• 2 months ago
Robyn Dixon On Traitors & Why Things Are Going to 'Implode’


00:00Walk me through what it is like to get murdered on the traitors.
00:03Like, do they wake you up out of, like, your deep slumber?
00:07And, like, do you have to, like, sneak around the mansion?
00:09What is that like?
00:11Well, so I don't know how much I can say,
00:14but, you know, we're all ready to go to breakfast.
00:17And, you know, we all kind of, as you can see,
00:21we all do confessionals throughout the day.
00:23And so at any point during the game,
00:26they can pull you and say, hey, you
00:28need to come do a confessional.
00:29And so if you get pulled to do a confessional
00:33before breakfast, that doesn't mean that you were murdered,
00:37But, you know, there's a chance that if you
00:40get pulled to do a confessional before breakfast
00:42that you were murdered.
00:42So I know that I, like, I've seen it happen both ways,
00:47where, you know, like, someone has to do a confessional
00:52and they show up at breakfast.
00:54And then you see someone does a confessional
00:56and they don't show up at breakfast.
00:57And so it's really, it's really pretty straightforward.
01:00It's like, we're ready to go to breakfast
01:02and you go do your confessional and you find
01:05out that you were murdered.
01:06So it's a genuine surprise when you, like,
01:08see that envelope there, like, god damn.
01:12What did you make watching the rest of the episode unfold,
01:16especially now that the traitors are
01:18turning against one another?
01:20It seems like it's going to be like pandemonium going forward.
01:23Oh my gosh.
01:24First of all, I was so mad that I wasn't there
01:26because I, like I said, I was, I was convinced
01:31that Rob was a traitor and I was so ready to get him
01:33out at the round table.
01:35And then secondly, I had also shifted my thinking away
01:39from the people in the caskets as being traitors
01:42because I just really stepped back and I was like,
01:45why would the traitors put themselves in a casket
01:48or a coffin or whatever to draw attention to themselves?
01:52Like, that's, that wouldn't happen.
01:55I don't foresee any traitor volunteering to do that.
01:58And so I would have been able to be the round table
02:01to kind of shift everyone's thinking away
02:05from the coffin people, Nikki and Sierra,
02:08and towards Boston Rob.
02:10So I was super frustrated that I was not there to do it
02:13cause I was going to make it happen.
02:16But then watching the traitors, I'm like,
02:19I'm watching them.
02:20I'm like, okay, you are a hot mess.
02:22I actually messaged Carolyn last night.
02:24I'm like, you all are hot mess.
02:26Why did you murder me?
02:26But you're a hot mess.
02:29And you can just see that it's going to implode.
02:31Like, but it's very compelling television.
02:34It's like, this is something we've never seen before
02:39on traitors, like seasons one and two,
02:42like where it happens this early or this to this degree.
02:46But Boston Rob really like, he blew things up.
02:48He took a wrong step, I think,
02:51in getting rid of Drag Queen.
02:53But I understood why I got rid of Drag Queen
02:56because Drag Queen was dominating everything.
03:00And I think Boston Rob beat him out of his way.
03:02Out of the three traitors,
03:04who do you think is going to kind of work,
03:07like strategically work their magic the best
03:09out of everybody?
03:10Cause it's kind of like, like you said,
03:13it's a little early for this mess to be going on.
03:19So when I found out who the traitors were,
03:22I was like, oh, Carolyn's going to make it all the way.
03:24You know, cause I just, she was so under the radar
03:28and so like, oh, I miss my dog.
03:31Like, that's the only thing that she would like talk about.
03:34And so I was like, oh, she's, I'm like,
03:35Carolyn has got this.
03:37But watching them, I mean,
03:39I still feel like Carolyn can probably,
03:43I don't know.
03:44See, you know what it is?
03:46Dylan believes that Danielle is a faithful.
03:50He trusts Danielle.
03:52So, and since Danielle planted that seed
03:54in Dylan's head about Carolyn,
03:57that might be Carolyn's downfall.
04:00I gotta see how it happens though, but.
