• 2 months ago
Tim Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) Rumah Sakit Polri mengidentifikasi 3 dari 14 korban yang dilaporkan hilang akibat kebakaran Glodok Plaza, Jumat (24/1).
00:00Team Disaster Victim Identification, DVI, Polri, identified 3 of 14 victims reported missing
00:11as a result of the fire at Glodok Plaza on Friday, January 24.
00:15Karol, a police doctor at the Polri Medical Center, Brigadier General Brigjen Pol Nyoman
00:22Edi Purnama explained the identification of the victims of the fire through the matching
00:26post-mortem and anti-mortem data received by the team.
00:56Karol, a police doctor at the Polri Medical Center, Brigadier General Brigjen Pol Nyoman
01:22Edi Purnama explained the identification of the victims of the fire through the matching
01:26post-mortem and anti-mortem data received by the team.
01:30The team continues to cut the body or body part with the number PMJ-Glodok-004, suitable
01:36for the 11th anti-mortem data identified as Oshima Yukari, a 29-year-old woman.
01:42Nyoman also said there are still several body parts being internalized by the DVI-RS Polri
01:49Karol, a police doctor at the Polri Medical Center, Brigadier General Brigjen Pol Nyoman
01:58Edi Purnama explained the identification of the victims of the fire through the matching
02:04post-mortem data received by the team.
02:06Karol, a police doctor at the Polri Medical Center, Brigadier General Brigjen Pol Nyoman
02:12Edi Purnama explained there are still several body parts being internalized by the DVI-RS
02:18Polri Medical Center.
