• 2 months ago
Interior designer and 'Queer Eye' star Bobby Berk gives us a look at his bookshelves, filled with sci-fi classics and political/law reads. And learn more about his functional decorating style by picking up his book, 'Right at Home,' now.
00:00Hey everybody, I'm Bobby Burke, and I'm about to give you and Marie Claire a look into my own personal library.
00:09Most of the books I read these days are on audio,
00:14but I do have some that I love to have in my bag when I travel, because sometimes when I'm at a pool,
00:19or I'm on a train, or I'm in a plane, I do actually like to have a nice tangible book in my hand.
00:24So one of them, one of my recent reads, is Michelle's latest book.
00:28It's amazing. If you haven't read it yet, you absolutely have to.
00:32Let's see. Anything Jedidiah Jenkins is amazing,
00:37and I also know he's about to come out with a brand new book as well.
00:39So if you haven't read this one yet, read it, and then get his new one.
00:43Let's see. Let's see. What else? What else?
00:47This one by my friend, uh, wait a minute.
00:52Oh, this is not the one I thought it was.
00:54But it's a great one anyways.
00:56It's the Queer Bible.
00:58If you're queer, if you're not queer, um, you should read it, because it's a good book.
01:03Another classic
01:06is Rodham.
01:07Gotta read Rodham if you're a Hillary fan.
01:09If you're not a Hillary fan, you will be after you read it.
01:12And of course another book that you should absolutely have is my new book. It's called Right at Home.
01:18It's about the intersection of mental health and design. It's all about figuring out what makes you happy at home,
01:24not what the trends are.
01:25It's teaching you about the color theory, and lighting, and organization, and kitchen organization, and
01:34how to organize your kids' rooms.
01:36It's really not just about making things pretty, but making things functional, because your home should be functional, because that's what needs to work for you.
01:46So my favorite genre is absolutely sci-fi, and that's for books, for TV, for movies.
01:52Pretty much the only way to get into a movie theater is if it's sci-fi.
01:55My favorite author at the moment is Dennis E. Taylor, but growing up my favorite author, favorite authors,
02:03were Michael Crichton and John Grisham. I loved sci-fi, and I loved law, and I still do.
02:09My favorite childhood book was Jurassic Park.
02:12I would read it, I would get to the last page, I would flip it back to the first, and I would start over.
02:17I read that book probably a hundred times one summer. I usually buy my books,
02:22physical books at Barnes and Noble, or
02:25audiobooks at Audible.
02:27My favorite place to read a book is probably on a plane, because that is usually the only time I have to read a book.
02:33Hard copy or e-readers? Definitely e-readers.
02:36I have thought about writing a book myself. In fact, I already have, and it's called Write at Home.
02:43The process was amazing. I started thinking about the idea, which is about the intersection of mental health and design.
02:50Actually, I
02:52say like those in the last few years,
02:53but it's been something I've thought about for years and years and years.
02:56I just never thought of it as an idea that I should be talking about and as a book.
03:00So the process was a lot of fun. It took a few years to get done,
03:04but I'm very, very excited and happy with the final product. All right, everybody,
03:08thank you so much for checking out Shell Portrait. Be sure to subscribe to Marie Claire and check out my new book, Write at Home.
