• 2 months ago
Tahniah Fairuz Selamat berjaya membawa pulang Produk Penjagaan Kulit daripada WonderLab dan WonderDewi yang bernilai RM1,052.
Makin flawless muka Acu lepas ni.


00:00Welcome back to Gagauz Vaganza Live Plus with me, Falik.
00:03And next to me, we have the 4th winner of Kuku.
00:08We've changed the name to Flawless Selamat.
00:12Flawless, right?
00:13Call me Flawless.
00:15Flawless Selamat, congratulations.
00:17You've successfully returned the skincare products
00:19from Wonder Lab and One Day We
00:21worth more than RM1,000.
00:25You look more flawless.
00:28You've added a filter.
00:32You look like an A4 paper.
00:34It's slippery, right?
00:35Firuz, let's move over here.
00:37First, the prize.
00:39Let me tell you a bit about this product.
00:42It's Wonder Lab Edgeless Pre-Aging Series
00:44and One Day We Cica Basic Skincare Series.
00:48It helps to hydrate your skin throughout the day
00:50with the right ingredients for Malaysian skin types.
00:53It's easy to get.
00:54You can get it at Watsons all over Malaysia.
00:58Now, let's go back to Flawless Selamat.
01:01Firuz Selamat, congratulations.
01:03Firuz Flawless Selamat.
01:05That's a long name.
01:06Firuz Flawless Selamat, FFS.
01:08That's okay.
01:09You've been eliminated twice.
01:12What are your hopes for tonight, Firuz?
01:14My hopes for tonight?
01:15Top 3, right?
01:18That's what we call the law of attraction.
01:19That's right.
01:20Based on your comments, how do you feel, Firuz?
01:24Are you satisfied?
01:25I'm satisfied.
01:26So far, from Friday's practice,
01:28I think this is the best version I've performed.
01:31Oh, okay.
01:32Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
01:33Because we're in the middle of our break, right?
01:35So, we want to do it as well as possible.
01:37There's dancing, choreography, rock and duet.
01:41Two different genres, two different songs.
01:43It takes time to get the right mood.
01:45I think I got it just now.
01:47Okay, God willing.
01:48Let's pray.
01:50Firuz, congratulations on top 3 this week.
01:53Now, let's go back to the 4th star.
01:56The fans of Daundi.
01:57That's right.
01:58Please say a few words to the fans.
01:59To my fanatics, alhamdulillah.
02:01Actually, when I was on the last stage last week,
02:04they were really excited.
02:05They were really excited.
02:08That's right.
02:09I think they made tens of thousands of posts.
02:11There was a timeline, there was a shift.
02:13So, I think this is actually,
02:15I'm the intermediary.
02:19Between this gift and them.
02:21I only performed for five minutes.
02:22They worked hard for a week.
02:24That's right.
02:25Actually, I have to thank them.
02:28If I can give this to 1,300 people,
02:30the fan club,
02:31I'll give it to them.
02:32That's a small amount.
02:33That's a lot of maintenance.
02:34Use a little bit.
02:38Okay, so for those of you who want Firuz to be safe...
02:40or other stars to become the 4th star next week,
02:44you have to continue voting for your favourite star...
02:46to be the 4th star through the X application.
02:49Okay, the easy way is to send a comment...
02:51with the hashtag, GV11, the name of the star...
02:54and the hashtag, KukuXGV11.
02:56The concert will be over on Sunday.
02:59For the 4th star, on the 9th week,
03:01this week, Firuz,
03:02next week, you will bring home...
03:04Kuku CR0675F Multi Cooker...
03:09and also Kindle Cookware worth RM1,095.
03:13You can cook.
03:14You don't have to buy it outside.
03:15You don't have to buy it outside.
03:16Okay, that's all. Congratulations once again.
03:17Thank you, Alhamdulillah.
03:19All the best for the next song.
03:21Ameen, Inshallah.
03:22Now, I want to sell for a while.
03:23Okay, go.
03:24You rest for a while.
03:26Okay, I want to show you all the Kuku CR0675F Multi Cooker...
03:31with heat-resistant function.
03:32Interestingly, this multi cooker,
03:34because the shape of the multi cooker is beautiful...
03:36and also modern,
03:37with a capacity of 1.08 litres...
03:40and has 8 menu modes.
03:42You can cook rice, porridge, baby food and so on.
03:44And it comes with an auto-cleaning function.
03:47It's really easy to get this multi cooker.
03:49Only RM337 at Kuku e-brand shop on TikTok.
03:53It's true, as long as the stock is still there.
03:56Okay, now, let's watch...
03:57Gag Concert Vakansa.
