• last month
Real History Of Turgut Alp And Axe #allahﷻ #muhammadﷺ #islamicvideo #turgutalp
Turgut Alp's weapon, famously known as his popular axe, holds a unique place in history. He was the first commander and one of the bravest warriors in Islamic history to make the axe his primary weapon, setting aside the traditional use of arrows and swords. This legendary Turkish warrior would invoke "Ya Allah" and wield his axe with such power that no enemy could withstand him.

The distinctive features of his axe include its length, which measures 2 centimeters, and its weight, which is 1 kilogram and 650 grams. Historically, Turgut Alp's axe is considered one of the most powerful weapons ever wielded, symbolizing his unparalleled strength and skill on the battlefield.


