• há 2 meses
Laws of Creation Series – https://bit.ly/TDWT-LawsCreation

1. Law of Reciprocal Action
post https://bit.ly/39782ou
video https://bit.ly/2O0u2Cg
audio https://bit.ly/DP17528

2. Law of Attraction of Homogeneous Species
post https://bit.ly/2XtAcyo
video https://bit.ly/2XU0zCk
audio https://bit.ly/DP1761

3. Law of Gravitation
post https://bit.ly/2IyuAja
video https://bit.ly/32EKy1K
audio https://bit.ly/DP1763

4. Law of Movement
post https://bit.ly/3OfwOkY
video https://bit.ly/32GPpQi
audio https://bit.ly/DP1767

5. Law of Equilibrium
post https://bit.ly/2Svcvo3
video https://bit.ly/2SoeyKw
audio https://bit.ly/DP17912

6. Law of Love
post https://bit.ly/2YDPaSU
video https://bit.ly/2JGnisL
audio https://bit.ly/DP1765
