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In a surprising turn of events, CNN’s data guru Harry Enten revealed that former President Donald Trump’s net approval rating is higher now than it ever was during his first term. During a segment discussing the latest polling data, Enten highlighted that the American public’s alignment with Trump has reached unprecedented levels.

“This is something we’ve never seen before,” Enten noted. “Not only is Trump’s approval higher than it ever was during his time in office, but he’s also the only former president to achieve this kind of post-term surge in public opinion.” The revelation appeared to leave CNN’s panel visibly taken aback.

“This is a very different Donald Trump. He’s leading a very different administration in the way he’s attacking things, and the American public is very much more in line with him than they were at any point during his entire first term,” Enten added.

The CNN host disagrees with Enten that ‘this is a very different Donald Trump.’ Of course she does. So he clarifies, saying that what he means is that Trump is doing things in a much more organized fashion as opposed to 2017. And he’s right. I think most everyone will admit that this is a very different President Trump than before. And it’s awesome!

But Enten goes further and points out that Trump is the only President to ever have a higher net approval rating in the first month of his second term than in his entire first term. Of course host chick has a hard time believing that too. But Harry doesn’t lie and I totally believe this. Trump is very much in line with the American people and he’s kicking ass right now with what he’s doing and the urgency he’s doing it with.

Enten attributed Trump’s rising popularity to several factors, including his perceived strong leadership, his connection with grassroots supporters, and the ongoing influence of his policy positions on the Republican Party. “The data suggests that Trump’s base is not only sticking with him but growing. This is highly unusual in American politics,” he explained.

The news segment delved into the implications of Trump’s surging approval ratings, with commentators debating how it might impact the 2024 presidential race. Some argued that it reflects a broader dissatisfaction with the current administration, while others warned that it signals Trump’s enduring influence over the GOP and American politics as a whole.

The polling data also revealed that Trump’s favorability extends beyond his traditional voter base, with gains among independent voters and some demographic groups that had previously leaned away from him. “He’s clearly resonating with a broader audience than he did during his presidency,” Enten concluded.

The segment left viewers and panelists alike grappling with the question: How will this newfound popularity shape Trump’s political future? For now, one thing is certain—Trump’s approval ratings are defying expectations and reshaping the political landscape in ways that no one could have predi


