• 2 months ago
كيف يمكن الوقاية من دهون الكبد؟

اكتشف أسرارًا غامضة حول حالة صحية تؤثر على الملايين دون أن يدركوا. هل يمكن أن تكون جزءًا من حياتك دون علمك؟ تفاصيل قد تغير نظرتك للأمر تمامًا!

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00:00One of the most famous diseases that has appeared today is liver disease.
00:05After, thank God, we were able to get rid of the C-virus with a very large percentage,
00:12thanks to the new treatments and the national campaign that was carried out in Egypt to eradicate the C-virus,
00:17and thank God we succeeded in doing so,
00:19a new disease has appeared. It is not new, it has existed for a long time, but it has increased recently.
00:24It is called fatty liver disease.
00:26What is fatty liver disease?
00:28It is a disease in which the fat on the liver is absorbed into the cells of the liver,
00:35and this causes the liver to fail in its functions.
00:40Therefore, not everyone who has had a stroke or a stroke,
00:45and they wrote to him in the report that he has fat on his liver,
00:48we tell him that he is afraid, and that this is a high-fat liver.
00:52But if he starts to analyze the functions of his liver, his enzymes,
00:57or if the patient starts to say that he feels excessive fatigue,
01:01and he has fat on his liver, we tell him to be careful,
01:04this type of fat is called harmful fat,
01:07so you need to take a treatment for it.
01:11This treatment is to restore these high enzymes,
01:15this treatment is to restore your energy, life, vitality,
01:19and your daily efforts back to normal,
01:22so that you do not have fatigue, fatigue, or fatigue,
01:26and you can live a normal life,
01:28and we advise people who have fatty liver,
01:31to stick to a strong diet,
01:34whether by reading on the internet,
01:37today everything is available on the internet,
01:39that you can know what healthy food you can eat,
01:42or by abstinence, or by taking medication,
01:45to help you eat something that does not make your liver fat,
01:51or that makes your liver fat,
01:53and we try to get rid of it as much as possible.
