• 2 months ago
The Force was not strong with these particular Star Wars cameos in other movies.


00:00As the following entries will no doubt showcase, there's actually a rather fine line between
00:05giving fans a fulfilling dose of midichlorians out of nowhere, or eliciting a wave of unwanted
00:10cringes on the back of a fumbled use of the force.
00:14And unfortunately for this bunch of big screen offerings outside of the galaxy far far away,
00:19the latter most definitely applies.
00:21Gareth here from WhatCulture Star Wars and here are the 10 worst times Star Wars appeared
00:25in other movies.
00:2710. The Rock's Yoda Name Drop Mid-Tune – Journey to the Mysterious Island
00:33It is no secret that Dwayne The Rock Johnson is quite the fan of all things galaxy far
00:37far away, and you can't blame him.
00:39But the closest The Great One has actually come to lending his star power to the Titanic
00:43Skywalker saga and beyond, came in the form of his sickly sweet rendition of What a Wonderful
00:49World in the thick of the somewhat forgettable Journey to the Centre of the Earth sequel.
00:54With Johnson fanning himself in the no doubt surreal scenario of settling down for a bout
00:58of musical therapy opposite Michael Caine and Josh Hutcherson's Alexander and Sean
01:03respectively, his Hank proceeds to strum the ukulele, and the lyrics that follow are enough
01:08to incite another galactic civil war.
01:11Things get off to a cheesy enough start, with Rocky sticking to the OG verse, but Cheddar
01:16well and truly collides with the fan as the lyrics of I See Giant Bees, and I coulda told
01:22you, don't trust Alexander, he's older than Yoda, invade the sorry ears of those
01:27taking in the 2012 family action flick.
01:30In the case of Do or Do Not, Dwayne and all involved should have opted for the latter.
01:37Solid Gold Death Stars – Futurama – Bender's Big Score
01:40With the villainous scammers found terrorising the gang throughout the Futurama TV movie
01:44that was Bender's Big Score, tricking President Richard Nixon into selling them the globe,
01:49the slimy group opt to create a rather familiar defence system, with a hilarious twist of
01:56Kitting out their defences with an entire fleet of Death Stars, boasting enough superweapons
02:00to make Emperor Palpatine crack an unsettling smile no doubt, wasn't enough for the slippery
02:05antagonist though.
02:06Sure enough, each and every Death Star knock-off turns out to be made entirely of gold and
02:11various diamonds too.
02:12Oh, and they're also all remote controlled as a way to shoehorn in the tired villains
02:16treating the battle like one big game gag.
02:19Luckily, these particular shameless Star Wars cameos are destroyed in next to no time at
02:24all, with Leela and the rest of Earth's forces making light work of the space station
02:28fleet thanks to some Hermes head-in-a-jar intervention.
02:31But that still doesn't change the fact that this particular joke was clearly no moon,
02:35and it wasn't as funny as the folks behind the Big Score likely thought it was either.
02:41Pimp My Vader – Date Movie Never want to miss out on the opportunity
02:45to send up whatever flicks were in the public eye.
02:48In the lead-up to one of their consistent slices of, ahem, comedy, parody duo Jason
02:53Freeburg and Aaron Seltzer were at it again during their 2006 release by the name of Date
02:59You know, that one.
03:00This being a film that made its way into theatres almost a year on from George Lucas' final
03:04prequel entry, Revenge of the Sith, the call was made for Alison Hannigan's heavy prosthetic
03:09boasting Julia Jones to give in to the dark side during her Pimp My Girl makeover early
03:16It's as dreadful as it sounds, folks.
03:18Said Pimp My Ride parody soon paves the way for Jones being kitted out with a full-blown
03:22Darth Vader get-up before she slides straight off the operating table for… for laughs,
03:27I think.
03:28And Tony Cox soon gets in on the painful action, as the film then cuts to Hitch shaking his
03:33head in surreal Yoda facial prosthetics.
03:36Somehow this was the most jarring part of a sequence that also involved draining a character's
03:40stomach and using said substance for mayonnaise.
03:43That is saying something.
03:46What's Up, Darth?
03:47Looney Tunes Back in Action While many are understandably quick to defend
03:50just about any content that comes equipped with the beloved gang of Bugs, Bunny and Co.,
03:54there was a beat during the closing stages of Looney Tunes Back in Action that almost
03:59single-handedly justified putting the property's big-screen ambitions on ice for a few decades.
04:04As Bugs and Daffy Duck pursue Marvin the Martian into space to prevent him from placing the
04:09blue monkey on an Acme satellite, the leading Bunny dishes out a pretty weak attempt at
04:14another iconic one-liner.
04:15What's up, Darth?
04:17Bugs inquires of his space foe.
04:19Get it?
04:20Apologies, if so.
04:21If one cheap Star Wars gag wasn't enough, Warner Bros. chose to really double down on
04:25the Force-sensitive slapstick moments later, revealing Bugs' carrot to actually be a
04:30vegetable lightsaber of sorts.
04:32And this revelation leads to yet more fun at the expense of Lucas and his galaxy, with
04:37the legendary animated rabbit skimming through a The Force for Dummies book as he duels for
04:42the fate of the world.
04:43Saying that, there's likely a few folks at Disney who would benefit from a sit-down with
04:46said manual.
04:48A lightsaber knife that tells bread while you slice it – Hitchhiker's Guide to the
04:53Galaxy Sticking with dodgy lightsaber tributes, 2005's
04:57big-screen installment from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series introduced yet
05:01another soul-crushing take on the sacred Jedi Sith weapon.
05:05As Zooey Deschanel's Trillian gives Martin Freeman's Arthur a little tour of the heart
05:09of Gould's kitchen, a brief exploration of a machine that detects what you're craving
05:14and makes it for you is soon followed up by a revolutionary toasting device – that being
05:19the entirely inspired bread toasting knife.
05:22Outside of this pointless tool likely leaving one side of the toast a touch stale if you
05:26were to, you know, take a break in between spreading the butter, the fact it sports both
05:30the exact same physical characteristics as the iconic Star Wars laser sword, and very
05:35same sounds, felt like a lazy and not-exactly-side-splitting way to capitalise on the buzz and attention
05:41surrounding Lucas' prequel trilogy at the time.
05:44The brief but still jarring brandishing of the Sith-coloured blade as a throwaway visual
05:49gag didn't do much to keep this particular sci-fi entry from stuttering at the box office
05:53though, and just feels a little bit desperate and out of place upon a rewatch.
05:59A force is not strong with Gulliver's life stories – Gulliver's Travels
06:03Over the course of the already unforgivable 2010 ensemble adventure flick known as Gulliver's
06:08Travels, the titular giant amongst the Lilliput folk finds himself routinely dragging the
06:13galaxy far, far away down with the rest of this dud of a comedy outing.
06:18Getting the ball rolling with the first of many excruciating attempts at eliciting a
06:22Star Wars-induced chuckle, Jack Black's Lemuel Gulliver is spotted narrating some
06:27rather familiar action figures.
06:29Taking a press badge by force just about sums up these agonising first few moments, but
06:35this particular Rob Letterman entry was not done there, not by a long shot.
06:40Upon making himself at home in the diminutive kingdom, Gulliver soon settles down in his
06:44own personal media room, and it's here where the apparent tales of the towering entity's
06:48own life are told on stage for all to see, these bearing a striking and humourless resemblance
06:54to the Skywalker saga, of course.
06:57And the visual of James Corden as Darth Vader earns this entry's place on this list alone.
07:02Rounding out the tacky usage of Star Wars nods jumbled into this rotting mess of a feature,
07:07Gulliver also claims to be the captain of the Millennium Falcon, and have Yoda as his
07:11Vice President of Manhattan when lying to the Lilliput civilians.
07:15What a rascal.
07:18Darth Vader chokes next to Oscar the Grouch
07:20Night at the Museum – Battle of the Smithsonian
07:23Night at the Museum – Battle of the Smithsonian included an attempt to poke further fun at
07:27the galaxy's biggest bad.
07:30With Hank Azaria's brought-back-to-life big bad Khamun Ra inevitably turning his attention
07:34to ruling the world, two notable pop culture antagonists calling the Smithsonian home opt
07:40to offer up their services to the sequel's feature villain.
07:44Alongside Sesame Street's Oscar the Grouch, none other than Darth Vader himself decides
07:48to join the bad fight against Larry Daly the Night Security Guard, and this failed
07:53bid to convince Khamun Ra the duo are up to their task soon leads to a deeply unfunny
07:58sequence depicting the powerless exhibit Dark Lord trying to force choke a less-than-impressed
08:05Not content with merely laughing off Vader's ineffective hand gestures, Khamun Ra then
08:09proceeds to stab holes in the all-round aesthetic of the legendary presence, stating there's
08:14just too much going on.
08:16Throwaway beat a bizarre slapstick or not, seeing the iconic Star Wars figure be classed
08:20as an asthmatic robot who looks like he's dressed for the opera felt like little more
08:24than a cheap way to squeeze a few more famous face beats into the bloated mix.
08:30Return of the Jedi gets unnecessarily dunked on – X-Men Apocalypse
08:34While it's blatant that the primary purpose of crapping on Return of the Jedi during the
08:38events of 2016's X-Men Apocalypse was to take aim at the fact threequels in general
08:42are often the weakest of the bunch – looking at you, X-Men The Last Stand – the gag is
08:46still somewhat bittersweet in hindsight.
08:49Hot on the heels of the young mutants taking in Episode VI for the first time, the gang
08:53of Jean Grey and co discuss which of the original trilogy sits as the best in the series.
08:58And while some would agree that Return of the Jedi isn't quite as strong as A New
09:02Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, Selfie Turner's eventual Dark Phoenix's comments of at least
09:07we can all agree the third one is always the worst still feels like a bit of a pointed
09:11dig at the flick once helped into existence by 20th Century Fox.
09:15Again, it's evident the main point of this piece of Episode VI's shade was to poke
09:20fun at the original X-Men trilogy's lacklustre conclusion.
09:23But Jean's loaded comment didn't exactly age all that well in the aftermath of Apocalypse's
09:27poor reception too.
09:29All in all, keeping this one on the cutting room floor may not have been the worst idea
09:32for all involved.
09:35Shawn Michaels' Incredible Master Yoga – Avengers of Justice Fast Wars
09:40Instead of picking up a ukulele and strumming out a nod to Master Yoda, WWE legend The Heartbreak
09:45Kid decided to go one better, or worse, during his 2018 showing in parody party Avengers
09:52of Justice Fast Wars.
09:54That is a real title, I promise you.
09:56Sporting an unmistakable set of pointy ears and green face slash body paint, Shawn Michaels
10:01may trade the swamps of Dagobah for a makeshift yoga studio, but it's depressingly clear what
10:07the folks behind this pitiful farce were going for here.
10:10Yet this chaotic spin on the grumpy old master's legendary training of Luke Skywalker amidst
10:14the fog in The Empire Strikes Back is about as amusing as a smack to the shin from the
10:19former's trusty stick.
10:20And it's probably best to not even try to unpack what in the holy hell the WWE Hall
10:25of Famer was trying to achieve with his dodgy RP accent as the farce-sensitive Incredible
10:30Master Yoga.
10:31Still, at least the sight of him hitting sweet chin music on his unfortunate pupil was semi-entertaining,
10:36so that's something.
10:39Sherman Uses His Force – Nutty Professor II, The Klumps
10:43Sometimes a hero, be they Jedi or otherwise, must dig down deep in order to summon up the
10:48strength needed to save the day, or entire galaxy in some cases.
10:53Taking said sentiment perhaps a little too literally, though, Eddie Murphy's 2000 follow-up
10:58to the smash-hit remake that was The Nutty Professor decided to release its own somewhat
11:03Force, a year or so on from the prequel return of George Lucas' unstoppable franchise.
11:09As Professor Sherman Klump finds himself dozing off on the couch mid-late-night movie, the
11:14leading light soon winds up in a nightmare Armageddon-esque scenario involving him trying
11:19to plant nukes in the centre of an asteroid on a collision course with Planet Earth.
11:24With the limp sequel being determined to fold as many pop-culture sci-fi winks into the
11:28mix as humanly possible for the laughs, Sherman is soon met with a Force ghost appearance
11:33from his pops and the advice of using a force deep down inside you to fire him towards the
11:38detonation button needed to complete the mission.
11:41And what do you know, the force was very much strong, with Sherman's flatulence.
11:47Though the same most definitely could not be said for this lame, gas-infused attempt
11:51to take the piss out of all things Star Wars.
11:54And that's our list.
11:55Remember the terrible times Star Wars appeared in other movies?
11:58Let us know all about them in the comments section right down below and do not forget
12:01to like, share and click on that subscribe button while you're at it.
12:04Also, if this kind of thing is your bag then head on over to WhatCulture.com and find some
12:08more incredible articles just like the one this video you're watching right now is based
12:13I have been Master Gareth from WhatCulture Star Wars, may the force be with you as always,
12:17thank you very much for watching this video today and hopefully I'll see your face very,
12:21very soon.
12:22Bye bye!
