• 2 months ago
This week Roni Glasthal is joined in the studio by We Found The Wreck.


00:00I'm Ronnie and this is the show that introduces you to original music artists from around
00:22the county.
00:23Each artist will be here with me in the studio talking about and performing their own music.
00:27Today I'm joined by some of the members from the alt-rock band We Have Found The Wreck
00:31from Canterbury.
00:32Thanks for being here guys.
00:33Thank you for having us.
00:35So let's start by talking a little bit about your band.
00:38Obviously not all members can be here with us today.
00:40So tell me a little bit about how you work as a group when you're performing.
00:44I think we're very communicative with each other on stage.
00:47We tend to rehearse a lot so that when we're on stage it's kind of second nature.
00:53But we like to jump around and have fun and you know you like kind of jam out on different
00:58Exactly yeah.
00:59So it's just the little looks and that kind of stuff.
01:01So how did you come together as a group?
01:05You put the call out.
01:07You found me in a supermarket.
01:08You were working in the waitress as a checkout clerk.
01:11I was doing my weekly shop and this strange man came up to me and said you, you make music,
01:17make music with me.
01:20And then I've been trapped ever since.
01:22I've known Lawrence for about 10 years.
01:24I bumped into him.
01:25He was playing a solo show in Canterbury at this pub and I was just doing some photography
01:32work for a band there.
01:34And I was blown away by how good a performer he was, like doing his own song.
01:39And then next thing I know he's literally just left the pub.
01:41He's out in the street.
01:42There's, what was it, people carrying you on their shoulders down the road as you're
01:47We did have a...
01:48I'm like this is a guy I want to know.
01:49This is someone who's fun.
01:51And then we sort of bumped into each other around sort of the scene here and there.
01:57And every time we're like we must play a show together, we must write some songs, we must
02:00do something together.
02:01But I think you were based in Colchester at the time?
02:03I was in Ithaca for a while, yeah.
02:05And you sort of came back here every now and then.
02:07And then I moved down to Dover and then one day I'm in the supermarket, as the man says,
02:12and I see this man walking towards me, beard, corded trousers.
02:16I'm like I know him.
02:17He's got a big bag of nappies under his arm.
02:19I do.
02:20And we just sort of bumped into each other and it turns out he'd moved into a house or
02:25I'd moved into a house.
02:26You were there first, right?
02:27No, you were there first.
02:28Yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:29That was like five minutes away from each other.
02:31So all this time we'd been trying to get some time together to sort out some music and now
02:36serendipitously we lived right around the corner from each other.
02:40And then that was like kind of that was the start of it.
02:43And then Sam, our drummer, worked with me at the restaurant I work in.
02:49And he was like, oh, I play drums.
02:50I'm like, right, come on then.
02:51We're getting into a rehearsal room.
02:53And we just started writing.
02:54There's been a couple of other members join us since then.
02:58We tend to play shows with other bands and then steal their members.
03:02That's just not true.
03:03And so we kind of like, you've got to be careful because we might actually try and steal you
03:07for the band as well.
03:09Well, yeah.
03:10Well, I'm not sure how good of a fit I would be, but let's jump into some of your music.
03:15Let's take it away with your first song.
03:19Simply because it's catastrophic doesn't mean all that much.
03:42Yeah, we could run the gauntlet together where we want, just to feel alive, live or die trying.
04:09Oh, all I need is, boy you don't hear this, there's a reason to keep breathing.
04:23Oh, all I believe in, can you hear us?
04:30When you're dying, to be fearless, nothing lasts, forget the past.
04:42Stone well, wash away it, while we keep singing.
04:55And the music's ringing in your ears.
05:03As the sun down hits each day, we will make it either way.
05:12We can make it, just to feel alive, live or die trying.
05:28Oh, all I need is, boy you don't hear this, there's a reason to keep breathing.
05:43Oh, all I believe in, can you hear us?
05:49When you're dying, to be fearless, to be fearless, to be fearless, fearless.
06:13Oh, all I need is, boy you don't hear this, there's a reason to keep breathing.
06:35Oh, all I believe in, can you hear us?
06:42When you're dying, to be fearless, to be fearless, to be fearless, fearless.
07:03To be fearless, to be fearless, fearless.
07:19And we talked a little bit off camera about what inspires some of your songs.
07:23You've told me mental health plays a big role in the writing.
07:26Talk me through that a little bit as a group effort.
07:30I think generally the way we started was I would come up with a rough idea of a song.
07:36Generally what was on my mind at the moment or something that maybe had affected me years ago
07:41that I'd never really dealt with properly.
07:44My way of dealing with these things is just to write them out.
07:48I always think that I'm not the only person that deals with heartbreak or loss or frustration
07:54or not enjoying what you do for a living.
07:58So it comes from that.
08:01And then I would take it to the band and maybe send it to Lawrence and see what he thinks of it.
08:05Whether he's got some legs as something we could do full band.
08:09And then we'd maybe rehearse it, go through it with the guys in the rehearsal rooms
08:15and see what they think of it and just build it from there.
08:18Some stuff sticks and some stuff doesn't.
08:21Some stuff lasts for a while until we find something else that we really enjoy.
08:25So we move on and we play that one instead.
08:28We're quite lucky in this band.
08:30I think we're all quite creative people and so we're able to present ideas
08:35and write different things and then collaborate and work together
08:39to really make something that we're all really excited about.
08:42The first song you said was Lawrence's but let's hear the second one.
08:46Take it away guys.
08:58I'm a rat in a cage
09:08I can't see an escape
09:15Don't know night from day
09:21Living in a haze
09:26The snake stays around me
09:31The vultures circling
09:35I've had enough of this
09:38I just want to be
10:07Another time, another place
10:14Step by step I find my way
10:19Looking up I see blue skies
10:26Arrow view that fills my eyes
10:33Mountains around me
10:37Dead but in a dream
10:40I need more of this
10:44Perfect moment or place
10:49Or place
10:53Or place
10:56Or place
11:19guitar solo
11:41Walking out into the land
11:46Breathing air, cool and clear
11:54Curl my toes into the sand
12:01Life as it's meant to be
12:09guitar solo
12:22Oceans before me
12:25I leap into the deep
12:29Water soaks my bones
12:32And carries me far away
12:37Far away
12:41Far away
12:44Far away
12:49The snake stays around me
12:52The vultures circling
12:55I've had enough of this
12:59I just want to be
13:20Hello and welcome back to Based in Kent, where I am still joined by members from the alt-rock band We've Found the Wreck from Canterbury.
13:26Thanks for still being here guys.
13:27Thank you for having us.
13:28I'm glad you didn't run away during that break.
13:30I tried to, the door was locked.
13:33So what we're going to do next is a little game.
13:35A little timer is going to come up on this monitor between us.
13:38It's going to start counting down as I ask you this first question.
13:41And then we're just going to do some rapid fire question and answers.
13:44You can both answer.
13:45You can alternate who answers.
13:46It's totally up to you.
13:48All right.
13:49So do you prefer live or recorded music?
13:54Yeah, 100%.
13:55Oh, unanimous there.
13:57Tea or coffee?
14:00Was that?
14:03Writing or performing your music?
14:06Performing for me.
14:07Performing, yeah.
14:09I mean, both of them are very different experiences.
14:11One of them is very, well, they're both very personal.
14:17Quick fire.
14:18No, no, no.
14:19It's fine.
14:20Go ahead and answer, please.
14:21Winter or summer?
14:24That was so fast.
14:25That was quick fire.
14:26Walking in with the headphones in the cold, listening to some nice-
14:30Shorts and t-shirts.
14:33Mate, no, summer.
14:34Every day of the week.
14:37Favorite song you have written so far?
14:40Oh, I mean, like, what's yours?
14:44That's your favorite song?
14:48I like the Lighthouse.
14:49We've got a new one we've just written.
14:50It's not recorded yet called The Lighthouse, which I love.
14:51But we did that one together.
14:52It's a very collaborative song.
14:56All right.
14:57For me, I don't really have one.
15:00Released means a lot to me, actually.
15:03I think it's the first song where I felt like, okay, now I can write songs now.
15:09When I've got an idea and I get it out.
15:11That was the first song where I felt, oh, actually, I had an idea.
15:14And I saw it all the way through to the end.
15:17I think that's really one of my favorites.
15:18I like that.
15:19And Clouds as well.
15:20I really like that.
15:22First song you learned to play?
15:24Mine was probably Highway to Hell.
15:31I don't really like to play other people's songs.
15:35The only reason I ever learned to play them is to figure out how they do something and
15:40steal it.
15:41But it was probably something like Green Day's Good Riddance or something like that where
15:45I actually sort of sat down and went, how do I actually do that?
15:49All right.
15:50And very quickly, Sweet or Savory?
15:52Well, that takes us right to the end of that.
15:56So let's get into that next song of yours, guys.
15:59Let's take it away.
16:29Most of my life I've felt it Most of my life I've felt it
16:58Doesn't take much to get it moving Just my luck and my own doing
17:15It's so loud, it's a wonder you can't hear it Do you hear it now, do you believe it?
17:34I said I don't write happy songs But my words cut deep
17:59It's so loud, it's a wonder you can't hear it Do you hear it now, do you believe it?
18:27Doesn't take much to get it moving Just my luck and my own doing
18:39It's so loud, it's a wonder you can't hear it Do you hear it now, do you believe it?
18:58There's a thought that floats my mind Some other time
19:14Right, well, before we hear your last song today, tell us a little bit about it.
19:18Clouds is not so much a personal song for me.
19:22It was written about, I don't know, it's a very personal one.
19:30Well, then let's let the lyrics speak for themselves.
19:52The doctor only gave her 15 months to live
20:10Never once did she take more than she could give
20:19She's gonna use that time the best way she knows how
20:26Taking things off the bucket list, she has the time for now
20:33And we'll watch the clouds go by
20:48And we'll watch the clouds go by
21:04Singing out her favorite songs at the top of her lungs
21:12Like they always did back when they were young
21:20Going out in thunderstorms and dancing in the rain
21:28Getting drunk on weeknights, ignoring the pain
21:34And we'll watch the clouds go by
21:44And we'll watch the clouds go by
22:14And we'll watch the clouds go by
22:34And we'll watch the clouds go by
22:42And we'll watch the clouds go by
22:57If there was one thing she knew she had to do
23:07Make every moment count and never get the blues
23:14Take time and make time for family and friends
23:22Never wish a day away until the very end
23:28And we'll watch the clouds go by
23:38And we'll watch the clouds go by
