• 2 months ago
In this video Neil Tappin, Digital Editor of Golf Monthly explains:
How can you play better golf without changing your swing with guest Nick Dougherty.

In association with Taylor Made.
00:00How can you play better golf without changing your golf swing?
00:04That's what we're going to find out in this video and to help us we have a special guest.
00:08Now most of you watching this will know Nick Doherty from Fronting Up The Sky Sports golf
00:12coverage but also from his Tea Time Tips videos that he releases on Instagram that have been so
00:18popular with so many golfers. If you haven't already seen them please do head over and
00:21check them out. But by the end of this video we want to give you some inspiration so five
00:26simple action points that will help you improve your scores without you needing to head to the
00:32range and make major swing changes. Now the way in which this video is going to work is that Nick
00:37is going to play three holes here at Wentworth on the west coast with an amateur golfer. This
00:41is somebody who's played golf for the last 30 years. He's struggling with his game but he
00:46doesn't really have the time or frankly the inclination to head to the range and go through
00:51that sort of swing rebuilding process. So effectively we're challenging Nick to come up
00:56with the easiest and simplest ways to help our golfer improve. Now the last thing to say is that
01:01this video is coming to you in association with TaylorMade. They sponsor Nick and they've also
01:06kitted out our amateur golfer. Speaking of which I think it's time to meet the man in question,
01:11Mike Harris. Okay so Mike Harris our amateur golfer for the day, 10 handicapper, you've been
01:17playing golf for 30 years. Correct. Is that right? Yeah. And tell us what is it that's going
01:24ultimately going wrong with your golf game at the moment you think Nick might be able to help you
01:27with? I think it's a really interesting one. So like everyone I want to play better golf
01:32but I think as I've got older and I realize where golf fits into my life I actually just want to
01:37play well in the important rounds when it matters whether it's a medal or club championships or a
01:42trip away with friends. And I've also realized that I don't have the time to really invest to
01:48get a lot better technically so I suppose I want to limit the mistakes. I know my better rounds
01:54when I look at my r-cost data would tend to be the rounds where I'm not having doubles and trebles
01:59in there. It's not so much about making loads of birdies it's about I guess playing to my strengths
02:06and not making those silly mistakes. I'm hoping that Nick can offer me some advice on
02:12how to make the most of my game. How to I guess enjoy golf more and you enjoy golf more by playing
02:18I think fewer bad shots. So specifically where do you think is the biggest area? Let's call it an
02:24opportunity. Biggest opportunity probably to be less bad would be in my iron play. I'm very
02:31inconsistent on my iron play and my short game as well. Used to feel like I had a really good short
02:36game completely deserted me. It's coming back a little bit but I still don't get up and down
02:41anywhere near often enough. So let's set Nick the challenge. Can Nick help Mike
02:46play better golf without swinging the golf club any better? Let's go find out.
03:12So Nick you've played three holes with Mike and it's been an interesting experience watching the
03:17various different bits of advice that you've given Mike along the way and we're going to divide this
03:20part of the video up into five different sections and Nick I wanted to talk to you about in this
03:26first section about managing stress and nerves because I think part of Mike's issue is that he
03:31wants to be able to manage stress and nerves and he's got a lot of nerves and he's got a lot of
03:36in this first section about managing stress and nerves because I think part of Mike's issue is
03:41that he wants to play well but he's not fussed really about playing well all the time but he
03:45wants to play well when it matters. So what advice would you give people about managing
03:50their nerves around the course? I think it's an overall mentality and sure we all want to play
03:56well you know when we go away for that trip or when we play in that club championship or whatever
04:00it may be but unfortunately it's like a wet bar of soap the more we want it the more it tries to
04:03get away from us so I think a lot of it comes down to acceptance first of all you can only do
04:06what you can do you can only be the best that you can be uh with the game that you have and
04:11accepting that golf is a hard game first of all and you it's going to go wrong you're going to
04:14hit shots that don't work out you're going to do lots of things right that don't get the results
04:18that you expect they're going to do there are a few little things that you can do on the golf
04:21course that can assist so for instance you know one of the things with Mike there was with the
04:25putter and he said to me on the 10th hole here at Wentworth that the I have the birdie pots and I
04:30sort of think yeah I really want these ones because I know I need it because it'll get me
04:34going but the fact of the matter is you need to again accept that every single putt is worth
04:39exactly the same if it's for a two or a seven we still want it because it's still worth the whole
04:43shot so that first of all just a little bit of logic can put that to bed but then after that
04:47getting out your own way so for Mike it was all about trying to have something to think about
04:52that takes him away from thinking about the meaning of making or missing that putt so we
04:56use something really simple for him which one help is stroke so physiologically it's a nice
05:01thing to do as well and it was the simple act of saying back roll as he hit it so you say back in
05:06the backswing roll as you go through because if you're thinking about saying those words you're
05:10then also he's saying that out loud you can't yeah I would do but you know granted you know
05:16someone's going to give you a bit of grief in your four ball maybe if you start talking to
05:19yourself when you're playing but the but it absolutely stay inside don't take something
05:23to focus on it as you're doing it saying back and roll and it takes your mind away from thinking
05:28about the outcome and puts you into the process of doing what you're doing so you're not worried
05:31about if it goes in because you're just thinking about this the great thing about this is you can
05:35be a top top golfer or you can be somebody who's just starting out the game managing
05:40nerves managing your stress is a really important part of the game that should really help
05:44okay so the next one is about figuring out your yardages and picking the right club and nick
05:49as a as a pro as somebody who's done this so many times in the past there's an awful lot more to
05:54this as I discovered as we were working our way around the golf course today then the kind of
05:59I guess most amateurs would maybe give it credit for so what are the things that
06:02amateurs should be doing more often they don't currently do to find the right yardage find the
06:07right club well find the right yardage you'll be the first one right yeah and I think the
06:10right yardage find the right club well find the right yardage you'll be the first one right and
06:15because a lot of the time if you use some sort of a range finder or use a smart watch or whatever
06:20you use to get your distance you can get a yardage to a flag but that's not really it
06:24so if the flag for instance here on 18 you're hitting a wedge shot and it's 135 to go to the
06:28flag but 135 is not your yardage most of your yardages need to be your carry distances because
06:33you can't say oh with roll it goes this because every course you play if it's in the middle of
06:37winter it goes or in the middle of summer on a link score so it's going to bounce 15 yards
06:41further on your yardage would always change and hitting a five iron into a green is going to be
06:45different hitting a sand iron into a green so you know just having the exact number you need to
06:49calculate what that is so if we're hitting a five iron into the last green I'd need to take 10 yards
06:53off at least my landing point so yeah if the yardage was 205 to the flag actually my carry
07:01yardage is 195 because that's where I need to land it right and then you've got to take into
07:05account as well wind direction slope as well and one thing I noticed when Mike was on the 11th hole
07:10he had 113 I think he had and I said well go on what else are we working out here and he said
07:15well it's uphill I mean so yeah and what's that and you could tell he just like uh it's playing
07:21further you know which is kind of what I'd say but but we need more right we do need more because
07:27the difference between success and failure can be quite a fine margin in this game and I know from
07:32having used rangefinders but also all the years of playing the game within a yard or two what a
07:37slope is but a lot of the rangefinders now you can find that or you know you can find devices that
07:41will give you that sort of information so it was five uphill so it's not 112 or 113 I think it was
07:47113 it's 118 it was into the wind there as well and so when we play in the wind most people any
07:53sort of breeze will say it's 10 yards or it's a clever wind you're saying the wind's the same
07:58strength every time you've played there's been wind at the same strength no it's always different
08:01but a nice thing you can do you can always use your phone now to find out what the speed of the
08:04wind is going to be across the day and let's say for instance it is 10 miles per hour the wind
08:08if it's downwind this is a generalization but it's really close to the truth it's about a yard per
08:14miles per hour so if it's 10 mile an hour downwind it's going to play about 10 yards less okay into
08:19the wind though it's double so when if you're playing it into a 10 miles per hour wind it's
08:24two yards per mile per hour so it's 20 into yet most people I'd hazard a guess would say
08:29well if it's a club down it's a club into and it's not it's double the difference and again
08:34it's a generalization but it's remarkably close to to being factual in terms of the way that a
08:39wind will affect the balls so it's really important to calculate those things pick your landing point
08:43as well know where you want to land it take the slope into all that as well and and that gives
08:47you a number and only when you've done all that work before you even take the club back can you
08:51honestly say I know what the distance is and regardless of who you are if you're if you're
08:55John Rahm or or you and I we all have the same ability as John Rahm before we move the club
09:02so we can do this this is not really it's not rocket science no no but it does take a bit
09:07of learning and remembering to do the right processes so for Mike there we just said we'll
09:11make it easier have more control because actually as much as the total number we've got now is
09:15correct for how it's playing we need to hit a shot that we can make get there without having
09:19to swing out of our shoes especially into the wind so I mean there are some mistakes in there
09:23that I know that I make and I'm sure many of you do too picking the right club there is more to it
09:28than just saying ah that's a one club wind use some of Nick's tips there should really help
09:37okay so the next one Nick is kind of it feels a bit more technical but it's something that
09:43everyone needs to get right and can do probably better talk us through the first you can talk
09:48through the importance of posture if you've got poor posture and for most of us especially me
09:52I'm terrible for it because I do it when I'm sat in a chair as well I'm this way I just switch off
09:56I come in this way and when I'm tired I naturally go like this and then that goes to the golf course
10:00then when I'm on the course next minute I'm stood like I'm you know 85 years of age and everything's
10:05constricted when when we get into this position nothing wants to turn properly so we end up with
10:10lots of armsy swings so I really like this because if nothing else it means that you can turn up
10:15and feel the same every time it's like a reset button and it's a super simple one I like it
10:20because one it's easy to do but also super easy to visualize is the goalkeeper posture I really
10:26really like it so if you were you know Mo Salah's about to step up and take a penalty and you're on
10:30the goal line how would you stand to take that you know receive that penalty you'd have the weight
10:35naturally in the balls of the feet we're on a little bit of a slope here so it's more challenging
10:38but you'd have the weight naturally towards the balls of the feet so you'd be athletic there would
10:42be a little bit of bend in the knees there'd be a nice little angle the correct angle in the lower
10:46part of the spine there through the bum and then when the chest would be nicely up the chin would
10:50be slightly off the chest but you wouldn't think of any of that whereas you go for lessons sometimes
10:54and you might get a pro and you'll be like a bit of that bit of that bit of that get that knee
10:58twisted in it and next week you're like okay how's that and oh my god is this all I've got and of
11:02course you're rigid because you're trying you're trying aren't you but what about those people who
11:06feel like physically there's something restricting them if you think well you know I can't get into
11:11that position you are there we don't have to get there we can just do our best to get into a
11:14position that allows us to move as well as we can you have to play around what you have in the locker
11:19and a great coach will do that for you yeah but we can you know you still have to make the effort
11:24to be the best that you can be right and still have it if it's causing pain it's no good yeah
11:28so I mean finding the right posture vitally important as Nick says hopefully that's simple
11:33and effective give it a go okay so for this part we're going to talk about short game
11:42uh what did you think of Mike's short game firstly I thought you know what I really liked about it
11:47was there was the shot on the 12 where the pro shot so the right shot which is a dangerous way
11:54to label it was landing it on the green bit of check roll it down to the hole because otherwise
11:59you had to play deal with this upslope to judge then onto the flat then onto the downslope seemed
12:04harder but actually Mike was just I don't I'd look at it and think oh don't really fancy it
12:09there's the tip in itself like if you don't like it then it's probably not going to work because
12:14you're going to start to go down that hole yeah and almost to the degree where you before you've
12:18hit it thinking I know I'm going to be annoyed at myself because this isn't the right shot because
12:21I don't feel I don't like this I knew I'd do that you know if that's what comes out your mouth I
12:25knew I'd do that this that's on you because you had a choice if you knew you'd do it why'd you do
12:30it no one said you have to play this game a certain way that's your choice and there's a great
12:34satisfaction from doing it your own way all the guys on tour do it that way yeah you know they've
12:38all got a different strategy and and he played this lovely and beautiful shot as well you know
12:42with a low iron and just scamp it up the bank because he was comfortable and something that's
12:47a bad decision with commitment will always do better than something that's a good decision
12:50without commitment right I'd always try and land it a yard on the green you can do it two yards
12:54can be anything you want but I always try and think I'll land a yard on the green you know
12:59like I did on the 10th hole that was all the shot sort of gets me there yeah I didn't execute
13:03perfectly but I was all in with the commitment to it then where the flag is tells me what club
13:08to play now if it's right there and it's only sort of three or four on the green it's that 60
13:11degree definitely because I've got any room if it's another 10 feet on it might be a 56 or 52
13:17degree it's across the other side of the green it might even be a five iron or something like that
13:20if you've got a nice lie to do it okay but what I'm always doing is land it in the same place
13:24so then all I need to do is I've done enough practice and hit enough shots which most of us
13:28have so now roughly how far would a seven iron run if I landed it there roughly how far would
13:32my sand iron run or my 60 degree run if I landed it there which doesn't take a lot of work but what
13:37it does it takes away all that indecision of where do I land it what sort of shot how high
13:41should I hit it you just think well I've got to land it there and it's got to roll to there
13:45so that would be a 52 nice so often people reach for too much loft actually it's a higher tariff
13:52shot with that sort of sort of club yeah for me it's the simplicity and the commitment and if
13:57you can do both of those things no doubt about it you'll get it up and down more often
14:00so Nick the final area to talk to you about then is a bit of strategy and a bit of course
14:05management something that you covered quite a bit with Mike during that that three whole
14:08period what was the sort of general advice that you're giving like I think taking medicine is the
14:14is the best one you know in terms of scoring so often the big numbers come because we won't accept
14:19that we've made an error and we try to get it all back straight away when you do hit it in trouble
14:23looking at the lie damage limitation okay so you've got to be able to hit it in the right
14:27looking at the lie damage limitation okay horrible lie like Mike's ball there in the um in the
14:33heather awful lie tree in front of us well yeah yeah the shot's the low one under the tree but
14:40you can't physically come out of that you can't lift it out of that which needs loft yeah you
14:44need to keep it under that so just because you want it Mike fortunately bud it can't have it
14:49so the first job is get it out of that which means we can't do that so now we have to make our
14:54decision you've made that strategy shift before you've ever gone to you know pull the club out the
14:58bag okay that's the plan I have to take it on the chin that's what's happened chip it out and then
15:02you build from there whereas the eights and nines and you know whatever else it may be come from
15:07that we try to do more and it's only worth a shot the same as the one you hit off the tee so you
15:12know I think that's really important uh the other shot we looked at when we were in there uh with
15:16my other opportunity if the lie was clean I think it's a nice little tip just a bonus one but if
15:20you're punching out through trees when you're punching out through trees and there's a gap
15:24don't aim for the gap picture a flag in the distance it might be in the middle of the gap
15:28assuming that's where we're going right in the middle of the gap it's amazing often we miss it
15:31when we just try and steer it through the gap right because we start to steer it like this
15:35towards it rather than if it was a flag we wouldn't try and steer it down the line we'd make
15:39a swing towards the flag so be really precise when you're picking a spot that's through a gap in the
15:43trees that you're aiming for and then let it all hang out because if you aim small miss small sort
15:48of mentality and I think it will help people to find their way through that gap more often
15:52there you have it play smart shoot lower scores simple so that's us finished Mike you've played
15:58your three holes with Nick from what I could see just so much really helpful information in there
16:04what did you find to be most useful do you think the stuff that Nick was telling you
16:08so it's really interesting there was so much good stuff I actually had to make some notes
16:13on my phone and write it all down I guess the most technical thing that Nick said two things
16:19were check my alignment and I know I need to do that better I tend to stand a bit closed and then
16:24with my posture he gave me the really cool tip of and I used to be a goalkeeper when I was a kid
16:28have that goalkeeper posture ready to try and save a penalty so those are two things that are
16:34really easy to remember don't need to do anything changing my swing he talked as well about if I
16:39start to overthink concentrate on your breathing yeah he said if you are breathing and in as you're
16:45addressing the ball and out as you swing that's actually what you'll then think about you're not
16:49think about all the techniques he just said be in on every shot and I think what Nick was saying
16:54there is just really commit to it have a line have a target and then commit to the shot don't
16:59don't poke it don't be nervous last question then Mike so 10 handicapper yep of all the the advice
17:06that Nick has given given to you then what does success look like then for you I think success
17:12would be playing under my handicap or whatever that handicap was at that given point in a round
17:21that really mattered so there you have it that completes our look at how you might just be able
17:26to shoot lower scores without changing your golf swing some fantastic advice from Nick Doherty as
17:32I said at the beginning if you haven't checked out Tea Time Tips do go over to Nick's Instagram
17:37have a look you'll find loads of great information on how to do everything better in the golf game
17:41frankly but that's it for now from Wentworth thank you very much for watching we'll see you next time