• 2 months ago
Hoy en la #LVBP Victor Boccone y Fabiola Sabedra🔥 ⚾

Repasamos todo lo que dejó el sexto juego de la Gran Final del béisbol venezolano

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#Beisbol #HoyEnLaLVBP #Venezuela #RoundRobin #GranFinal
00:30I don't know if I'm going to
01:00In this set for what will be a duel, well, Bravo de Margarita has practically no tomorrow, he has to win today to force El Bonito, while Cardenales de Lara is going to Rio, there in the New Esparta stadium, in the Guatemala sector, and will look for the seventh title of the franchise tonight.
01:21How are you, Mr. Víctor Bocone, thank you for the miss, I like miss more than miss, honestly, so let's keep that respect, right?
01:31Well, yes, as you say, a very exciting game and above all of a lot of tension because today the series could be leveled again or finally Cardenales de Lara would be titling herself as a champion of the Venezuelan professional baseball league in this 2024-2025 campaign.
01:52We saw some twilights that lit up the whole machine there in the house of the Bravos de Margarita and some Bravos de Margarita that have to recover, especially in the bullpen because it has been a factor that has not benefited them.
02:08And taking into account that in the old commitments, the bullpen was the one that had taken the face out of the team, well, did the bullpen run out of gas? Well, we'll see if today he recovers those spirits and gives that blow to see if the series extends to seven commitments.
02:28That's right, a team of Cardenales de Lara that was able to raise their heads after two defeats starting this last instance of the Venezuelan professional baseball league. Let's remember that in game 1, Bravos took the victory 4-2 and in game 2, 12 races by 4.
02:46However, Fabi, the arrival of Cardenales to the island of Margarita gave new light to Ildemaro Vargas, José Rondón, Harold Castro, among others. Precisely for me, this was a key moment for this series between Cardenales and Bravos.
03:06That quadrangular in the first episode of game number 3 of Rangel Ravelo and from there on, Cardenales de Lara changed, lit the spark. And if not, let this boy Eduardo Garcia say it, with that quadrangular in the quarterfinals that served to turn the scoreboard at that time to 3 races by 2 and later Lara would equal the actions to 2 there in the Pearl of the Caribbean.
03:33An Eduardo Garcia who has earned the trust of the twilight manager Henry Blanco. Let's remember that for the first two commitments he had not been present, he did not appear in that line-up, but notice that later after that baby, who feels Eduardo Garcia? He is a boy with a lot of potential, a lot of talent and only, well, he lacks that experience in the end, but he is already acquiring it.
03:58Yes, and we are also talking about an offensive of Cardenales de Lara that had been the best of the entire circuit during the entire regular round, during the entire round robin, and while it is true, there were many doubts in the first two encounters. Barely 6 races produced the offensive of Cardenales de Lara playing Janel Antonio Herrera Gutiérrez de Barquisimeto, but in games 3, 4 and 5, up to 29 notes could produce Henry Blanco's bats.
04:27Now, as he said at the time in front of the baseball play cameras and along with Kevin Alfonso Hildemaro Vargas, they needed that shipment, trying to do the little things and that's what a great final of any ball is about, having a spirit and let's say an incentive of more, and that's what Cardenales de Lara is going for today.
04:52Yes, and Hildemaro Vargas who also exclusively for Baseball Play said, prior to what would be the first commitment there on the island of Margarita, that Cardenales needed to play much more aggressively, that that was what they noticed in terms of absence or in terms of factors that had to be reinforced in this great final, after we know that the Bravos had achieved the first two victories in this final series.
05:19Look, the captain realized what was happening, what is happening and above all they had a pretty interesting meeting that lasted short, it was short the time that Henry Blanco was talking to his boys before the third commitment, but what he really said had a good impact on each of the players and there they went out to win, they played much more aggressively and that was noticed in the previous three commitments.
05:48And notice that you speak very well of that aggressiveness that Hildemaro Vargas mentioned so much, it was, let's say, a turning point for the Vulpen of Margarita's Bravos, that aggressiveness was seen in the batting box and that same aggressiveness was seen in the Lomita, especially in the Vulpen of Cardenales de Lara, who had suffered in the first two commitments against the offensive of the insulars, but then on foreign ground,
06:18they were able to straighten, let's say, that course and make that Vulpen again that Cardenales de Lara has shown so much throughout the year, just four clean races in three entries and two-thirds of the work, there its effectiveness of just 12.72 points, finally we could see Arnaldo Hernández again put the lock on the team of Cardenales de Lara.
06:44Hey, an acquisition that the Cardenales de Lara took, right? In front of what would be the round robin, they also took Harold Castro, José Rondón and above all Arnaldo Hernández, an Arnaldo who has not defrauded the crepuscular currency at all.
07:01How well things have gone for Arnaldo, a man who grows up in La Chiquita, he knows how to dominate in this type of encounter, let's remember that Arnaldo had just been uniformed with the sharks of the Guaira and was not only present in the championship of the squalos last year or rather the previous saffron, but was also present in the Caribbean series.
07:24Currently, Arnaldo has eight rescues and has not only become the only launcher that has so many rescues, in fact he set a record in the franchise of Cardenales de Lara, but he also became the fifth locker in the Venezuelan league with eight rescues, thus equaling Oscar Enríquez and Germán González.
07:47Well, a couple of historical names in the Venezuelan professional baseball league, but I think we must also give credit to the opening body, Fabi, because the first two commitments were very committed, Jimmy Endersby and Adrián Almeida, who will be the Cardenales opener today, but then the two great interrogators within the rotation of Henry Blanco, who were Max Castillo and Anderson Espinosa, were able to take out the box.
08:16Of course, we must ignore the opening of Jimmy Endersby last Friday, because it really was a feast of beatings of Cardenales and Bravos, precisely, which ended up being the victory for the Larenzas with that Dantesque quadrangular of José Rondón and, let's say, put definitive figures and put this team one step ahead of the championship, the number 7 in the history of this franchise.
08:44The truth is that today Adrián Almeida should return to be the one we saw throughout the regular round and take the twilight to a new title in the Venezuelan ball.
08:57Yes, but there is also very little left to know what the result will be, to see if this Sunday the Cardenales de Lara are titled as the new monarchs.
09:14And as always, thank you for watching and see you next time.