• 2 months ago
Cardenales de Lara completó una gran remontada en la final para vencer a Bravos de Margarita y titularse en la temporada 2024-2025


00:00Here are the new champions of Venezuela, the champions, the cardinals of the ARA, honor for the best team of this season 2024-25.
00:16Best representatives, you can not be with a team that commanded practically all year this tournament.
00:27One of the things that each of these protagonists has mentioned has been the push-out, the dog-out.
00:36Many times it also happens under the table what we have called the environment, what we have called the feeling.
00:44What chemistry means in the push-out, because baseball, as it is always said, needs teamwork, teamwork to be able to achieve victory.
00:55There the celebration of Chato Yepes as his sports manager, of his players.
01:02We continue to say, impresses the human framework of this Antonio Herrera.
01:09Here we are going to steal a phrase from someone who is already...
