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#sitaronkibaat #predictions #HumayunMehboob

Sitaron Ki Baat Humayun Ke Saath is a program on ARY Digital which come every Saturday at 11:00 AM & Sunday at 10:00 AM that tells us about the horoscope and the prediction for the entire week.

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#horoscope #HumayunMehboobPredictions #ARYHoroscopeShow

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00:00Assalam-o-Alaikum ladies and gentlemen, I am Humayun Mehboob and I welcome you to ARY Digital on behalf of Humayun Qasad.
00:24Ladies and gentlemen, according to Vedic Astrology,
00:29whether it is eternal life or not,
00:35please give me the correct date of birth and time of birth so that I can make the best of my knowledge.
00:42Rest, Allah will bless me with a pure soul.
00:46Please let me talk to the caller.
00:54Please go ahead.
00:5523rd May.
00:57You said 23rd May.
01:04Date of birth?
01:055.15 pm, Lahore.
01:075.15 pm, Lahore.
01:09Who is this lady? Is she yours?
01:12Sir, this is mine. I have a question.
01:14Yes, please go ahead.
01:16Sir, I have been married for a year now.
01:18There have been a lot of fights.
01:19So, I have decided to go back.
01:21Sir, will my decision be correct?
01:23Look, let me tell you something.
01:25Between a Muslim husband and wife,
01:28if there is a state of helplessness, then it is a different matter.
01:31Otherwise, I usually give very little advice for divorce.
01:38You have made a decision.
01:40You have made a good decision.
01:41There are difficulties.
01:43But when you believe in Allah and make this decision,
01:46then surely Allah will help you.
01:49Now you do one thing.
01:51When you are taking a step,
01:53and you are taking a positive step,
01:56if Allah forbid, there was another problem,
01:59then I would tell you that it is useless.
02:01But you should definitely take a chance.
02:03First of all, you have to avoid red and black color from now on.
02:08Secondly, what you have to do is,
02:10On every Tuesday, you should give 260 grams of lentils.
02:16If it is difficult, then 270 grams.
02:20If it is difficult, then 90 grams of lentils.
02:23In the name of Allah, give it to any poor person.
02:28Secondly, what you have to do is,
02:30on Tuesdays, you should give small pieces of meat,
02:34whether it is chicken, goat, bull, buffalo, cow, or any other animal,
02:38apply it on your body and give it to stray dogs.
02:42Thirdly, what you have to do is,
02:44on the day of Hajj,
02:4680 grams of lentils and 80 grams of black meat,
02:50give it to birds.
02:52These are the astrological remedies.
02:54Now what do you have to read?
02:56You have to read, first and last,
02:58Durood-e-Ibrahimi nine times.
03:01In between, 108 times.
03:13After that, you will read,
03:17after reading this,
03:18and at the end,
03:20and after that, you have to read,
03:22nine times Surah-e-Fatiha,
03:24nine times Surah-e-Ikhlas,
03:26small Surahs,
03:28nine times Surah-e-Kausar,
03:31one time Ayat-ul-Kursi,
03:33and one time Surah-e-Rehman.
03:35I believe it is a 25-minute Wadif.
03:38You have to read this every night and pray to Allah,
03:42whether it is afternoon, morning, evening, or night,
03:45any time, except for a specific day.
03:47Read this and pray to Allah,
03:49that Allah establishes a relationship of love between the two of you,
03:54and that relationship should remain.
03:56Do the charity that I have told you about,
03:59and do not break the bones that I have told you about.
04:02Rest, may Allah make your work better,
04:07and do it very well.
04:09My prayers are with you,
04:11may things get better for you.
04:13And for 2026 and 2027,
04:16from January to March,
04:18at this time,
04:19leave the bones that I have told you about.
04:22Rest, Allah is Merciful.
04:24A person's intention is due to Allah.
04:29Thank you very much.
04:31Let's talk to the next caller.
04:34Peace be upon you.
04:35Peace be upon you too.
04:37I have a question about my son.
04:39What is the date of birth of your son?
04:4223rd December 2008.
04:49At 2.10 pm.
04:52At 2.10 pm.
04:54Where was your son born?
04:56In Lahore.
04:57He was born in Lahore.
04:58Give me a minute.
05:04An artist has been born in your house.
05:09His standards are very different.
05:14Give me a minute.
05:24What education did you put him in?
05:27Which field do you want to put him in?
05:31He doesn't pay attention to his studies.
05:34I will tell you that.
05:35That's why I am asking you,
05:36which field do you want to put him in?
05:39Whatever is better for him, you tell me.
05:41Close your eyes and put him in IT and Artificial Intelligence.
05:45I have said this many times on my YouTube channel.
05:48There are two professions of the future.
05:51He is a doctor and an engineer in his own place.
05:54One is Space Technology and the other is Artificial Intelligence.
05:59I have been saying this for many years.
06:01Focus on this.
06:02He is a young man.
06:04This is the profession of the future.
06:08This is the branch of Artificial Intelligence.
06:11Put him in that.
06:12Why is he not interested in studies?
06:14Do one thing.
06:15Do not make him wear black.
06:18What do you have to do for this?
06:20Where do you live in Lahore?
06:24Are you in the city?
06:26Yes, I live in Lahore.
06:28Do one thing.
06:29Bring a plant of Amla in your house.
06:37It is a fruit.
06:38Keep that plant.
06:39Secondly, cover the pillow of this child with green color.
06:46Do these two things.
06:48And I will tell you the remedies.
06:53Disconnect from here.
06:55I will come back and tell you.
06:57First I will tell you and then I will take the next call.
07:00Ladies and gentlemen, a break after the break.
07:03I will take your further calls.
07:08Once again, Humayun Mehboob on ARY Digital welcomes you.
07:14Ladies and gentlemen, the lady who was talking before the break.
07:19Second, do one thing.
07:21I do not know.
07:23If crows come to your house,
07:26then make 8 pieces of one roti of your child and put it on the crows.
07:36Every day.
07:38Do this and start this week from today.
07:41And to read it,
07:43you should read it.
07:45First and last, Durood-e-Ibrahimi.
07:47Read it 5 times.
07:49In between, read it 104 times.
07:52Ya Aleemo, Ya Khabiro, Ya Nafio, Ya Jamio, Ya Fattaho.
08:01Read it 5 times.
08:035 times Surah Fatiha, 5 times Surah Ikhlas,
08:0750 times Rabb-e-Zidni Ilama,
08:101 time Ayat-e-Kursi,
08:131 time Surah Shams.
08:16Read it and blow on this child.
08:18And pray to Allah to give him the desire to gain knowledge.
08:25My belief is that no power can do anything for anyone other than Allah.
08:32And you say,
08:34By the grace of Prophet Muhammad,
08:38by the grace of Allah,
08:40my children,
08:41even though you are a part of that grace,
08:44but I am saying this in reference to another grace.
08:49So you should pray to Allah and blow on this child.
08:52And by the grace of Allah,
08:53my belief and belief in Allah is that
08:56your child will definitely gain interest in education again.
09:00Thank you very much Khatam.
09:02Yes, please let me talk to the next caller.
09:08Peace be upon you.
09:09Yes, peace be upon you.
09:11I would like to ask about your son.
09:13Yes, please tell me his date of birth.
09:15August 28th.
09:16Which August?
09:17August 28th, 2001.
09:19Hatun, there is some distortion in your voice.
09:24August 28th, at 11 o'clock, and 2001.
09:28August 28th, 2001.
09:31And what time in the morning?
09:33At 11 o'clock.
09:34At 11 o'clock.
09:35Where was he born?
09:49Okay, okay.
09:52Tell me this.
09:53In his life in 2024,
09:58was there any improvement of Allah's grace and my belief in Allah?
10:03In finance?
10:04No, no.
10:05There was a lot of distortion.
10:06No, no.
10:07One minute.
10:08I will definitely tell you that.
10:09First tell me this.
10:10What achievement did he achieve in 2024?
10:14Did he get any money?
10:16Or did he get a job?
10:17No, no.
10:18If you listen to me,
10:20he said,
10:21Mom, I will pray,
10:22God willing, I will do this, I will do that.
10:25But he doesn't do anything.
10:26He promises me.
10:27Has he still not asked you to send him abroad?
10:32Many times.
10:33Many times.
10:34I have sent him so much money.
10:35He said, send me to any country.
10:37No, no.
10:39This is injustice.
10:40Poor poor man.
10:43Go legally if you want to go.
10:45Look, he can go by the will of Allah.
10:49But there is a problem in this.
10:51And Allah has given him a big opportunity.
10:55In 2024, he could have become a very good employee.
10:58He could have gotten a job.
10:59But as they say,
11:02fate keeps a glass of water.
11:04It is our right to pick it up and drink it.
11:07Allah will bless him.
11:09There is still time.
11:11If he makes a serious commitment,
11:14send him to the Gulf side in a legal way.
11:17And this year,
11:23may Allah bless you,
11:28this year,
11:29his chance is developing again from August.
11:32So send him.
11:33Actually, do you know the problem?
11:35I will tell you one thing.
11:37You will not feel bad.
11:38No, no.
11:39He is going to question himself.
11:41We are Muslims.
11:42Why are we Muslims?
11:43Because our parents are Muslims.
11:45Why were we born like this?
11:47He himself asks questions.
11:49He himself answers.
11:50He himself asks questions.
11:51He himself gets an answer.
11:52And such people are a bit
11:54in the matter of religion.
11:56There is a yoke.
11:57They are in a slump.
11:59So for such people,
12:00may Allah keep him stable.
12:04It is very easy for such people
12:06if a person focuses.
12:08So for that,
12:09I will tell you one thing.
12:11I will include some Quranic Surahs in it.
12:14Read that.
12:15And have faith in Allah.
12:18it will definitely improve.
12:21What is the problem?
12:23You have,
12:27on every Tuesday,
12:28put 90 grams of red lentils
12:30in the hands of the birds.
12:33On Tuesday,
12:34put nine small pieces of meat
12:36in the hands of the animals.
12:39Be it bulls,
12:43Put one piece of meat
12:44in the hands of the animals.
12:45Take these nine pieces of meat
12:46from the butcher.
12:47And put it in the hands of the animals
12:49and feed it to the stray dogs.
12:52This is to do two things on Tuesday.
12:55And second,
12:57on every Peer day,
13:00on every Peer day,
13:01put 70 grams of raw rice
13:03in the hands of the birds.
13:05In the name of Allah.
13:06This is the astrological remedy.
13:09Now you tell them
13:10to read this.
13:11They will not read it.
13:12I know that
13:13the horoscope is telling me
13:15that this is going to work
13:16according to its own calculations
13:17and intentions.
13:18But Allah is still kind on this.
13:21First and last,
13:23three times,
13:24in the middle,
13:25100 times,
13:27They will read it 100 times.
13:32100 times,
13:34100 times,
13:38And 7 times,
13:39Surah Quraish.
13:40Read it and pray.
13:41May Allah keep it on the right track
13:43and make it a better source for it.
13:47this will work.
13:48And Allah will be kind on this.
13:50Thank you very much, Khatun Khawati Nusrat.
13:52I will take a break.
13:53After the break,
13:54I will take more of your calls.
14:00Once again,
14:01Humayun Mehboob welcomes you.
14:05I request you on every show,
14:07on social media,
14:08on the internet,
14:09in my name,
14:11except my YouTube channel,
14:12Humayun Mehboob Astrology,
14:15whatever Facebook,
14:21all are fake,
14:23Do not approach them.
14:25this is my YouTube channel
14:26which I just told you about.
14:29I do live calls on ARY.
14:32Apart from that,
14:33I have an office at PC Hotel Karachi.
14:34And the number there,
14:35I am telling you with the code,
14:41The other number is 021-3568-501.
14:47In the afternoon,
14:49from 2.45 to 6.30 pm,
14:53you can take an appointment
14:55with my assistant
14:56for consultation.
14:58And if you are calling from abroad,
15:01then you can say,
15:02show Humayun on the video.
15:03I will also see you.
15:04You can also see me.
15:06So that both sides are satisfied.
15:08Even within Pakistan,
15:09if someone has a doubt,
15:12then you can express
15:15that I want to see.
15:17I will see you.
15:20this landline number,
15:21which I told you,
15:22apart from this,
15:23do not call on any number.
15:25Everything is fraud and fake.
15:26This is an important thing.
15:28That is why I tell you
15:29in every show.
15:31Talk to the caller.
15:37I wanted to ask about my job.
15:40You tell me your date of birth.
15:42And I am married.
15:46I wanted to ask about my children.
15:47And there are problems at home.
15:49I will try.
15:50Allah will surely do.
15:52Allah will surely do.
15:54You tell me the date of birth
15:55and the time of birth.
15:582nd October 1995.
16:04Time of birth?
16:059 am.
16:07Where were you born?
16:09Balochistan's city,
16:14How far is Mastum from Quetta?
16:16About 50 km.
16:29Leave it.
16:30The lady,
16:31the way you are talking
16:32you are a very angry lady.
16:33You get hyper very easily.
16:36Like what we say,
16:37getting anger.
16:38Am I saying correct or wrong?
16:41you are right.
16:43And do you know
16:44that you lose your fate
16:46just because of your way of talking.
16:51Just like the way you are talking to me, it is very good.
16:54This is how you should behave.
16:56And see, the yoga that is created in your attitude,
16:59this yoga gives hypersensitivity to a person.
17:04Secondly, a person will give advice to people for a billion dollars.
17:09Even if he is doing his work in thousands, it becomes zero.
17:15Just because of being hasty and not being able to control your anger.
17:21Now, as far as being willing and asking Allah for rizq is concerned,
17:25it is the right of every human being.
17:27I feel that if my Lord has commanded me,
17:31now you should start trying.
17:33Allah will surely provide you with rizq.
17:37And regarding marriage, Allah will do it.
17:42Have you ever married a stranger?
17:44Out of family?
17:46How close are you?
17:47Your cousins?
17:48First cousins.
17:49First cousins.
17:55Allah will do it.
17:56Do one more thing.
17:58It is also possible that you have left the country.
18:02It is also possible that you will get a job here by the command of Allah.
18:06Which I think you will get.
18:08These 2025-2026 are very good from every point of view.
18:12Now, as far as children are concerned,
18:15I am telling you one thing.
18:17Whenever you are in the realm of marriage,
18:21there should not be white or black cloth on your body.
18:26Whenever this will come, your baby will not be conceived.
18:30And you should do one thing.
18:34Today is Saturday.
18:57Even though you do not have a job,
19:00you do not have a problem with money.
19:02Even if you fall from the sky or land,
19:05you will get a job.
19:07Am I right?
19:10Now, keep one thing in mind.
19:13Do you get crows in your nest?
19:16No, we do not get crows here.
19:18Anyways, you do this.
19:19Put the birds.
19:20So, ladies and gentlemen,
19:22with this prayer,
19:24that Allah be upon you, me, my country, Pakistan,
19:28the Pakistani nation,
19:30and the Muslim nation,
19:32do your best.
19:34With mercy.
19:37The rest is up to Allah.
19:40Allow me until tomorrow morning at 10am.
19:44Tomorrow morning at 10am,
19:47we will meet again at this place,
19:49this program, this channel.
19:51Until then, thank you very much.
19:53Allah Hafiz.
19:54Fi Amanillah.
20:00Allah Hafiz.
20:01Fi Amanillah.
