• last month
This is a diss track on my friend named Oliver.

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Bro who the heck names their kid Oliver
It is like working as a cartographer
How are you that bland and boring
I would say you are like sand
But you break through the flooring
Watch where you enter you create tremors
Honestly you kind of just lost at life
think about all of your negatives and strife
The best part is you aren't even decorative
You are the default nerd
Bro haven't you heard
Everyone thinks you are argumentive
They label you as the odd teacher's pet
The one and only classes threat
You the guy that goes "URM ACUTALLY"
"SCIENTIFICALLY WELL" bro no one likes you
We can tell You wear glasses
Get made fun of by the masses
freak out when you have Bs in your classes
Go back to being a sorry loser
A Linux Operating system User
Everyone makes fun of you behind your back
You like to talk all that smack
Yet you don't have Jack
Talk to me when you aren't pathetic
When you aren't talking about theoretics
Also how the heck are you that racist
Are you that sad to not even embrace it
You are exactly like Avi in this way
Except you would never see him in a buffet
You are coiled up in your hate
Foiled by the actions of your classmates
So you despair to other means necessary
Embrace hate to the other race and gender
You are in a predatory blender
Defender of your egoistical self
Knowing if you ever fail at what you want
You be left on that shelf ever forgotten
Haunted by you ambitious goals
Yet knowing you never have control
So sit down and doom scroll
Hide in your pathetic sorrows
Wait till the new day tomorrow
Garnish your inner hate
so then you can lash out and berate
Here are my tips for you
Swallow you bottomless pride
Get fit stop being so wide
Get rid of your monotonous speech
No one wants to hear about math
I am trying to set you on the right path
You are my Disciple after all
I don't want to see you in this depressive aggressive cycle
So stop bawling listen to my calling
Get you out of your abyss don't dismiss
Listen to your holy GOD
and you will stop being so ODD
