• 2 months ago
A senior police officer in New South Wales accused of filming and sharing a colleague's genitals without their consent has been let off with a warning and remains in the force. A whistleblower has contacted ABC news following an investigation into allegations of a toxic culture in the force.


00:00A complaint was lodged with the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission against a sergeant by a
00:06former colleague turned whistleblower, alleging serious bullying and misconduct.
00:12The complaint, which has been seen by ABC News, alleges that in 2023 the sergeant filmed
00:18another officer's genitals without his consent while he was urinating.
00:22The sergeant then allegedly uploaded the explicit video to a WhatsApp chat group, which included
00:28at least five other officers.
00:30The Law Enforcement Conduct Commission passed the complaint on to NSW Police, which determined
00:35that it did not warrant a criminal investigation.
00:38In a statement, NSW Police said it was instead subject to an internal investigation, which
00:44found the sergeant engaged in unprofessional behaviour.
00:47The sergeant was given a deputy commissioner's warning notice and a disciplinary transfer
00:52to another command.
00:54The former officer who lodged the complaint has told the ABC he's outraged it was not
00:59investigated as a potential criminal offence, while the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission
01:04said it would not take any further action on the matter.
