Bandra, Mumbai: Bollywood celebrities came together to celebrate Sabyasachi's 25th anniversary. The event was a star-studded affair, with many celebrities dressed to impress. Sharvari Wagh caught everyone's attention with her stunning black saree. The saree had a beautiful gold print and was adorned with intricate gold fern embellishments and sequins. She paired the saree with a modern blazer-style blouse, which added a touch of sophistication to her overall look.
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00:00Bollywood celebrities gathered to mark a milestone, Sabyasachi's 25th anniversary.
00:06The event was a masterclass in glamour, with Sarvari Wagh being one of the standout stars.
00:13Her show-stopping appearance was courtesy of a breathtaking black saree, featuring a
00:18traditional gold print that exuded elegance.
00:21The sheer saree was a masterpiece, boasting intricate gold fern embellishments and gold
00:27sequins that added a touch of luxury.
00:31Sarvari paired the saree with a modern blazer-style blouse, perfectly blending traditional and
00:37contemporary elements.
00:39Her impeccable sense of style shone through in this stunning combination.
00:44Sarvari completed her look with elegant gold dangling earrings and full glam makeup, cementing
00:50her status as one of the best-dressed celebrities at the event.
00:54Her overall appearance was truly unforgettable, making her a standout at Sabyasachi's milestone