• 2 months ago
Join Martha Stewart and her friends as they share some amazing juice recipes, perfect for a refreshing start to your day or a mid-afternoon boost. From vibrant fruit blends to nutrient-packed green juices and cleansing detox options, these recipes are as delicious as they are healthy.
00:00The New Year is a great opportunity to get a fresh start.
00:03Do you ever juice?
00:04I don't juice, but I want to juice.
00:07That's why I'm excited about today.
00:08Good, well, we're going to show you how to juice.
00:10And every day, I start the day
00:12with what I call green juice.
00:14I really do, I have it every single morning.
00:16Do you feel like it gives you more energy?
00:18Well, it just makes me feel good.
00:20I don't start the day,
00:20I don't have to have that black cup of coffee.
00:22Yes, yes.
00:23You know, I'd rather have,
00:24I do have to have like the small glass.
00:26This big is enough to start your day.
00:29And I have really,
00:30I think I've gotten a lot of people in my little world,
00:33I'm in Bedford,
00:34to start their day with a glass of green juice.
00:36Oh, wow, I'm going to have to try it.
00:38And I still eat during the day,
00:39I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits,
00:41so it's not like I'm not getting the fiber,
00:43but I like the vitamins and then the minerals
00:46that I'm getting.
00:47And I pick my stuff from the garden.
00:48Oh, wow.
00:49Luckily, especially during the summer months.
00:51So, this is a great juicer.
00:54I have found, I've tried every kind of juicer,
00:56but I do love-
00:57This looks like a really strong juicer.
00:58This is good, yeah.
00:59This is a Breville, and I just love it.
01:01And you feed through the feeder tube,
01:03and this little pitcher, this is a great thing.
01:05You have a little pitcher that fits right here.
01:07So, you turn this on, let me see,
01:09we'll turn it on high.
01:11Oh, it's not-
01:12I thought I was expecting it to be really noisy.
01:13No, we can start with a cucumber,
01:15or you can just feed this in.
01:17That's the pitcher.
01:17Can I just drop it in?
01:18Yeah, just drop it in.
01:21Oh, yeah, you can feed that in.
01:23Yeah, push.
01:24Use that strip.
01:26I don't want to break it.
01:27No, you won't break it.
01:31And one beautiful green pear.
01:34I like to add a piece of fruit
01:35just for a little bit of sweet.
01:38No, you throw the seeds in with the pear?
01:39Oh, everything, yeah,
01:40because this is taking all the seeds and stuff out.
01:42Oh, wow.
01:43So, just push that down.
01:46No peeling.
01:47The peel has a lot of good vitamins
01:49and some of the essential things in it.
01:53And then I put lemon with lemon peel,
01:56or a piece of orange with orange peel.
01:58Wow, I can't believe you throw all that in.
02:01Oh, so good, that ginger.
02:03Oops, sorry.
02:03And then, okay.
02:04I'm already making a mess.
02:05And here's some spinach.
02:09I'll just feed that in.
02:12I feel like I'm gonna get even stronger with this.
02:13Maybe this is your Popeye juice, yeah.
02:17Maybe I shouldn't have this every morning.
02:19Oh, no, you'll, once you taste it,
02:20you're gonna love it.
02:21Okay, that's it.
02:28So now, we'll wait till it stops.
02:32And so, this is what I like in the morning.
02:35And this is the exact recipe you use?
02:36Oh, yeah.
02:37Well, no, it's different every single time.
02:39Everybody says, well, what's the recipe?
02:40There's no recipe.
02:41It's what you have.
02:42You could put cabbage,
02:44you could put a little piece of garlic
02:46if you're feeling a little congested.
02:48But I don't like garlic
02:49because it stays with you all day.
02:51But I want you to taste.
02:54Just take a little sip.
02:55I'm not normally, I drink,
02:57I don't really drink green things, so.
03:03Wish me luck.
03:07It's not bad.
03:08It's tasty.
03:10I was not expecting that.
03:11It's good.
03:12It's good.
03:13It's not sweet, but it tastes,
03:15you can actually, oh, celery.
03:17I love celery in it.
03:18It doesn't taste like vegetables at all.
03:19No, good, right?
03:21Should we make a juice?
03:21Let's make a juice.
03:22Let's start here with our fennel and apple.
03:24Okay, so, and small pieces, right?
03:26Smaller pieces, but for more work
03:28that you're gonna do on your board,
03:29you're gonna get more juice,
03:31less waste with the machine.
03:33Oh, I see.
03:34So, so quiet.
03:34I mean, some juicers, when you have them on,
03:36you can't even, you know, have a conversation.
03:39No, it is quiet, wow.
03:40Very quiet.
03:41So, it's grinding, pressing, and juicing.
03:43It's pressing and extracting.
03:45Oh, okay.
03:46The way I kind of think of it
03:47is almost like a boa constrictor.
03:50All right, that's a lovely thing
03:51to think about in the morning.
03:53Boa constrictors.
03:54Boa constrictors in your juice there.
03:56So, we're just gonna press this,
03:57and you'll see the clarity of the juice.
04:00You're also gonna get tremendous yield.
04:03And here, you're seeing the pulp,
04:05and it's very dry because all of the liquid is here,
04:08where you want it to be.
04:09And don't peel, don't take the seeds out, right?
04:13Seeds, I think you could take out.
04:15You'd wanna leave the skin.
04:18Seeds don't hurt you.
04:19Seeds don't hurt, that's true.
04:20And we added a lemon too.
04:23And the lemon, we did peel
04:24because we didn't want it to be too bitter,
04:25but save those peels.
04:27You can candy them, you can put them in water.
04:30That looks like enough for people to taste.
04:31That's quite a bit to try, yeah.
04:34And while that's finishing dripping.
04:35We can start with our.
04:37And another thing about juice,
04:38I find that I have to drink it
04:40within like 10 minutes of making it.
04:41Oh, you should.
04:42Yeah. Absolutely.
04:43Because it just sits, and you don't, it separates.
04:46The enzymes start to break down in the vegetables,
04:48and you wanna just make it as fresh as possible.
04:49This one is cabbage.
04:51This one is cabbage. Carrot.
04:53Little bit of watercress.
04:54So watercress.
04:55I love watercress.
04:57This is a great detoxifier.
05:00So maybe if you've indulged in a little bit too much candy
05:02or something else, this is a good way
05:05to stimulate your liver.
05:06A little too much vodka last night.
05:08Or that.
05:10Maybe candy and vodka.
05:11So I'm gonna add some cabbage.
05:12Also great for digestion.
05:14Carrots, you know, super high in antioxidants.
05:19And then you've got beets that are already cut up over there.
05:21Just add those.
05:23Get this started.
05:28And this would be great in the morning.
05:29This would be great as an afternoon snack.
05:32So to tide you over.
05:33Oh, this looks good.
05:34I'm gonna pour some of this.
05:39That looks fantastic.
05:42Apple and fennel, yum.
05:44What's better than that?
05:46So here, you can try that.
05:49And I'll try this.
05:53I'm back with Dr. Alejandra Younger,
05:55who developed a four-day detox program
05:57for the January, February issue
06:00of Our Body and Soul magazine.
06:01And now we're gonna prepare
06:03two healthy and delicious drinks.
06:05The first one is a smoothie.
06:07And for a smoothie, you would use a blender,
06:09a real strong blender.
06:11And this is, I love this one, Breville.
06:13I think it's so great.
06:14So these are all the things that are gonna go in it?
06:16Yeah, we're gonna use, this is Swiss chard, right?
06:19Well, no, red kale.
06:20Red kale.
06:20Red kale.
06:21Red kale, the king of detox vegetables.
06:25Mango, a lot of fiber, some flavor,
06:27a lot of vitamin, vitamin C.
06:29Avocado is the best.
06:30I love avocado.
06:31The best fat in a vegetable is avocado.
06:35Good, I'm happy to see that.
06:36Some ice, which will make it nice and cold.
06:39Frothy as well.
06:40Oh, coconut water, I love.
06:41Now, is this right fresh out of a coconut?
06:43This is fresh out of a coconut.
06:44It contains a lot of the electrolytes, minerals.
06:49It's good for detoxification.
06:51I love it right out of the coconut.
06:52All this may seem like just recipes,
06:55but this is all based on the concept.
06:58Real science.
06:58Of real science.
06:59The Institute for Functional Medicine,
07:01in which we know all the chemical processes
07:04that are happening in the body.
07:05The body is miraculous, and it can heal itself.
07:07But the reasons why it doesn't
07:09is because there's either obstacles, toxins,
07:12or things that are lacking.
07:13When you remove the obstacles,
07:15which is what we did with the elimination diet,
07:16and you add whatever is lacking,
07:18everything corrects by itself.
07:20And this is what we do.
07:20This is our pharmacy here.
07:21And almond milk.
07:22Now, why almond milk?
07:23Almond milk has a lot of magnesium,
07:25and we are a nation depleted on magnesium.
07:27And magnesium calms you down
07:29and stabilizes your nervous system.
07:32Okay, and we stick this in and blend.
07:34Yes, taste it.
07:35A little blend up, see, this is,
07:41how often should you cleanse, Dr. Younger?
07:43Once a year for 21 days is a good plan.
07:47But some people need to do it more often
07:49because it's like how often should you shower
07:52when you should shower whenever you're dirty.
07:54Now, you know, this is great
07:56because this does not take the fiber out of it, right?
07:58Yes, exactly.
07:59So blending is different than juicing,
08:02and we're gonna juice in one second,
08:03but I just wanna pour this out and see what it tastes like.
08:07It smells delicious.
08:08That almond milk is good.
08:11Mm, yummy.
08:14So this has all the fiber, nothing's-
08:16This has all the phytonutrients, nutrients from plants.
08:18Now, I wanted to ask, on a cleanse,
08:20how much of this should you drink?
08:21You can drink too much, right?
08:23Yes, you can, but the thing is,
08:25if your concern is weight loss,
08:27the less you eat, the more the weight loss.
08:30But you do need to have a certain amount of nutrients
08:34so you can support life,
08:35and you can support the detoxification process.
08:38I'm gonna drink that, that's really good.
08:41I like it.
08:44This is a juicer, and if you don't have a juicer-
08:47Get one.
08:48Get one, because it really is, it's a fantastic machine.
08:51Yeah, it's the best investment for your health.
08:52And I got this one, because it's easy to clean,
08:54and it's a Breville one, too.
08:56And I just wanted to tell everybody,
08:58everybody in the audience is getting one of these.
08:59You too.
09:05I love this machine.
09:09And what's phenomenal about this machine
09:12is you can put everything whole in here.
09:14You don't have to core the apples, you put this,
09:16you just, I don't know if it'll fit.
09:18No, no, no, no.
09:20No, I cut it up a little bit.
09:22There's one of the models of Breville which does fit.
09:25Yes, it has a very powerful,
09:26they have very powerful machines.
09:27But these are so great.
09:29So this is fennel, apple,
09:32lemon. Fennel has great
09:33anti-inflammatory properties, like quercetin.
09:36Oh, it's so good for you.
09:37So good for you.
09:39An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
09:42And here, we'll just put this back in here
09:44so we don't make a mess.
09:53There you go.
09:54And I use that strength of yours.
09:59This makes, in five seconds or so,
10:02it makes a lot of juice, okay?
10:05A little bit more fennel, apple,
10:06and don't forget the whole lemon.
10:08A half of a lemon peeled.
10:10I don't even peel it.
10:12I don't peel it.
10:16Oh, so beautiful.
10:23I wanna taste that one too.
10:24So this is, yeah, hold that because this comes off.
10:29You're gonna love this so much.
10:35So tasty.
10:38Like liquid lemony licorice, it's so good.
10:42And this is really easy for the body to digest.
10:44These are nutrients that are going like fuel injection
10:47into your blood to support the detoxification process.
10:50What differences will people feel?
10:51What will I feel after I do my detox?
10:54Weight loss is one of.
10:55In four days, will I feel something?
10:57What about in 10 days?
10:5910 days is much better,
11:00but four days starts giving you the taste
11:02of the weight loss, the feeling of lightness.
11:05You start getting the glow in your skin.
11:07The white around your eyes start turning really white.
11:09It's a whole different thing happening
11:12where your mind is clear as well.
11:15Well, I'm starting now.
11:15I'm gonna drink so much of this juice.
11:19And you should too, because it really is a good thing.
