• 2 months ago
Utes, decked out in colour and decorations, have paraded through the streets of Darwin for the annual Australia Day Ute Run. Reporter Oliver Chaseling has more from the Hidden Alley Raceway.


00:00About 100 youths and their owners have gathered here from about 6am this morning for the beloved
00:08annual Darwin Youth Run.
00:14From here the parade of youths decked out in their Australian flags will make their
00:17way through the suburbs of Darwin before finishing at the Noonamar Tavern just down the Stuart
00:23Proceeds from this event go to children's charity Variety with plenty of people taking
00:27the time this morning to say g'day to their neighbours and admire some of the more unusual
00:32vehicles that have gathered here this morning.
00:38There'll be plenty of noise and colour here on the starting line as this flag waving parade
00:43start their engines and begin what's a very popular Australia Day tradition for Darwin
00:48rev heads.
