• 2 months ago
'The Truth Had To Be Told' - Ronan Keating on Boyzone Doc Report by Mccallumj. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00I thought to myself, why am I doing this?
00:01The truth had to be told, really, when I think about it.
00:03Yeah, I was ruthless.
00:05Lovely to meet you.
00:06Ronan, are you okay?
00:06I'm actually very giddy.
00:09I came out of the room with Shane and Keith
00:10and I like-
00:11Oh, sorry about that.
00:12I went, ah!
00:13And I started screaming to myself a wee bit,
00:14so I'm trying to keep it cool.
00:16Ronan, it's so good to see you.
00:17You too.
00:18I'm really, really struggling right now
00:19to contain the excitement.
00:21Seven-year-old me is screaming inside.
00:23Did you say seven-year-old me?
00:24Seven-year-old me is screaming inside.
00:25Were you that young?
00:26Yeah, I was that young.
00:27Oh, bless and save us.
00:27That's brilliant.
00:28That was my first ever concert.
00:29Oh, Christ.
00:30You know, Glasgow.
00:31Glasgow, my mum took me.
00:32They were the best shows, boys, on the energy.
00:34Belfast and Glasgow, I don't know what it was.
00:38That Northern air, it was just, they were epic.
00:40And still, today, the best audiences.
00:43I love it.
00:43And I have great memories.
00:45The SEC, we used to go up there and do multiple nights
00:47and we used to take a whole hotel,
00:50this small hotel, we used to take the whole hotel.
00:53And it was pretty magic.
00:55Yeah, I think I might have camped outside that hotel
00:57at one point in October.
00:59I remember we threw blankets.
01:00It was Christmas time, coming up to Christmas time.
01:03And we were doing a run of shows in the SEC
01:05and there was a lot of fans outside
01:06and we threw all the blankets and pillows out
01:08of the top window.
01:10Because we were worried about you.
01:11You're freezing out there.
01:12No, because we were.
01:13I feel like if you were in it, you understood.
01:15Like, literally, my mum has just been voiceless.
01:17She's like, did you tell Keith he was my favourite?
01:19I'm like, mum, would you shut up?
01:20Like, my gran's been on the phone.
01:22Like, everybody's texting me.
01:23They're like, you're interviewing boys.
01:25What's your gran gonna make of this documentary?
01:26Oh, she'll love it.
01:27She'll absolutely love it.
01:28So I feel like if you were a fan of Boyz 101
01:30and you were in it at the time,
01:31you'd realise how important this is.
01:34Well, it's about time we got to tell the story.
01:36And it's funny because a lot of the fans
01:38that were around in the 90s will understand.
01:42But we didn't have social media.
01:44So we didn't get to share backstage and who we were.
01:48You know, we'd sit outside the hotels with you guys
01:50and we'd be chatting for hours.
01:52And I think, you know, a lot of the fans got to know
01:54who we were and got to see the people we were.
01:57But the people on TV, they didn't.
01:58You know, on the TV shows, you didn't.
01:59And, you know, the stage performances,
02:02you obviously don't get to see who the real people are.
02:05So after 30 years, I think it's time that, you know,
02:07we really got to show people, you know, and tell the story.
02:10And it's heartbreaking.
02:11It's not easy.
02:12It's not an easy watch.
02:13It takes you on an emotional ride.
02:15You know, it picks you up and it drops you
02:17like a, you know, a bloody lead balloon.
02:19And every time I've watched it,
02:21six, seven times I've watched it, I've been a mess.
02:24You know, it's been a tough watch.
02:26Yeah, I did two.
02:28And I was like, for the third one,
02:29I was like, I'm not ready yet.
02:30Honestly, on the third one's a tough one.
02:32Yeah, I was like, I'm not ready.
02:33It's really hard.
02:34And, you know, I've sat back and thought to myself,
02:36why am I doing this?
02:37Why, you know, why am I putting my integrity on the line?
02:41My, you know, if I have any.
02:43Well, behave.
02:44You know, the truth had to be told.
02:46And you know what, it's been a tough watch for me
02:48because, you know, people say things about me in the band,
02:52you know, that I was ambitious and that I was,
02:54and at the time I thought, you know,
02:55we were just a bunch of kids and, you know,
02:57decisions were made for us and I just went and did it.
03:00But really, when I think about it, yeah, I was ruthless,
03:03but wouldn't anyone else be in the same position?
03:05And, you know, I've asked for forgiveness,
03:09you know, because there's times when I think,
03:10yeah, I did take it a step too far,
03:13but this was the time to talk about it.
03:14And we did, and we're still friends, you know,
03:17we're still brothers.
03:18But on that note, one thing that struck me though,
03:19was the producer that said,
03:21get rid of the blonde one, he can't sing.
03:24So that obviously would make you more ambitious
03:26Well, that's exactly what it did.
03:27And Louis was good enough to say it to me.
03:29He said, he said that.
03:29Now, at the time I thought,
03:31is Louis playing a game here just to try and,
03:34because Louis, with all of us, as you know,
03:36he wanted everyone in the band to know
03:38that you could be dropped at any minute.
03:41So to make us work harder.
03:41I mean, it was a good mental game,
03:43but, so I did think that at the time,
03:45but no, I'm pretty sure because afterwards
03:48I said it publicly about this guy
03:49and he tried to sue me.
03:51Well, because yeah, he tried to say that he never said it.
03:54And I said, well, sue me then, because you did say it.
03:57And he never came back.
03:58So I thought, oh, well then it must be true.
04:00He did say it.
04:01Yeah, that gave me,
04:02that kind of reassured me that,
04:04yeah, it was a true story.
04:06So yeah, Louis, you know,
04:07you know, yeah, it was, it made me fight harder.
04:11It made me want it even more.
04:14It made me better.
04:15I went away and I tried to be a better singer
04:17because I thought, obviously I'm not good enough.
04:18So I went away and I worked harder at it
04:20and I guess it helped.
04:22It's wild to me because obviously like,
04:24I love your voice.
04:25No, thanks very much.
04:25I still love it.
04:27It's amazing.
04:28And just finally then, I'm running out of time.
04:29I'm trying not to get emotional.
04:30I tried not to get emotional with the boys as well,
04:32but you have created so many memories for people.
04:34Like we were just chatting about how I'm chatting
04:37to my mum and my gran about this and everybody.
04:39Like how special does it feel for you
04:41knowing that you've created memories that will last forever?
04:44It's part of the reason we made the film, you know,
04:46because it's, this is not just our story.
04:48This is the fan story as well.
04:49So many millions of people, you know,
04:52and across the UK, thousands and thousands of people
04:54that we've met and that we've somewhat entertained
04:57over the years.
04:58This is their story and it's for them
05:00as much as it is for us.
05:02So yeah, thank you for all of the love you've given us.
05:05And I hope that this has, you know,
05:07holds an important place in your heart.
05:09Absolutely does.
05:10Seven-year-old me is screaming inside.
05:12You've made my dreams come true.
05:14You've made me feel so old.
05:18Oh my God, thank you, Rowan, honestly.
05:18Thank you so much.
