Mumbai: In an exclusive interview with IANS, Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela opened up about her latest film, Daku Maharaj. Sharing her experiences and insights, Urvashi delved into the making of the film, her character, and what drew her to this project. With her signature charm and candor, Urvashi gave IANS a sneak peek into the world of Daku Maharaj, offering fans a deeper understanding of the film and its talented star.
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00:00In Bollywood, my favorite actors are Shah Rukh Khan sir and Salman Khan sir.
00:14I would like to work with them.
00:16Their filmography is so amazing.
00:18They have won the hearts of millions of fans.
00:21Their aura is so good.
00:23I like them a lot.
00:27As far as South India is concerned, I would like to work with Prabhas, Alu Arjun and Thalapathy Vijay.
00:43There is a feature called Instagram story.
00:46Whatever we upload in 24 hours automatically disappears.
00:50It is not called delete.
00:52It is called disappear.
00:54The story automatically disappears in 24 hours.
00:58I know that I should have framed my sentences differently.
01:08The incident happened around 3 or 4 in the night.
01:12The next day, I had interviews at 8 in the morning.
01:16Whatever I heard, I still don't know what happened to them.
01:23All the media channels are saying this and that.
01:27I don't know whom to believe.
01:29I don't know what happened to them.
01:31Everybody is giving different news.
01:33It has become a very confusing state.
01:40Yesterday, a project was released with Jackie Bhagnani and Jjust Music.
01:46Please watch it.
01:50An international music single called Soniye will be released with Jason Derulo.
01:56We shot it in 2021.
01:58It will be released many years ago.
02:01It is a romantic anthem.
02:03Don't forget to watch it.
02:09My message will be this.
02:11Thank you so much.
02:13You gave so much love to Daku Maharaj.
02:15156 crores in India and 1.5 million dollars in the US.
02:21I am not saying the numbers.
02:23I think the numbers are directly proportional to the love and acceptance I have received from the audience.
02:29Thank you so much.
02:31Enjoy the film in Hindi.