Odotus (The Wait) is a 2021 Finnish drama film directed by Aku Louhimies. The film is set in an idyllic and isolated Finnish archipelago during the global pandemic. It revolves around Elli, played by Inka Kallén, who lives on the island with her preacher husband Miko, portrayed by Aku Hirviniemi. Elli’s life is disrupted when her childhood love, Miko’s old friend Olavi, arrives from France for a visit, played by Andrei Alén.
The film is an updated version of a 19th-century romance and explores themes of love, betrayal, and desire. It is described as a slow and straightforward drama that meditates on these themes through a love triangle scenario. The film premiered at the Black Nights Film Festival in Tallinn, Estonia, where it competed for awards.
The film is an updated version of a 19th-century romance and explores themes of love, betrayal, and desire. It is described as a slow and straightforward drama that meditates on these themes through a love triangle scenario. The film premiered at the Black Nights Film Festival in Tallinn, Estonia, where it competed for awards.
Short film