stylish in a black leather jacket, blue jeans and trendy accessories, Naina captioned
00:22the video, mourning Masti.
00:24This comes after her recent post celebrating Hindi Diwas, where she shared a video of herself
00:29reciting a poem.
00:30Meanwhile, Gupta recently made headlines after opening up about a harrowing experience from
00:35her past, revealing how her aunt had kicked her out of the house in the middle of the
00:40night, leaving her stranded with her baby, Masaba.
00:43On the professional front, Naina has an exciting year ahead with upcoming projects such as
00:49Metro, Indino, Pachatar Kachora and Hindi Vindi.
00:54She was last seen in the OTT series, 1000 Babies, which marked her debut in Malayalam.