• 2 months ago
Selena Gomez has issued a tearful apology to her "people" ... after the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency arrested nearly 1,000 migrants in one day following Donald Trump's return to office.


00:00We're going to start in tears, not ours, but Selena Gomez is extremely upset about what
00:06she is seeing play out across the country.
00:09If you've seen any news at all, you know that there have been ice raids around the country,
00:14what almost a thousand people arrested this weekend, and which is about, we're told, about
00:20three times what it would normally be.
00:23And Selena is extremely upset about this, and in fact posted her reaction to it, and
00:31she doesn't say a lot in the clip, but it says a lot.
00:36Here is what she posted, and then we're going to get into why she took it down.
00:40I just want to say that I'm so sorry.
00:46All my people are getting attacked, the children.
00:54I don't understand.
00:57I'm so sorry.
00:59I wish I could do something, but I can't.
01:02I don't know what to do.
01:05I'll try everything I promise.
01:09Clearly very emotional there, so she posted that, and then that came down, and then she
01:15posted something else, basically saying apparently it's not okay to show empathy for people,
01:21and then she took that down.
01:23Which to me says that she posted that, and a lot of the comments she got were probably
01:28people saying, we support these raids, and if you voted for Donald Trump, you probably
01:35do support these raids, and the fact that the administration has said that they are
01:40targeting people who are violent criminals.
01:45Yeah, basically what they're saying is they're going after people that are rapists and murderers
01:49and people involved in violent crimes, that they're not just sort of rounding up grandma
01:55in the back of a church.
01:57And so the pushback to that would be, are you in favor of these people, these violent
02:02criminals being in the country?
02:03What are you talking about?
02:05Of course, a lot of Democrats say, you may be saying that now, and yes, we get behind
02:10that concept, but what's next?
02:13We're concerned about that.
02:14And another big thing, I was on Capitol Hill last week reporting on the inauguration, talking
02:18to Republicans and Democrats, and one thing a lot of Democrats talked about is this concept
02:22of, are we now just going to profile anybody who looks Mexican and assume that they're
02:29here illegally?
02:30And are we going to have, quote unquote, citizen vigilantism, where you just suspect somebody
02:34is guilty of a crime?
02:36I think that's the fear of what's going on, especially in the Chicago area.
02:40There have been some videos posted with family members very tearfully talking about people
02:45being taken away who were living in this country for 30 years, 30 plus years, had never had
02:53any issues with the law, and they're wondering why suddenly their father, their husband has
02:59been taken away, and I think maybe that's probably mostly those kinds of videos that
03:04Selena is reacting to.
03:06This is a very personal thing for her also.
03:08Yeah, this is something that really just hits home for her, because she's actually talked
03:12about in the past how her aunt came here in the 70s, and she was hidden in a car, and
03:18Selena's been very outspoken about being so grateful.
03:21Came here from Mexico, right?
03:22Came here from Mexico, yes.
03:23Selena is Mexican, and she has spoken in the past how grateful she is of all the sacrifices
03:29that her family has gone through for her to be a US-born citizen here.
03:35And you know, she's highlighted this in many ways.
03:37Back in 2019, she did a documentary where she followed several undocumented families
03:43and showed what their life is like in the US.
03:45So this is something that really means a lot to Selena, and as you can see, she's terrified
03:50for the children, mainly, who don't understand what's going on, and she feels so sorry for
03:56And that's one of the big questions also with this concept of going after birthright
04:02I was thinking about that.
04:03Selena had that, and that may be going away as well.
04:06So if, I mean, I think it's very unlikely that that actually goes away in terms of a
04:10legal challenge, but if it would, then you would have a situation where you have kids
04:15that were born here that potentially are legal, but their parents potentially could
04:20be taken out of here, or the whole family could be removed from here as well.
04:24So those are things that right now are scary hypotheticals, but we don't feel that far
04:31off from it based off of some of the policies.
04:33And there's another thing that she said there through her tears, which was,
04:38I don't know what to do.
04:39And I think this is a big question that a lot of people feel like if you disagree with
04:44the new policies that the administration is starting to roll out, what can you do?
04:52Is there anything you can do?
04:53Actually, and we're going to get into that a little bit later when we talk about another
04:58policy that has been rolled out.
05:00This is the ban of DEI.
05:02Reverend Al Sharpton is going to be here to talk about some stuff that he's doing to
05:06combat that.
05:07But yeah, there are a lot of people who feel very strongly on both sides of what's going
05:13on in America today.
05:14And there are more executive orders expected later today.
05:19Hi, Jamie in Chicago.
05:21My heart absolutely breaks for everyone affected by these ICE raids.
05:26It does not surprise me at all to see Selena react this way.
05:31But we are a nation of immigrants, and historically we vilify some immigrant groups
05:37while we idealize others.
05:40But right now, our nation's being tested, and the world is watching as we either define
05:46or redefine the American dream.
05:48And to answer that call, we can meet it with compassion and creativity, or we can meet
05:54it with cruelty and division.
05:56Very well said.
05:58As they say in Hamilton, immigrants get the job done.
06:01In Hamilton.
06:02Did you see SNL this week?
06:05With the Hamilton.
06:06Very clever.
