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00:00:00Hey everybody, welcome to the Project 24 webinar. Today is March 1st, the day we are launching
00:00:10this webinar and we're really excited to share with you something that we have prepared for
00:00:16a long time. Right now in this very room, whether you're on WebinarJam or on YouTube Live, we
00:00:23have hundreds of people exactly like you and we want to help to take you on a journey that
00:00:31you start today and work towards in 24 months replacing your current income with passive
00:00:37income from websites. We have some killer takeaways for tonight and I do want to make a mention
00:00:44if you're on WebinarJam, we have done everything on our end possible to give you the highest
00:00:50quality. WebinarJam kind of stinks, the quality, so if you do have issues, hop on over to our
00:00:56YouTube channel and we also have this going on YouTube Live. But the audio should be sounding
00:01:02great on WebinarJam and that's really all you're going to need. Alright guys, here's what we're
00:01:08going for today, alright? Over the next hour or so, you're going to walk away with one, learning
00:01:13how exactly we're going to get you from today to 24 months from now being at a point where you've
00:01:19replaced your full-time income online. So that whole process is going to be given to you, plus
00:01:26you're going to get the Project 24 game plan. That might sound redundant because I was just talking
00:01:30about we're going to tell you how to get there, but this is a specific document, a specific tool
00:01:34that we have, that we've developed to help you understand the milestones between here and 24
00:01:40months. Without this game plan, a lot of people get frustrated, they give up way too early, okay? So
00:01:47we're going to show you exactly what to expect. And you're going to be able to download this file.
00:01:52This is an Excel sheet that shows you like, okay, I'm seven months in on my website, I expect this
00:01:57much traffic and this much earnings. It's not a rosy projection or a pessimistic projection,
00:02:03it's just what we kind of expect from a normal niche site following our recipe. Yeah, we'll show
00:02:07you what that looks like here in the webinar and then that's one of the things you're actually
00:02:11going to get as a download for participating, all right? The next one, this is within the webinar,
00:02:17our content mix recipe. This is exactly the type of posts that we create, the order we create them,
00:02:25what they are and why we do it that way. So big part of the webinar tonight, stick around for that.
00:02:31Yeah, this is one of those year tips. We call these our year tips because these are the kind
00:02:38of things that can like really save you a full year of work on your website because they keep
00:02:45you from making huge mistakes and they help you get to success way quicker. Super excited to share
00:02:52some of those. And on top of that, we have two more year tips that we're actually going to give
00:02:55you. Each one of these things alone could save you a year on your journey to earning a great income.
00:03:00So yeah, this is fantastic, just stick around. Plus you're going to get our updated list of over
00:03:07300 niche site ideas list that we've added quite a lot of content to in the last few weeks. All
00:03:13right, please give us your attention. There are so many things competing for our attention today.
00:03:18You got a thousand browser tabs, you got Instagram and Facebook and other stuff.
00:03:22Shut it down for just 90 minutes. Give us your attention and I promise we can completely change
00:03:29what your project 24 is going to look like. So let's get started. First, I want to tell you
00:03:36about a website. It is called pontoonguide.com. Now, if you go to pontoonguide right now,
00:03:44you're going to see it redirect to a different website if you go to pontoonguide right now.
00:03:54But this is a website that I started when I bought this boat. And man, I was so proud the day that I
00:04:01bought that boat. I'd earned the money through my websites and stuff and finally I was able to buy
00:04:10this beautiful boat. But you know what? Even though I paid cash for it like I do for everything,
00:04:15I just got that pit in my stomach. Have you ever felt that? Like when you buy something, it's like,
00:04:21and so I decided, you know what? I'm going to start a website about boating and I want it to earn
00:04:28more than I spent on this boat. So it's as if the boat was free. So I looked into my Google search
00:04:33history and I saw all the questions that I had Googled over the last few months and I just wrote
00:04:40the answers that I had learned. And then I wrote 33, 34 articles on it and I got busy. I was doing
00:04:48other websites, other things, but I had planted a seed. About eight months later, I came back to it
00:04:54and I was like, oh man, I got to go check on that. Holy cow, it was getting traffic and earnings.
00:05:00And about a year and a half later, as far as I remember, it got up to $4,000 a month from those
00:05:0633 articles that I wrote. I just woke up early and before starting my regular work day for two
00:05:12weeks, I'd write an article. And it got up to over $4,000 a month and then I sold that site for
00:05:18$74,000. It was really cool and this is a perfect example of what a niche website can be. So think,
00:05:27and I want you to add this in the chat right now, what have you Googled to death before?
00:05:33What have you been obsessed with at some point and you learned everything about it? A hobby,
00:05:38a purchase that you were researching, you know, you were having a baby and you're searching
00:05:43everything about baby safety or whatever. What's something that in the past you have just
00:05:48researched to death? And right now, as soon as you guys start typing that in the chat,
00:05:54you're going to see dozens of niche site ideas popping up. They are everywhere and niches that
00:06:00you think are full and too competitive just aren't. Voting was not competitive even though
00:06:06I thought it would be. Yep, absolutely. You would think it would have been. All right,
00:06:10the next one I want to talk about just for a second here. This is our Google Analytics. Nobody
00:06:15shows that. Nobody shows this. Here it is. This is camperreport.com. Camperreport is a website
00:06:20that's only been around for about a year and a half. The analytics you're seeing here is just
00:06:26the last month, okay? In the last month, again with a year and a half of history,
00:06:31most of the articles on that, there's only about 25 articles that are about that old.
00:06:35We've got some newer content on there that we've paid for. We hired a writer and we'll talk
00:06:40about that in a second. A year and a half in, 100,000 page views in a month, okay? That's what
00:06:48we're talking about here. This is a website where we got a few good key learnings. One was we really
00:06:54learned the value of using YouTube to promote even small niche websites, okay? The second thing is
00:06:59we've been learning along the way, if you hire a good writer and train them properly, they can
00:07:05write content that's just as good as what you would write or what we would write. That's something
00:07:11that, again, we're going to teach you how to do in Project 24. That's something that we learned
00:07:15through the school, Hard Knocks. Yeah. So many of things you can figure out. We figured it out,
00:07:20but we spent years figuring it out, making tons of mistakes. We just want to be able to speed up
00:07:28your process. Man, we got a ton of other websites to show you. We got Dirt Bike Planet. We got
00:07:34knifeup.com. This website has earned $5,392 a month for years consistently. Yeah, there's my
00:07:43kids and my wife out dirt biking because I started a hobby and I wanted to start a website about it.
00:07:48It's fun. You got cabinfreedom.com. So yeah, Ricky's got cabinfreedom.com. Ricky loves going
00:07:56up to his family's property. And that website you started three, four months ago? Yeah, it's only
00:08:03been a few months that I've actually got any content on there. And see, this is why you're
00:08:07going to need that Excel sheet that we're going to show you later. Well, we'll talk about it.
00:08:14We're actually going to get there pretty quick because we don't want to spend forever talking
00:08:18about what we've accomplished. We've done a lot. We built a lot of websites. And the point here
00:08:22isn't look at us, look at how amazing we are. Okay. What we're saying is this can be done.
00:08:28We've done it so many times that we've learned all the things that we did wrong and we've learned
00:08:33so many things that we did right. And we can look back at thousands of articles that we've written
00:08:39or that we've had written and see what were the things that made certain content stand out,
00:08:45certain content bring traffic to the site. And what are the things that just didn't work? All
00:08:49right. It's time to dive into it. Let's get to some meat here. So this is it. This is the Excel
00:08:54sheet you're going to get right after this webinar. Now, if you're watching on YouTube live,
00:09:00that means we don't have your email address registered for the webinar. So go to IncomeSchool.com
00:09:05right on the homepage and just click to register for the webinar, even though you're watching it.
00:09:09So we can send this out to you at the end. But this has 24 months. And then it shows exactly how
00:09:16much income and traffic you might expect at that time. Now, obviously, every website is completely
00:09:24different. None of these websites did the exact same thing. But after building this collection of
00:09:31websites, we are able to look back and say, all right, this is probably a good, reasonable
00:09:38expectation. Again, not rosy and not pessimistic. Yeah, I would call this at most average expectation
00:09:45for the sites that we build and the sites that we're going to teach you guys how to build.
00:09:49So nothing super rosy. And the thing that Jim was mentioning that we wanted to point out was
00:09:54if you're three months in and you're earning five bucks in that month, you're actually ahead of the
00:09:59curve. You're doing really well. If you're 12 months in and you're earning a thousand dollars,
00:10:04you're actually right on track. Right on track for something incredible at the end of 24 months.
00:10:11Because look at this. So 12 months in, we're expecting your website, if you follow our niche
00:10:17recipe, a reasonable expectation is $1,175 that month. Again, we've had websites do much better
00:10:25and worse. And so we have that at 12 months and you may say, it's okay, but it's just not doing
00:10:33that month that much. But as we look at what is happening with our sites, if you have a website
00:10:39at that point at 12 months, there's a real likelihood you can get it to $8,700 at the end
00:10:46of 24 months total from our sites. So this is what we're going to show is that what we want you
00:10:55to accomplish is that at the end of 24 months, you're earning $8,700 per month from your websites.
00:11:02And up until that point, your websites will have earned $61,590. So you have a reserve of $61,000
00:11:11in the bank. If you have a down month, whatever, you're good. You have a reserve. And then
00:11:16you're earning over $8,000 a month. That's a six-figure income. And we think it's very possible
00:11:22to do in 24 months because we've done it. Yeah. We think not only is it very possible for us
00:11:27because we've done it over and over and over again, we think it's possible for every one of you.
00:11:32That is the point of Project 24 is to give you the guidance that you need. You don't have to be a
00:11:36fantastic writer. You don't have to know how to build a website. That's what we're here to teach
00:11:41you guys about. Yes, you can achieve the exact same results. You can achieve greater because most
00:11:49of our websites actually do better than this. I wanted to make that clear. No business is guaranteed
00:11:54to succeed. And it's possible that your website will fail. We have made a lot of small failures
00:12:00along the way. And that's why we feel confident saying if you follow this recipe, we feel it can
00:12:05lead you to success a lot of times if you do it. But it really depends on your ability, your
00:12:13willingness to work for it. All right. Let's show you what it looks like. We're going to dive right
00:12:20into the meat and we're going to get to some of those secrets right now. So we have this process
00:12:26split into four phases over your 24 months. And you'll know exactly what phase you're in. We want
00:12:32to walk you step by step through this process. So phase one is what we call the seed. In this
00:12:40phase, you're going to start your first website. If you join Project 24, you'll be following
00:12:46exactly our 60-step recipe that shows you like first action, do this. Second action, do this.
00:12:54Exactly how many posts you need, exactly how many YouTube videos, etc. to get your website ranking.
00:13:00But we have a little tip. I told you we have these three year tips. And here's the first one. It's
00:13:07called the content mix. And this is the first time we've talked about this outside of our paid
00:13:12product. So the content mix is really something that I've never heard other internet entrepreneurs
00:13:20talking about. But as we look back at thousands of posts over years, this made a world of difference
00:13:27in how quickly the site's ranked. Exactly. So here's the content mix starts with this. First,
00:13:31the response post. And these are in this order for a reason. The response post is the relatively
00:13:37short post. We're talking 1,200 to 1,500 words. And I know people hear 1,200 is a short post.
00:13:44Yeah, that's short. That's a short post. That's like a 45-minute. That's short. It can't be that
00:13:49quick. And what these are, is these are answering a very specific question that people are likely to
00:13:54actually go Google and that's not competitive. So we're actually going to spend more time probably,
00:14:00maybe not more, but as much time doing some keyword research our way, the way we teach,
00:14:06kind of the manual way, but the most effective way. We're going to do keyword research until we
00:14:11find just the right question. And then we're going to go write the best answer for that question.
00:14:18I mean, these are the type of questions that nobody's answered. Now, if you've ever Googled
00:14:24something, you've got a question, you go Google it, and you can't find the answer anywhere.
00:14:28I mean, you've probably experienced this, right? I've definitely experienced this many times,
00:14:33especially once I started doing keyword research. Yeah, like you Google something and it's like,
00:14:36wait a minute. What? And you dive through the pages and you just can't find the answer.
00:14:40You're reading articles and none of them are actually answering the right question.
00:14:43Well, those are the kinds of things. And you might think, is there really... I want to do
00:14:51a certain niche and is there really a topic out there in this niche that hasn't been answered?
00:14:56The answer is overwhelmingly yes, over and over and over again.
00:15:01Do you want to know a keyword that gets us 15,000 page views a month on Camper Report? It was a
00:15:08response post and it's how much do RVs weigh? Go Google it right now and I bet you'll find
00:15:14Camper Report, if not at the top, really close to the top. It's just a simple 1200 word
00:15:20post that I wrote because before I bought a camper, I searched this and I thought, I don't
00:15:26know how many people are really searching that. Who cares how much it weighs? Well, I cared because
00:15:30I wanted to know if my vehicle could tow it. And when I wrote that 15,000 page views a month,
00:15:42it's crazy just from one little response post. And it's so critical that this happens first.
00:15:49If you write the other kind of posts first, they will not rank. So let's talk about that.
00:15:54Next is a staple post. This is your typical shareable, 21 tips for this, etc.
00:16:01Just kind of your normal shareable post, the kind of stuff we see on Facebook every single day.
00:16:06And then after we write that, we jump to a publicize phase.
00:16:10That's right. In the publicize phase, we are going to do effective publicizing that's free.
00:16:17Okay. But this is a great opportunity since you've created some really good shareable content
00:16:22in the staple posts. This is a great opportunity to go get those posts and push them out there,
00:16:27rather than just waiting for Google to start sending you traffic, which is fine. I mean,
00:16:31that's effective. You don't have to publicize, I suppose, but this is going to speed up that
00:16:36traffic dramatically. And we're going to publicize just through some basic social media channels,
00:16:41but not all of them. We'll talk about that a little bit. That's kind of one of our next secrets.
00:16:47But anyway, we will publicize through things like YouTube, things like Pinterest.
00:16:52And again, this is just going to speed up that flow of traffic to the website.
00:16:55The last thing that we're going to write on the website is our pillar post. And our pillar posts
00:17:00are these big 3,500 word posts. They're going after big keywords, more competitive keywords,
00:17:07where we're just making the ultimate resource. But most often, when I see somebody create a new
00:17:13website, they go first to the pillar post. They've heard, ooh, that's how you get the
00:17:18big traffic. We've got to go after these things and write big old long 3,500 word posts. That will
00:17:24waste your time. Google is not going to take a brand new blog, even if you write a great resource,
00:17:32and it's not going to give it traffic for those big old heavy keywords. It's rarely going to work.
00:17:40But if instead you follow the content mix and you start with a series of 1,200 word posts,
00:17:47Google sees, huh, these guys are nailing it. I can trust you on this little keyword because
00:17:53there's no competition for this, so I've got to put you in the rankings. Put it in the rankings,
00:17:59and then it's like, this website's not bad. People come to this and they don't bounce right
00:18:02off the page. They stay. This is good writing. They start to trust your website, and then you
00:18:08can slug after the big ones not that long after. We are absolutely confident that this will speed
00:18:17up the process of getting traffic to your website by a time period like a year, and the reason why
00:18:26is because this is the most effective way to build up authority with Google. You can do other
00:18:32things. You could go do a bunch of backlinking. You could go do some tricky SEO stuff. There's no
00:18:37silver bullet though. All of that requires work, and all of that can be very dangerous. You can get
00:18:43a spike in traffic, and then Google changes an algorithm or they figure you out. You use something
00:18:49that's just a little bit shifty, and next thing you know, boom, your traffic is gone, and that
00:18:53site is dead forever. This approach gets us traffic in a steady and predictable time frame
00:19:00that will last four years.
00:19:30But by a year, it's going to hit about close to its peak.
00:19:34And that is why that spreadsheet shows that earning curve the way that it does.
00:19:39So valuable to have that because then you don't second guess yourself and you're like,
00:19:43ah, what do I, you know, is this right? Because you can look at that sheet and you're like,
00:19:48it's okay. I'm on traffic. I'm on track. We're four months in, not really any traffic, and that's
00:19:54That's right. All right, phase two, second phase of the project, and we'll get to learn secret
00:20:02number two.
00:20:02Yeah, so secret number two is for project 24, to get to that full-time income in 24 months,
00:20:08build a second website. Now, we're not going to tell you to go build six websites in the first 24
00:20:13months. We don't think that that's the best approach, and the reason why is that website
00:20:17number one is actually going to be on a topic that you will eventually grow into a more of an
00:20:22authority website. This is one where you could, where you will, in most cases, launch a product of
00:20:29your own, okay? And the reason that we do that is that those type of websites have just unlimited
00:20:36earning potential. Most niche websites do tend to sort of...
00:20:39Kind of cap out.
00:20:40They'll cap out, and everyone's at a different level, yeah.
00:20:42But they do tend to plateau, which is fine.
00:20:44With an authority site, you don't really have that cap. You can always create something new,
00:20:50and the other reason we like having at least one authority site is we like having a project
00:20:55to work on that creates value. Obviously, we believe that niche sites create value.
00:21:01If they didn't, we wouldn't get paid to create them, but with an authority website, it's something
00:21:07you can get passionate about. It's something that you can share and teach about, and we
00:21:12really, really like having something to do, some value to create day in and day out.
00:21:17And as somebody who's been doing this full-time for years, the other benefit and the reason that
00:21:22we put this as a key part of Project 24 to have two sites, one an authority site and one a passive
00:21:28niche site, somebody asked in our first webinar, well, why not just create all passive niche sites?
00:21:34Really, that's fine, but for us, it was key that we diversify, diversify, diversify. If there's
00:21:44any way to diversify, we want it. We want some that are selling affiliate products, some that have
00:21:49ads, some that have all different types of things. So, if we have one big site, one small site,
00:21:54and two sites, then if something happens, you're not like, my income's gone. You're just like, okay,
00:22:01my income got cut. I need to rebuild something. So, I think it's important to diversify with
00:22:07two seeds, and this is another secret. We build one website in the 60 actions, and then we go
00:22:14straight to building the second one, because the sooner you put the seed in the ground,
00:22:18the sooner you harvest, and it will take your site some time to grow on Google, and so it's
00:22:26great to plant those seeds as quick as possible. That's right. So, we planted seed number one with
00:22:3060 action steps. Now, we've planted seed number two in phase two with another 60 action steps.
00:22:36It's the same process, whether it's an authority site or a niche site. At the beginning,
00:22:40they look exactly the same, but now we're going to move back to site number one, and we're going
00:22:46to take this from niche website, from basic foundational website, to an authority website.
00:22:54We're going to do that by setting up kind of a weekly routine of creating content,
00:22:57whether that's posts. You're going to have a mix of adding more posts. You're going to have a YouTube
00:23:01channel, all those ways that you're going to create content. You're going to add an email list.
00:23:07You're going to start cultivating more of a community of people, so that when you are ready
00:23:11to launch a product down the road, you're going to have this great customer base to do that.
00:23:17Another one of the tips that we use in this phase is we hire some writers, and hiring good writers
00:23:23and training them properly is one of the best things you can do, but it's a really easy thing
00:23:27to mess up. So, that's another thing that we really want to help you with along the way.
00:23:32Yeah, hiring writers is great, and we have learned a great system for doing it. We pay
00:23:38about two cents a word to get our writers right, and they are producing fantastic content,
00:23:44and been happy. We've had the writers that stay for a long time, are happy to get to work.
00:23:49Okay, secret number three, beware of social treadmills.
00:23:55This is huge.
00:23:56This is huge, and this is another one that I have learned from the School of Hard Knocks.
00:24:01This is a Facebook page for my site, Improve Photography. If you could read that, it would
00:24:07say almost 630,000 people that have liked it. Now, there was a time when Facebook was great
00:24:15for our business, but maybe you've been hearing in the news, they've continuously made changes
00:24:19that just have really hurt small businesses. So, about, I guess it was eight months ago or so,
00:24:26I spent about 25% of my time building a community, and a lot of that was on Facebook
00:24:33for my website, and I just felt like that was something I needed to do to keep that there.
00:24:38Well, I was spending all this time creating memes and engaging with people and stuff,
00:24:44and then I looked at my analytics one day, and I saw, I mean, I just could not believe it,
00:24:51less than 1% of my traffic was coming from this 630,000 people on Facebook. Less than 1%.
00:25:01And I realized, man, for years I have been wasting 25% of my working time,
00:25:10and I just, it was sickening when I really thought about that and saw all that time that I had spent
00:25:18when I should have just been working on my site, places that I could control, writing new posts
00:25:24and things that would go out to millions of people instead of here just engaging. And so,
00:25:30what we want to warn you about is to not engage in social treadmills. What we mean by that is,
00:25:37what happens when you run on a treadmill? You're sweating, you're working, and you're
00:25:41not actually moving forward. You just stay there. You're working, but not going anywhere.
00:25:47And that's what Facebook is like, that's what Instagram is like, and certainly Twitter. You post
00:25:52and it's gone. Nobody can find your Twitter post from two weeks ago. It's gone. That's yesterday's
00:25:58news. And so, you have to continuously be there creating new content, and that's just not passive
00:26:05at all, and it doesn't serve your business well. Right. It doesn't drive traffic to your site,
00:26:10which means it doesn't really help sales that much. You can post stuff like crazy on your
00:26:15Facebook page, and most of your followers will never see it, because it either won't show up in
00:26:20their newsfeed, or by the time they log into Facebook again, it's too far down the list.
00:26:24Now, Facebook is a viable platform for its paid ads platform, etc. Oh yeah, absolutely.
00:26:29But honestly, what people are not willing to tell you in the internet guru space is,
00:26:34they've become the Facebook guru, and so they want to talk Facebook, and the truth is, it's not
00:26:40producing results. And people don't want to admit that, because they've been the Facebook guru
00:26:45forever. But that's the real deal of what's happening to bloggers on Facebook. So think
00:26:51about some social media networks that do work, like YouTube. We're creating this video now,
00:26:57people will watch this video five years from now. We have all the time, we have old videos that are
00:27:03showing like crazy. It's the type of content that lasts a Pinterest post. Today, hundreds or
00:27:12thousands of people will have pinned pins from my site that I pinned years ago originally,
00:27:18because it's a searchable kind of platform. People are still searching for photography tips,
00:27:23for weight loss tips, for whatever it is that we're doing. Yep, absolutely. All right, one more
00:27:29phase in Project 24 is Phase 4. This is actually really, really exciting. We have a little bit less
00:27:35to say about it, I would, at this point, but Phase 4 is what we call the launch. This is when you
00:27:40take your authority site, you put together some sort of product, some sort of offering.
00:27:45It could be, I mean, it could be a physical product that you sell. Maybe if you are a business that
00:27:50actually manufactures something, this is a great way to prepare and promote that product.
00:27:56In many cases, it's going to be some sort of informational product, a course, a video guide,
00:28:01an audio guide, like an mp3 file that you email out. Really, the options are endless of what you
00:28:08can create. In Phase 4, we are going to take that whole community of people that we've developed
00:28:14and we are going to launch a fantastic, helpful, and useful product. That's what we want to teach
00:28:19you guys how to do in Phase 4. Yeah, and that's where we expect to see a real jump in the earnings,
00:28:25but you've got to lay the seed now to be able to get there. Right. It takes a long time to get to
00:28:30Phase 4. In fact, Phase 4 is only about the last three months. You can kind of see the timeline
00:28:34here. Phase 1, first few months, you're going to build that first website. First authority site.
00:28:40Yep. Phase 2, first niche site, another three months about. Then, taking that first site from
00:28:46niche to authority and letting your niche site grow. That's going to last a long time. You're
00:28:52going to be adding content. You're going to be cultivating a community of people. Then, in about
00:28:57the last three months, at about month 21, you will have a community that's big enough. You'll have a
00:29:02lot of content and you'll be able to launch a fantastic product. Here's another tip. That
00:29:07product does not have to be perfect. It doesn't have to be totally professional and polished.
00:29:12You don't have to use really fancy, expensive software to launch it. Just make something really,
00:29:16really awesome and put it out there. By awesome, I'm talking about the content. I'm talking about
00:29:21the value for the customer. Daryl's asking, what is a passive site? It's a site that we can ... Well,
00:29:28passive can really mean many things. When we're talking about a passive niche site,
00:29:32we're really thinking about true passive, like every four months you log in and update WordPress
00:29:36plugins. Really, all of this, even an authority site, can be passive income, meaning people can
00:29:41still make sales even while you're asleep, but it maybe does require your attention at least
00:29:46weekly or whatever. Sure. You're adding new content. You're responding to a community. You can design
00:29:51your site to be as passive or active as you really choose, even if it's a large site.
00:29:55Yeah. Over the time ... We talked about this being something you can work on, obviously,
00:29:59while you have a normal job or something. In that first year and a half to two years before the
00:30:05product launch or even up until after, you can have it be really, really passive. You create the
00:30:11content, you add it, you do it just like you did in the first few months, but you're building up this
00:30:15community over time. Then by the time you hit month 24 and you've got that product out there,
00:30:21you've got all sorts of passive income from both websites, and by this point,
00:30:27you've replaced your full-time income. Can you see what we're trying to accomplish here?
00:30:33Post in the chat. Let us know. I'm in. Say, I'm in. Say, we're going to do this.
00:30:37Starting your project 24 now. You've got to begin now, and you can get to an incredible place
00:30:43at the end of 24 months. All right. We've spent the last two years working on a course.
00:30:51We've been working on a course that we called Niche Site School, and we've got like rave reviews
00:30:56of it. We have lots of people who are earning money now with their sites because of it.
00:31:03People who are getting income way faster than even we had on the sites because we've
00:31:08continued to refine the recipe and it gets back. It gets better consistently.
00:31:15We've been working on it. We've got good reviews, but we wanted to do something that's much more
00:31:22helpful, taking what we've learned and making something that can more consistently get somebody
00:31:28to success as often as possible. One thing you need is this first thing that is in project 24.
00:31:35You need a community. You just can't waste a week on your website with qwerty on your forehead
00:31:42because you're just whacking your head on the keyboard frustrated when you don't know how to
00:31:46install an SSL certificate or when it's been five months and things are just not working and you're
00:31:52not sure what's wrong with your writing. When you have something that's just stopping your progress,
00:31:58you can't have that. One thing we included in project 24 is this community. We're using
00:32:04my cell phone to do one of our recordings where I'd show you. We have a nice custom app for you
00:32:09guys. You can be on your phone like all day and you can be with your groupies of people
00:32:15just like you building niche sites. We've seen dozens of posts just today, a very active group.
00:32:20Ricky and I are on there constantly. You get two logos and you're like, which one do you like?
00:32:26Boom! You'll know what we think of it. You'll know what a lot of people think of it. You can get
00:32:30that feedback. There are people just like you working on sites and this is so helpful to just have
00:32:37somewhere to go when things aren't going right. Now, Kip, you're asking if Bosco's in.
00:32:42Bosco Jones, he's a great guy. He participated in Niche Site School and I
00:32:48want to tell you if you have any questions about it. Bosco's had an opportunity to see project 24
00:32:53now. He's one of our beta users. If you have any question about it, whether or not he thinks it's
00:32:58worth it, just go ask him. He's got a YouTube video. He's awesome. He's a cool dude. He is a
00:33:05really cool dude. I like Bosco. So that's the first thing in project 24. Now, we see commonly
00:33:10online companies that are offering or different internet gurus who are offering these for, you
00:33:15know, $99 a month for these communities and we can do something better for you. Yeah, so you see
00:33:23there's some numbers here. These are not our price, okay? And I don't say that because I'm
00:33:28apologizing for these numbers because I'm absolutely not. This is what other people are
00:33:34charging for comparable solutions, okay? There are many $99 a month mastermind groups out there
00:33:42where all you get is the community. Or you just get a Facebook group. Yeah.
00:33:47Welcome to this Facebook group. $99. The next, yeah, we can say it in unison. The next thing is
00:33:54our 60-step recipe. This to me is by far the most important part of project 24 because I am not
00:34:03kidding when I say we've spent eight years refining this recipe. We've spent hundreds of hours
00:34:10pouring over our analytics. Why did this post rank soon? Why did this one never rank?
00:34:15Why did this website get to success faster than this one? Looking through it and then we've
00:34:20debated and debated these steps until we can get them in just 60 steps, step by step. Every day
00:34:28you go on there, you say, okay, you mark them off as you go. I'm on step 23. This is what I do
00:34:35today. Boom. No wasted time in creating your site. It's awesome. We've actually been paid this
00:34:45much money just for that recipe before, okay? So now, Niche Site School over the last almost two
00:34:50years has had sort of this 60-step recipe and we have been learning as we've been helping other
00:34:56people, hundreds of you that have participated in Niche Site School, as well as in building more
00:35:01of our own websites and we have refined that to what we believe to be the right order.
00:35:07Real world example of this, we used to tell people to install your Amazon affiliate right from the
00:35:13get-go because what we were trying to do is get people to success, get them to earn their first
00:35:17dollar as soon as possible to encourage them. Well, we learned that was a mistake because Amazon
00:35:22will ban you if you have not made three qualifying sales in a short period of time when you really
00:35:27don't have traffic yet. Right. And so, we changed the recipe and we put it later. You're learning
00:35:32from hundreds of other Niche websites and getting to put all of that experience to work for you.
00:35:37Right. It's not just the dozen or so websites we've built, but it's the hundreds of websites
00:35:42that we've helped lots of people build and we've seen what worked for them as we helped them along
00:35:47the way. So if you've purchased Project 24, this is what it's going to look like when you're taking
00:35:51the 60-step course. You have videos like this from us where we're explaining steps and you just,
00:35:57click, click, click, click, click, stepping one step after the other. Check it off when you're
00:36:01done. If you're a pro, great. You're going to see exactly our approach to this. If you're brand new
00:36:07and you're like, I'm not even sure how to install WordPress, we'll walk you through that too.
00:36:11It really works no matter what your level is. I follow this. When I start a new Niche website,
00:36:16I want to look at their 60 steps and follow it. Exactly. And we actually do. I've literally pulled
00:36:21up the 60 steps multiple times and be like, all right, what's next? Because it's a great reminder.
00:36:26The next thing, this is another just fantastic offering. I just love this. Four more courses.
00:36:32Let me show you what this looks like today. We have a course. There's obviously the first one
00:36:36there. So we said four more. That's the 60 steps. It's right there. If you're in Project 24,
00:36:41you click on that, you're enrolled. There's no added cost for any of these.
00:36:45But then we have another course, an hour long course about picking profitable niches. We're
00:36:50going to actually teach you everything that we have learned about what makes for a good topic
00:36:55for a website and what doesn't. We have no nonsense SEO. Can I add something on this?
00:37:03Almost every niche can work. But what we're teaching you here is how to refine that brand
00:37:09to make it work quickly. For example, one example we went through,
00:37:15somebody was looking at a website for basketball coaching, like coaching their kid basketball.
00:37:21And we looked at the niche and we said, basketball in general is pretty competitive,
00:37:27probably not the best. Basketball coaching also pretty competitive for a passive niche website.
00:37:34It's a pretty broad topic. But then he says, I have a kid. And we're like, oh, what if we
00:37:41kind of close this down to basketball coaching for kids? We could go closer to basketball coaching
00:37:47for eight year olds. But then we did some research in there and we said, no, those actually
00:37:50weren't showing us the signals we like. So we knew that kids was the right niche. And this is
00:37:55the course that show you how to go through that process. So you are 100% confident you have the
00:38:01right size of niche and the right aspect of your niche. Exactly. Perfect. The next one,
00:38:06no nonsense SEO. This is where we teach you exactly how we do SEO, how we do all of our
00:38:12keyword research, every method that we use, how we write the right kind of content. All three of
00:38:19those types of posts, the whole content mix, we go into serious detail in this course. Yeah,
00:38:24somebody commented on our on the video, like the second it was posted, one of our beta testers
00:38:29and just said, and wow, that was a knowledge bomb. And, you know, it's so important that you get
00:38:37like of all these courses. That one's pretty good. Because the reason I say that is because
00:38:46you can make so you can waste so much time if you don't know how to do the no nonsense SEO approach.
00:38:54You write a post that really you stood no chance of ranking for. And in that course,
00:38:59we're going to show you how to find those underserved keywords to rank quickly and
00:39:04reliably. Yep. The next one, web traffic snowball. This is where we're going to teach you that whole
00:39:09publicized step. We're going to go into great detail how to how to use Pinterest effectively,
00:39:14how to use YouTube, which things to avoid. Honestly, I really, really like this one.
00:39:19Actually, I like all of them. Yeah. And the reason that we used a snowball for this is because it's
00:39:23something that starts moving very quickly. But it also gains steam. Like using YouTube and Pinterest,
00:39:30you put them out there and they start to bring in a little bit, you know, it happens quickly to bring
00:39:34that traffic. But over time, it just gains steam as you get a thousand pins that have been pinned on
00:39:39Pinterest just starts bringing more and more traffic with it. Right. So they have a similar
00:39:44growth curve, just like Google, you know, getting Google traffic has this growth curve. But all
00:39:50three of those work together in a synergistic here. Yeah. Drop in the keywords here. Yeah.
00:39:55In this synergistic way to actually speed up your overall growth curve and move that hockey stick
00:40:00growth much sooner. Google's growth curve, Pinterest and YouTube's growth curve. It happens
00:40:06at the same the same way, but much quicker. And that's why we want to use it. Exactly.
00:40:13All right. You can't see it right now, but over there on that wall is this picture, this map.
00:40:22We really do care about your website succeeding. Everybody's got something to sell you online.
00:40:30And I just I learned websites on my own. I had nobody to go to when things were not going well.
00:40:37And I spent years messing so much so much up. We do not rejoice when we make a sale for Project
00:40:4424. We're excited you're starting. Yeah, we welcome you. But that's not our end goal for us.
00:40:50Our end goal is when you see success. That's what we care about. And so I put very prominently in
00:40:57our studio here this giant map. No pin, no customer pin. We don't pin, you know, like customers,
00:41:04you know, where our customers are all from. You bought. We put pins up there when you succeed.
00:41:10And that's something that we care a lot about. And so we have some milestones in Project 24.
00:41:16When you get what we call your pizza day, we've just always called it this. This is when your
00:41:20website earns your first five dollars. We want you to market in Project 24 and you say, hey,
00:41:25you guys help me. I've been following the recipe. I earned my first five bucks.
00:41:30And that we put a pin, you know, if you're in Kenya, you're in Brazil, you're in India. We have
00:41:34people from all over the world on this webinar right now. People were posting as we start. I was
00:41:38like, holy cow. And so that you get a pin. Then when you reach your Project 24, you get a new
00:41:45color pin. And that is what we're doing this for. Man, every time I go online, I see people,
00:41:53Internet gurus selling so much crap out there. And I look at what has actually succeeded for
00:42:00something like that. It doesn't work. And so we're very serious about getting our customers to
00:42:08success. It's going to matter to us a lot if people sign up for Project 24. We need to show
00:42:18success. You know, if a year from now, everybody in the project is like, nobody's succeeding.
00:42:25People are going to notice. We feel very confident that we're going to get you there. And that's why
00:42:30we're doing this. It matters so much to us that there's something that we neglected to talk about
00:42:35in the courses that I really want to highlight for you guys. The courses here, this we told you
00:42:40four more courses, but that's not the end goal of Project 24. We are building a course library
00:42:47based upon the things, the questions that you guys have, the needs that you have for your website.
00:42:52We're going to create some awesome courses in the coming months. And again, as a member of Project
00:42:5624, you get access to all of it. And the reason for this is we don't want to sell you every two
00:43:02months some new thing. We want to give you one thing that's everything you need to get to success.
00:43:08We're going to teach you. We're going to have courses on creating good YouTube videos and using
00:43:12that YouTube channel. We'll have courses on hiring writers. We're going to create a recording
00:43:19of just training a writer. And then when you hire a new writer, you're like, watch this video.
00:43:23It's everything you need to know. So you don't even have to train your own writers. You can just
00:43:27have them watch our video. That's how we train our writers is we have like an hour long video
00:43:31we recorded, or I don't think it's an hour. It's like half an hour that walked them through
00:43:35step-by-step how we wanted them to create a post. Even how to do some of the keyword
00:43:40research and stuff. We're going to create that for you. So there are things like that. And the
00:43:45cool thing is we're kind of democratizing this quite a bit. Being in the Project 24 community,
00:43:51you get to tell us what things matter to you. You get to ask your questions. And as we see
00:43:56common issues, or if we have multiple people saying, hey, I'm at this phase where I'm ready
00:44:00to create an info product and I don't even know what to do. So you know what? We're going to make
00:44:04a course for that. And it's going to be there for everybody to use. All right.
00:44:09All right. Man, you put all this together. And if you had to buy all these things separately,
00:44:14you'd just be spending over $2,387. And an important tenet of income school is we want to
00:44:24fill the world with success. It's super important to us. And so we're launching Project 24 right now.
00:44:33This is the first day it's available. And so we got a screaming discount off this. And you can
00:44:40get it at IncomeSchool.com slash go. It's available right now. Go to IncomeSchool.com
00:44:47slash go. The card is open right now. So this is what's included as our base of Income School.
00:44:58But you know we got more for you. And one thing that we want to include is a bonus. And this is
00:45:06a new podcast from us called our Project 24 podcast. Now, you know how we feel about podcasts
00:45:12as a way to bring in new people. Not such a fan of it. But podcasting is a tremendous way to learn.
00:45:19And so as we were talking about this, our goal is not to cram Project 24 with as many as much
00:45:25stuff. How many freebies can we give them? We wanted to give you what you need to see success.
00:45:31And so we said, you know, one thing is they're going to be spending a lot of time working on
00:45:35their own websites. They aren't going to also have hours a day to learn this. We need to get it to
00:45:41them in a direct manner. And so this podcast is a way you can be learning for your website and the
00:45:46best techniques, questions you were getting from other Project 24 members. We're going to record
00:45:53seasons of that podcast starting very soon. And we're going to be releasing it to you. So you can
00:45:58put in earbuds as you're commuting to work, as you're in the store, as you're exercising,
00:46:03and still your business is moving forward, even at those times. We want to be able to move this
00:46:10group and get you on the map. And this is an awesome way to help you get there. We want to
00:46:15provide you with as much value as absolutely possible. This is freaking me out. We've got to
00:46:20get rid of that price. You're not going to have to pay this. Here we go. Let's forget about that.
00:46:24Here we go. All right. So here's the thing. We wanted to cram this full of as much value as
00:46:31possible, not just freebies and gimmicks and stuff. And so this podcast is not something that's just
00:46:37going to be available on iTunes for everybody. This is a podcast that is exclusive just for you
00:46:41guys. So go to incomeschool.com slash go. You're going to see our pricing there. When I started
00:46:48Improve Photography, we started it at, I mean, I was a law student. We did not have much money.
00:46:54And though I was so excited about the potential of niche websites, I was working at the dollar
00:47:02store and I was so bored with that job stocking shelves. I would just listen to podcasts all night
00:47:08long learning about it. And I thought, man, this is incredible. But still, I mean, a niche website is
00:47:14the cheapest business you can start. But still, just a couple hundred bucks to get started was
00:47:21a lot for me. I didn't have much. And I decided, you know what? I don't care. What happens is I get
00:47:30a check every two weeks, every month. You get this paycheck. It comes in and it goes out and you
00:47:36get more money and it goes away. That's how our finances just always seem to work.
00:47:42It's called the rat race.
00:47:43And I said, you know what? I got to stop this. I'm going to take a tiny piece of it, a couple
00:47:49hundred bucks, and I'm going to invest that into my hosting, whatever I need to get started.
00:47:55And I'm going to turn this the other direction. I'm going to start my finances going the other way,
00:48:01where it's starting to earn momentum and it's going the other direction. So, man, do what you
00:48:07got to do. I went and sold stuff in my garage to get just a couple hundred bucks to get my
00:48:12website started. And sometimes I still think like, man, if I would have made the wrong call there,
00:48:17I would have missed out on millions and millions of dollars that I've earned online. It's incredible.
00:48:23But I'm so glad I took a little chance on myself then. So, go to incomeschool.com and get started.
00:48:30Yeah. When you sign up, this is what you're going to see. There's a dashboard on Income
00:48:35School. You'll just get there by clicking the login button. It'll take you there automatically
00:48:39when you register, but just click the login button every time you come to the website.
00:48:43You're going to get this dashboard. It's going to give you instructions where to find everything.
00:48:47There's links to everything. There's links to the community. There's links-
00:48:51That's the community app. You can get it on your phone, iPhone or Android,
00:48:54or you can view it on the website. But most people get the app. I would show it to you right now,
00:48:58but here you are by cell phone. And people are posting in there constantly, like two minutes
00:49:05from now after you sign up, go into the app and post, hey, Jim and Ricky just watched the webinar,
00:49:10whatever. We're commenting on everything. We're in there all the time helping people out.
00:49:14That's absolutely right. Also in this dashboard, you're going to see all the courses. Right now,
00:49:18like we said, there are five to start with, but this is going to ever increase. You're also going
00:49:23to see links to the timeline, although you're going to get that today via email.
00:49:29You'll see a link to an updated version of our niche site ideas list that have scores and rankings.
00:49:35And we will be updating that list regularly. Every so often, we'll publish a new one.
00:49:40And it will always be there. This course will always be live with our freshest,
00:49:45newest, most accurate content. We wanted to build something that we could constantly
00:49:50update and improve over time. So if there's something in the 60-step recipe that we figure
00:49:55out, maybe there's a slightly different order, we'll change it.
00:50:00Yeah. And you're going to be seeing the new podcast coming out very shortly,
00:50:03our first season of the podcast. We're really excited to show you all that we've built in
00:50:12Project 24 for you. So hire us to go to work for you. I mean, put us to work. Let us be in
00:50:20your corner. A niche website is such an awesome project. I get so excited when I hear somebody
00:50:27who's passionate. You start figuring out this internet marketing stuff and it's like,
00:50:31holy cow, I can have thousands of customers coming to my website every day that I can offer
00:50:38different things for affiliate links and ads. It just gets so exciting when you think like,
00:50:42I could go camping for a month and earn as much as I would have if I would have been at my desk
00:50:47all day. It's so cool. And this is exactly how we get started. Also a dream for me to be doing
00:50:56this with Ricky. Ricky and I have been buddies since freshman in high school. And Ricky has such
00:51:03awesome experience. And it's so fun for me to have somebody with me in Project 24 to be working
00:51:11and helping all you guys out. We're talking about you guys all the time. We're talking about
00:51:16customers. Did you see that? That guy did this. Did you see that? This guy got a post up to a hundred
00:51:22dollars a month just from this one post. It's awesome. And I got to tell you, everybody's trying
00:51:26to sell you something. Everywhere you go online, every webinar you attend, somebody's trying to
00:51:30sell you something. But I wish that you guys could see what went on behind the scenes as we created
00:51:35this product. This started out months and months ago as, well, we need to do an update to niche
00:51:41site school. We need to improve that product a little bit. There's some changes we need to make.
00:51:45And it turned into, no, no, no, no. We need to provide people with everything they need. We need
00:51:51to give them every tool. We need to make this something where we can help as many people as
00:51:56possible. As many as we can possibly handle. We want to be able to help you. And if you wonder
00:52:02about that at all, just read some comments and some of the testimonials from people who have
00:52:08just been through our niche site school course. And they'll tell you, we actually do care. Jim
00:52:15cares. I care. And we really do think about you guys all the time. We talk about you guys
00:52:20behind your back. And it's because we care. It's because we're excited to put that pin in the map
00:52:27when you let us know, hey, I just earned my first pizza. Or, hey, I completed my project 24.
00:52:34Or, hey, today I walked into work and I handed in my letter of resignation. And now I get to do
00:52:40whatever I want. That is awesome. Excuse me. So this is the end. This is where you get to decide
00:52:50how you're going to start your project 24. We're going to stick around now. And we want to take
00:52:55any questions that we have from you. But the way that you get started is by going to
00:53:00incomeschool.com slash go. Everything about project 24 is right there. The card is open
00:53:06right now. And in another tab, we can track the sales. And you guys are going bananas in there.
00:53:12That's awesome. I love to see so many people who are making something with themselves.
00:53:18Okay, questions coming in. We're going to be prioritizing questions related to project 24.
00:53:22I know, especially like on YouTube Live, you guys probably have a lot of questions about your sites.
00:53:27And that's fine. And normally we would be happy to answer them. But anyway, so people are asking
00:53:32about pricing. How long is this pricing good for? We don't know. It's not just tonight.
00:53:38If payday is tomorrow, that's going to be fine. You'll be just fine. Don't worry about it.
00:53:43Okay. Let's see. What are the questions? Yeah. Lance Jeffers is saying, I can only spend one
00:53:48hour a day on project 24. Should I wait until the summer where I can spend eight hours a day
00:53:52or just get started right now? First of all, it's fine. If you want to wait until the summer,
00:53:59that's fine. But you should know, you don't reap until you sow. And it will take time for that
00:54:05seed to grow. Oh, I rhymed. Bam! That wasn't even on purpose, I know. That was awesome. But
00:54:14if you can wake up one hour early, what are you willing to do to get this? Wake up one hour early,
00:54:21stay up one hour late after the kids go to bed for the next couple months. And if you can put
00:54:27one hour in, by the time the summer starts, you've already have two websites built. And then you'll be
00:54:34in phase three already by the time the summer starts, building up that authority site when you
00:54:39have a lot of time. So, I mean, yeah. I mean, do it when the timing is right. We're not trying to
00:54:44rush you or anything. But you don't reap until you sow. Yep. Michelle's asking, can I use project
00:54:5124 to fix a website that's got short articles and too many Amazon ads and stuff? Absolutely.
00:54:57There's nothing wrong with fixing a website that's got some history. There may be some content on
00:55:01that that has really good value. We actually had a student who contacted us recently and said,
00:55:08one tip, one tip from niche site school on how they were doing their Amazon links. They changed
00:55:15the way they did their links based on what we taught them. Their earnings went up four times
00:55:19overnight without a single change in traffic. Okay. It's not rocket science, but when you learn
00:55:25it, when these things come to you, you're going to, it's like, oh, that seems obvious. I should
00:55:30have known that from the beginning. But again, it's because we've learned it the long and hard
00:55:34way. So absolutely, you can fix your website. It doesn't mean you have to go start from scratch.
00:55:39Use the content that's there. But go ahead and start another one too, once that one's ready.
00:55:43Yeah. Daryl Smith asks, are you willing to take on a lot of clients? Are you going to get overrun
00:55:48in the community? This is a good question. And man, did we spend a lot of time talking about this.
00:55:53The way that we control how many people are in the community is with the price. And the price
00:55:59will be going up in the future because we do not want too many people in that community. We always
00:56:05want to make sure we can take care of that group and nobody falls through the cracks. Now, all the
00:56:11things in Project 24 are mostly one-to-many things. We have the app where we're in there
00:56:15responding to your questions all the time. We are there interacting with you. But like a podcast,
00:56:20we can send out to everybody. Of course, we can send out to everybody. And so by having that mix
00:56:25of lots of one-to-many things and also some one-to-one stuff with the app and the communication
00:56:30there, we can control that way better than we have in the past, which it's never been a problem
00:56:37in the past. But this is going to allow us to grow, continuing moving forward. And again,
00:56:44when it starts getting too many, we're upping the price because we do not want anybody falling
00:56:48through the cracks. Yeah, no question about that. The whole one-to-one, one-to-many thing,
00:56:57if you're in the community and you ask a question and it's kind of something just simple that can be
00:57:02answered, we'll do our best to answer that. If there are too many for us to take, there will
00:57:06reach a point where what we'll do is we're going to see the same questions over and over again.
00:57:11This is what always happens. And when we see that same question popping up over and over again,
00:57:15we're going to make a course that will answer that question in way better detail than we can
00:57:19in a quick one-off email response or whatever. So this will actually end up being much better
00:57:24support. Okay? Yeah. Dennis is asking when we up the price, is it going to up for you joining it?
00:57:32No. If you're joining now, I feel like, no, we can't change the game on you partway through.
00:57:38You're joining, it's $3.49 for a year. It's a one-time payment for the year and the
00:57:43subsequent years are going to be $1.99. You will never have to pay the $3.49 again for as long as
00:57:48you remember. So no, we're not going to change the finish line on you halfway through. Not cool.
00:57:54Oh boy, lots of questions coming in. Holy cow. I do want to mention one more thing about the
00:57:59community. This is an approach that we've been using in NicheSite School for a few months. It's
00:58:03been awesome. The cool thing is that you're getting a lot of experience from hundreds of
00:58:09other people who are doing this themselves. Some of these people have been doing this for years
00:58:13and are just here to learn a new approach. Yeah. And so not only are we in there trying to answer
00:58:18as many questions as we can and helping you along the way and cheering for you, we have people that
00:58:22are in there celebrating each other's successes. Good job, man. High five. We got people in there
00:58:27that are saying, hey, I just wrote this article. What do you guys think about it? And within 12
00:58:32hours, they've got 20 responses of other people that have read the article that are giving them
00:58:36feedback. Yeah. I can't tell you how many times this week I've gone in to comment on something
00:58:41because we had some beta testers this week in the app. And I can't tell you how many times I went
00:58:47in to comment and it was like, thumbs up, they answered it. Yes, that's exactly what I would say.
00:58:54Cool. $3.49, Ryan is asking how long it's last. That's one year. You get a year of all this stuff.
00:59:02And that's at IncomeSchool.com. In fact, will you put the link back up? IncomeSchool.com. You can
00:59:07see all the details right there. The cart is open right now and kind of on fire. All right.
00:59:17Let's see. What training is available after a year, David Smith is asking. So we're going to
00:59:24continue on and we're going to continue to grow this moving forward. This is, again, a continually
00:59:30growing thing. A year from now, there may be 20 courses in that. And so that would be the value
00:59:36of continuing. Lifeful Bright asks what payment options we have. You can pay with Stripe and you
00:59:41can pay with PayPal on there. Either way is fine, whichever one you prefer. And people that are
00:59:45asking about being able to make monthly payments, if you go through PayPal and you really can't
00:59:51afford to do this all in one month, PayPal has the option to do what's called PayPal credit.
00:59:55They'll actually pay it all up front and then you'll pay them back once a month. So even though
01:00:01we don't, I don't love that because I'm all about paying cash. I am too, man. And so I don't want to
01:00:06earn the money is what I say. I don't want to recommend that. Go sell something out of your
01:00:10garage. Yeah, I agree. Don't do it, man. Wait till you've got the money and pay for it. But it's an
01:00:16option if that's what you choose. It's up to you. And that's why we don't have a payment option on
01:00:19there is because we're all about earn it and then pay it. Yeah. All right. Let's see. Holy cow.
01:00:27So many questions coming in. All right. Would it be possible for an advanced user to check many of
01:00:35those boxes in a day? Yes. Absolutely. So in the 60 step recipe, I don't know if I could say right
01:00:42off, maybe your first eight to ten are mostly technology stuff. Install WordPress, put up a logo,
01:00:49you know, and set up your permalinks, get these specific plugins and we'll tell you which ones we
01:00:54like and putting on your theme. Now, if you've done this, you've made other websites, whatever.
01:00:59That's like an hour project to do all. And so you'll go tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. And then it gets
01:01:03into the stuff that takes time writing the content. And for each day, you know, we're saying like,
01:01:08okay, today, write a response post, 1200 words. This is exactly how to do the keyword research,
01:01:14etc. Yep. And if you've got in the summertime, you've got eight hours a day to work on this
01:01:19because you're a schoolteacher. Fantastic. Go write five posts in one day. I wouldn't say do
01:01:24that every day. You will burn yourself out. But yeah. And you know what? People are still asking
01:01:33if you want to pay cash, but it's going to take time. Don't worry about it. If it takes you three
01:01:36months to come up with $349, I don't think the price is going to have changed in the next three
01:01:41months. We don't know exactly when we're going to raise that price. It's going to depend on how
01:01:46many people sign up. Okay. Jason Regan is asking, do you still roll with xTheme? Do we roll with it?
01:01:52Yeah. That's cool. So you'll notice a lot of people have noticed that last week we switched
01:02:01IncomeSchool.com over to Divi. And what I would say right now is we're in the experimentation
01:02:06phase. We like to run a lot of benchmarks and test a website very thoroughly before we're going to
01:02:13give it our stamp of approval. xTheme is still a great theme. If you're on xTheme, you're set.
01:02:19There are some things that I haven't loved that ThemeCo has done with the theme. I'm not loving
01:02:24some of their direction, the way they've deprecated a lot of short codes. It's getting more confusing
01:02:29to get started. But still, if you're starting today, I think xTheme is an awesome choice.
01:02:35I'm also really liking Divi and some of the things they have there. But you can also roll
01:02:40with the free theme if you want to get started, and you're going to be just fine getting started.
01:02:44So, yeah, it's a lot of personal preference. But we want to have clear recommendations. And so,
01:02:52we're kind of withholding that until we can for sure do all our benchmarking. But so far,
01:02:56Divi is looking really cool. Those two themes are currently recommended in Project 24 and the 60
01:03:02Steps. We'll add some other themes to that list as we try them, but we won't recommend one until
01:03:06we have used it on a website. What I would say about xTheme versus Divi is that if you want a
01:03:12site that you're just going to set up and leave it and have it just be awesome and powerful,
01:03:16this would be great for those passive niche websites. xTheme is fantastic. Just set it and
01:03:20leave it. Divi is really, really good. Their page building feature just knocks the socks off of
01:03:29xTheme. So, for a visual site, for that authority site where you're going to want to add a little bit
01:03:34some more features and a lot more visual stuff, it's going to be a great way to go.
01:03:38Yeah, very cool.
01:03:42Will you teach us to start a WordPress site from scratch, says Daryl.
01:03:48Action one, action two, action three.
01:03:49Click here, click here, click here. Again, if you're advanced, we do have a lot of pros who are
01:03:55taking this and you're just going to go click, click, click. You're going to get through that
01:03:58quickly. But if you've never done this before, we're covered. In fact, several of my sisters and
01:04:07brothers-in-law are working on websites and they've been texting me, how do I do this? I can't get it.
01:04:13I just said, okay, I'm just going to give you access to Project 24 and you're going to know how
01:04:19to do that. Speaking of, hey, my nephew, Jake Harmer is on here. Hey, Jake. They said no
01:04:25timeframe on 349. You're right. Thank you, Jake.
01:04:28You understand economics. Congratulations, man.
01:04:31Ryan asked about Thrive themes. We didn't mention that because we haven't tested them out recently.
01:04:38Again, we're not going to recommend a theme that we haven't had a chance to thoroughly benchmark.
01:04:42I have checked them out at least and a lot of it is just my personal preference. The designs
01:04:47didn't quite speak to me. That's fine. That's going to be personal for every person. It's not
01:04:52that we have a problem with them. There's nothing wrong with going
01:04:55out and testing out a theme. If there's a theme you want to go put on your website
01:04:59and it looks how you want your site to look and there's some good reputable reviews,
01:05:04it's well known, it's probably going to be just fine. Especially if they're updating their themes
01:05:08regularly, you're probably good. Go ahead and try it out. In the worst case scenario,
01:05:14you'll just switch themes later. Trent says, are you giving any info
01:05:17in the course on where to get logos, graphic? Yep. In fact, that's like lesson number three.
01:05:22It'll show you exactly the place that we go. Now, I want to mention something about how much
01:05:27it's going to cost to develop the niche site absent just the price of niche site school.
01:05:32It really can be almost nothing. I mean, Project 24 is $3.49 for a year of access,
01:05:40like we've said. But then what else do you have to buy? Do you have to get graphic design? Do you
01:05:44have to get developers and pay for paid plugins and themes and stuff? No. What you will need to
01:05:51buy is hosting. That costs $2.49 per month with Bluehost, which is what we use on all our websites
01:05:58start on Bluehost. We have a link in there that will actually give you a discount if you sign up
01:06:05through our Bluehost link. But that's not just if you sign up for Project 24. If you just go to
01:06:09IncomeSchool.com, we have links to Bluehost and they'll give you the discount. The same discount.
01:06:14Any comments on StudioPress? We have used StudioPress in the past. It's been a few years
01:06:18since we've used them. Solid theme. It's one where I'd recommend- More for coders.
01:06:26Yeah, people that have some real experience with WordPress and if you understand some code.
01:06:30Yeah, just getting your logo up there is, if you're not kind of a tech guy, it's less drag
01:06:37and drop, easy stuff. But it is a great theme for somebody who's a little bit more of a power user.
01:06:42And we will make a course on how to hire writers and how to train your writers. That is going to
01:06:48come. I don't know exactly when that's going to be put out there, but that's one that we're
01:06:51actually really excited about. Where's the best place to get reputable writers? Now,
01:06:59we're going to make this a democracy in Project 24. We want to kind of put out our ideas for what
01:07:04new courses we create and let the community decide that. But this is one that I really want to do
01:07:10soon to have a course up there for, because we have kind of a cool system for doing it.
01:07:16So we've hired writers in a lot of different ways. One is ProBlogger, the job forum.
01:07:22And there we got like hundreds of responses of people wanting to write for our sites.
01:07:26And it was kind of a pain to sort through, but we did find some really good writers.
01:07:31My favorite place to hire writers is just from the blog itself. If you have any traffic,
01:07:36even a few thousand a month, I put a little stripe across the top. Like if you go to
01:07:40camperreport.com, you'll see it. And it just says, hey, do you love RVs? Want to get paid
01:07:44for writing? And they email us and say, sure, how do I get paid for writing about this?
01:07:49And that's where you find people who are perfect because they are your ideal customer.
01:07:55We pay two cents a word and we have a pretty smooth system for getting their articles out
01:08:01and getting them paid and stuff. Can you do this without hiring writers?
01:08:04Absolutely yes. Absolutely yes. In fact, if you have the time and you're comfortable in
01:08:09doing the writing, do it. You don't need to be putting out five articles a day.
01:08:14Maybe five years from now, you'll have a website where you are putting out five articles a day and
01:08:20you have paid writers. By then, you ought to be making a whole lot of money and be able to pay
01:08:25for that, no problem. But in the next two, three, four, probably five years, you absolutely don't
01:08:32have to do that. If you're willing to take the time and write the content yourself,
01:08:36which we create most of our content, you're going to be just fine.
01:08:41You're going to be just fine. JNK says he started
01:08:44niche site school three months ago and he's got 46 articles up.
01:08:47He's killing it, man. Way to go. That's awesome. That's a lot of content. That can do really,
01:08:52really well. Andrew asks, when you get your domain, does the extension matter, .com, .net,
01:08:57et cetera? Yeah, this is where you need the Picking Profitable Niches course. We talk in
01:09:02depth about this because this is a critical thing. Short answer, only .com and we'll explain that
01:09:09there. Yep. Let's see. Paul says he's signing up. Go, Paul. Way to go. We'll see you on the
01:09:14inside. As soon as you start Project 24, go to incomeschool.com.go and post in the app. As soon
01:09:21as you get in there, download that app and log in and then introduce yourself. I took a selfie
01:09:26of myself in BK to introduce me and my family to the group. Take a selfie, let us see you,
01:09:31tell us what niches you're thinking about. I want to get to know people.
01:09:36The format of the courses. There's some variance there. There's some courses that are totally
01:09:43video. There's closed captioning in them. I haven't checked to make sure every word in each
01:09:50hour-long video is perfect. I'm not sure how good the closed caption is because it's hosted with
01:09:54Vimeo, not YouTube. YouTube is really good. I don't know how Vimeo does. There's not transcripts
01:09:59for the whole thing. There are some of these where we talk for an hour at a time. The 60 action
01:10:05steps. Most of the steps are text, walking you through step by step what to do and then we weave
01:10:10in a video to show you something here and there. Yeah, like step 15, whatever it'll be, watch this
01:10:15course. Just sit down. You don't have to do anything today other than just watch the course
01:10:19because you need this information to get on to the next phase. It kind of is going to depend on
01:10:23what the content is of that course. Some courses it's going to make a lot of sense for it to be
01:10:27very visual. Some courses it'll make more sense for it to be text with some screenshots. Bob just
01:10:33talked it over with the wife and she approves of me parting with this money. Bob got the kitchen
01:10:39pass. You know what? That issue actually comes up quite a bit. People ask, I don't know what to do.
01:10:45My significant other, it goes either way. My significant other is just unsure about this
01:10:51whole website thing. You know what? If you are serious about it, go take something that you like
01:10:58and say, you know what? Honey, I'm going to sell this. I'll tell you something else cool to do.
01:11:03My wife is going to hate me. My wife's phone number is 208-963-2980. Right now hand the phone
01:11:13to your wife and have her call my wife. Have her call my wife and just ask her what it's like
01:11:22creating the sites and stuff. Again, my wife's phone number is 208-963-2980. Have your wife call
01:11:31me. She's going to get calls. That's awesome. And just ask her what it's like to start websites.
01:11:39Because if you're not the one doing the niche sites, yeah, it seems kind of crazy. I remember
01:11:46the very first time I got a check from my blog and I was like, I just felt like, are we sure?
01:11:53Like, are we sure the internet sent me money? And so, it seems crazy if you haven't been
01:11:59learning at all. So again, my wife's phone number 208-963-2980. Have your spouse call her.
01:12:08I'm sleeping on the couch tonight. Kendall's been around for a while. He says,
01:12:11hurry and call before it gets disconnected. She's going to say, hey, I don't want to block
01:12:16every call for the next month. That's awesome. All right. Matthew, you asked a question. Some
01:12:24people ask about this all the time. What if you're hesitant to discuss any particular niche?
01:12:29And by that, I'm not 100% sure what you're asking, but some people will say,
01:12:34you know, I'm hesitant to talk about my ideas in the open forum. And people are really hesitant
01:12:40to share their idea. The fact is, ideas are a dime a dozen, okay? There may be 20 people
01:12:46in the community at the same time working on the same niche, the same topic. And every one of them
01:12:53is going to have a different site, a different approach, and every one of them can be successful.
01:12:58They're all going to write about different keywords. It's totally fine. Nobody in there
01:13:04is trying to steal your idea. Everybody in there is trying to be successful themselves,
01:13:08but they're also there helping each other out. Yeah. You want as many people going to your
01:13:13website as possible, even if it's brand new. It at least tells Google that something's alive
01:13:18in this corner of the internet and to go look at it. So don't be secretive about your URL. I
01:13:23want to do the opposite. I want everybody to know what my URL is for my websites. I think it was
01:13:28Ken. Somebody also asked about a course about legal stuff. I think that'd be fantastic. I'd
01:13:34love to make a course about, should you create an LLC for your company? What legal language you
01:13:41need to be an Amazon affiliate? What you need for your terms of use and privacy policy? How to keep
01:13:47from getting sued on a blog? I'd love to create a course on that. We have some of that content
01:13:51already in the 60-step guide. We actually have one step that goes through a lot of that legal stuff,
01:13:56but I think we could dive in a lot more detail. Okay. Daryl says, I'm still unclear how we get
01:14:01paid from website posts. All right. If you're a little bit more of a beginner, totally cool.
01:14:05So here it is broken down how I get income from sites, how we get income from our sites.
01:14:11So here it is broken into chunks. Probably the biggest chunk is info products for me. It's people
01:14:18buying a video course, people buying an audio course where you're just talking in a microphone
01:14:22talking through thing, an e-book, a Lightroom preset, a little piece of software. A membership
01:14:27site. Yeah. Info is probably my biggest one. Close to that is ads. Ads have really grown over
01:14:34the last couple of years and they're a really nice income source because they're completely passive.
01:14:41So that is another great place. Amazon affiliate is also great. It's also probably the first way
01:14:47you're going to make your pizza money is from your Amazon affiliate. And then there's so many other
01:14:53affiliate programs. Yeah. You can click bank and CJ and they're just a million things you can do.
01:14:59Sell physical products. But for me, those are the ones that I've chosen. The ones that I kind of
01:15:04enjoy. Yeah. They're the ones that seem to work really, really well. Somebody asked how do we get
01:15:08the app? I actually, the Android app for the community, I'll say is currently considered
01:15:15it's unreleased, but you can still get it. I actually put a link in the community. So just
01:15:20Google or just not Google. Go into the project 24 community and search in there. I think I made
01:15:25it an announcement, so it should actually stick near the top and just look for that. I put a link
01:15:30to where you can go download it on Google play. I found it there for you. I downloaded, I have it
01:15:34on my Android phone. Yeah. Very cool. Joel asked, do we help choose a niche? Yeah. We have a whole
01:15:39course called picking profitable niches that you'll watch in your first few days in niche site
01:15:44school or in, I got to stop saying that, project 24. We have a whole course on that. And plus,
01:15:49even after watching it, you think you got it whittled down, this is right. Go post in the app
01:15:54saying, hey, I think about this. What do you guys think? And you'll get lots of comments of what
01:15:58everybody thinks and we're in there constantly and we can say, yes, no, consider this, et cetera.
01:16:05And yes, the app is available for iPhone. That one, it is already published. You'll just go get
01:16:10it. You guys, I love Apple products. You think I made an Android only app?
01:16:17I'm learning to love Apple products. They're pretty awesome.
01:16:21All right. Cool. Man, so people are upset with each other on YouTube. Guys,
01:16:28let's have some fun. It's a Thursday night. Okay. Somebody asked, I didn't see the name before it
01:16:34went away. Chair covers Chicago. Should I worry about a high bounce rate of like 80%? Okay. This is
01:16:41another reason why it's great to have a community because people worry about this. When you go into
01:16:46your Google Analytics, you're like, man, I'm trying to do the best I can with my content,
01:16:50but is this good? This is why you need the community is to just be able to ask that and
01:16:55you get answers. That is completely normal and nothing to be concerned about.
01:17:00People have been asking that from us on YouTube lately because most people out there, all the
01:17:04gurus out there won't actually ever show you their analytics. You don't know what their bounce
01:17:08rates are. And so then you see our analytics and you're like, you guys have an 80 plus percent
01:17:11bounce rate on camper report. Totally normal. Okay. Who cares? It makes money.
01:17:17What that, it does matter that we're sticking people on the website, but the reason your bounce
01:17:23rate is high usually has less to do with the content and a lot more to do with the traffic
01:17:29source, right? If somebody came from Pinterest or Facebook to your website, you're still in this
01:17:34like the little browser subset on their phone, you know, where they, you click back to go to
01:17:38Facebook. Um, and so the chances of them clicking in and reading a hundred of your articles are like,
01:17:43it's not going to happen. Um, and most people it's very transactional. They get their info and they
01:17:48leave and that's totally fine. Um, so it matters a lot more with the traffic source. Whereas if
01:17:54we're on YouTube and you know us and you go to our website for the first time, first time you
01:17:58went to income school, there's a good chance you read through four or five articles to poke around
01:18:01and see what's there. The longer your website's up to, the more of the traffic that comes is
01:18:05going to be more organic and you'll see that bounce rate slowly go down and down and down.
01:18:09But if you're in the first year or two of your website, it's totally fine to have a bounce
01:18:13rate in the 80% range. All right. Mike, I like how you think. Yes. Mike says the community itself
01:18:21would be worth the 349 and that's absolutely right. I have, I have, uh, you know, subscribed
01:18:26to many other websites that are, um, similar, not, not exactly the same just to kind of see what
01:18:32they, what they have. And I've seen a lot of offerings for communities that are a hundred
01:18:36dollars a month and I can't get myself to do that. Yeah. Niche site guide is asking about an affiliate
01:18:42program for the course. We have set up the technology to do that. We haven't quite launched
01:18:47what it all would look like, but we will be having an affiliate program for project 24 as well.
01:18:52All right. We're ready to wrap this up. You guys, thank you for supporting us at Income School.
01:18:59Man, every morning I wake up at too early. My wife has stopped even asking. Uh, she used to,
01:19:08for years I'd roll out of bed and she's like, what's wrong? Something wrong? It's six o'clock
01:19:12in the morning. Um, you know, you're a blogger. Shouldn't you roll and roll out of bed at 10 AM?
01:19:18And it's like, I can't sleep. I'm excited every morning to get in here and create videos for you
01:19:24guys and show us what we're doing and seeing the awesome results people are getting and working on
01:19:29my own websites. Um, and it really has been a dream for me to be able to do this, uh, to be able to
01:19:36create niche websites on my, man, about photography, about dirt biking and campers,
01:19:42stuff that I love working with Ricky. Um, it's, it's just so cool. I, I just want to end in our
01:19:50last couple seconds here, um, with kind of, kind of two things to think about, about just what it's
01:19:58really like, uh, running niche websites. Not every day is rosy. Some days it's hard and your traffic
01:20:05is going down for this or that reason, or the income isn't, isn't doing as well for whatever
01:20:10reason. But one of the things that I love about it is this, this is a weird metaphor guys, forgive
01:20:18me. So this shirt has the ink tag on it, right? Uh, I hate it when this happens. You go buy a shirt
01:20:25and they forget to take off the ink tag. You paid for it, I promise. I paid for it. Um, it's so frustrating because you're
01:20:32trying to be the customer, right? You're trying to just go in their store, find a good product, and
01:20:36then they just, they don't trust you. And that's what I felt like when I was working a job is like,
01:20:42they're like, hmm, Harmer's five minutes late today. You know, he hasn't produced, produced as much, or
01:20:48you're vying office politics trying to get the raise, or you're doing an awesome job and you just
01:20:53don't get recognized. Um, it's about like that mistrust, just like these ink tags at a store.
01:21:00Um, and I love that I can come in and work and there's nobody looking over my shoulder. Um, I
01:21:06work hard. I want to get things done. Um, and it doesn't matter if I work 12 hours today. I'm going
01:21:12to do that because I want to get ahead. And sometimes during the summer, I'm going to take a
01:21:16month off and just spend time with my kids. And I schedule out posting YouTube videos and nobody
01:21:22even knows I was gone. Um, so I love like just being in charge of my own destiny. Um, of if I want
01:21:30to earn a whole bunch of money, we have a big financial goal. Me and my wife want to buy something.
01:21:34Uh, we say, all right, how are we going to do this? I want to earn the money so we can, uh, can do it.
01:21:40Um, and other times we say, you know what? Money's not the problem right now. Right now we just need
01:21:44to focus on family and spend family time. I love being able to turn it up and turn it down and no
01:21:50people looking over your shoulder. I can't agree more. Um, I've, I've spent a lot longer in the,
01:21:57in the corporate world, in the job world. And I have to say, um, it's extremely frustrating. Most
01:22:03of you guys have experienced this too. When you go to work, you're giving it your all and then
01:22:07somebody starts to question you. Somebody that doesn't even know it's like, Hey, you know, they
01:22:12go to your boss and they're like, dude, that guy seems to, you know, does he even work hard? He,
01:22:17he left at four o'clock the other day. What is the deal? You know, I work hard. I work late every
01:22:21day and he's leaving early. Nobody does that. Nobody does that when you work for yourself.
01:22:27And when you, when you, when you get to do this work online, you can work the hours that you want
01:22:31to, you can work on the projects that you care about. And most importantly, you can live your
01:22:36life focused on the things that matter to you. If that's your family, if that's other hobbies
01:22:41and goals and things you want to accomplish in life, that's what you can spend your time on.
01:22:45And that is the thing that excites me the most every morning. Very cool. Um, Elizabeth said,
01:22:51thank you, Jim and Ricky. I'm going to work hard to get the extra money needed to pay for the first
01:22:56year. Um, that man, I just, I love that. Uh, people see that are going after something and,
01:23:02and making something, uh, of themselves and, and trying to get started. You know, if,
01:23:08if you're going to go the DIY route and try to figure this out yourself, or you're going to work
01:23:12with us, we want to wish you the very best on your project. 24. Uh, we want to see you on YouTube
01:23:18and, uh, all the things we're going to continue to create for you. Thank you for giving us a night
01:23:23of your time away from your family and, and, uh, focusing on this project, go to
01:23:27income school.com slash go, and at least see if it's going to be worth it for you to have us in
01:23:32your corner. Bye guys.