• 2 months ago
Most online users don't read privacy statements and prefer to focus on managing their own data security on the internet.
00:00How much do EU citizens care about protecting their personal data online?
00:10The vast majority of internet users in the EU don't bother reading privacy statements before
00:17providing personal data. Nonetheless, 73% of people have taken actions to manage their online
00:25security at least once in three months. Which EU nations are the most careful about their online
00:33privacy? The highest percentages of people protecting their data were reported in the
00:39Netherlands almost 92%, Finland almost 91%, the Czech Republic and Denmark both with rates over
00:5080%. The countries that are least interested in managing data protection in the EU are Romania,
00:58Bulgaria, Latvia, Poland and Slovenia. How do internet users protect their data? The most
01:05common ways are refusing to allow the use of personal data for advertising as well as restricting
01:13or refusing access to the user's location. Furthermore, 41% limited access to their profile
01:21or content on social networks while only 35% check if the website they're using is safe.
