• 2 days ago
00:00That looks like it comes from the depths of you know, it's not a good place that cute. He's just trained. He's an actor
00:06Whoa, we got a match going on here
00:10Alginate what water?
00:11Is this this looks like a cement mixture or something? Okay, they use this bench or to make a mold
00:18Yeah mold with the match. Yes
00:21Seems like a weird mold
00:23Yeah, let's see
00:25Let's give him a chance we'll give you a chance five minutes
00:31So it's a finger mold
00:36What's next what's the point what are we doing here good mold for sure?
00:40Is it gonna hold a flower or like a plant or something match? You will put a mesh there
00:46So you don't have to hold it with your own fingers what a genius idea five-minute crafts truly innovative
00:52Oh, yeah, we got some some plexiglass or something. Yeah
00:59Maybe windows for something
01:03Taping it together
01:07Right now it looks like a mini fish tank, that's all I'm thinking so I hope it's a mini fish tank
01:14I think it's never more
01:19Slow motion drill
01:22That's confusing it's going backwards or forwards they will yes, what are they doing?
01:27They're gonna make the diorama from from the matches
01:30Okay fingers most probably they will put the match which they burn on the beginning
01:36Okay, and there and put everything in a boxy. Okay reason so so they're gonna epoxy it and make it look like it's burning
01:43I'm doing the things. Ah, how are they gonna make the fire though?
01:47Let's see
01:49So it's holding the burnt match
01:52Pouring some epoxy resin in as you predicted. Yes, very astute observation
02:01Not bad not bad so far, let's see
02:04finishing up the fill
02:08Right to the top because epoxy can you know come down a little bit afterwards
02:16Okay, it doesn't look very clear it's the only thing I'm worried about I think you need to polish it they will okay
02:23Oh, they're taking the mold out
02:26Interesting we'll leave it there. Yeah me too. I'm confused now. Why?
02:32The polishing is the corners first
02:38Okay, oh
02:44Nice okay. Okay. Well eight out of ten. Yes, not bad
02:53Okay, it's a tool
02:57What does that thing do
02:58That's for screwing. Okay, we're screwing any anything pretty cool. I can imagine I guess nice tool. Yeah, I need to test it
03:05Yes, I think we should test that
03:08Huh, if you can unscrew your bolt you just need to got it what
03:17Love it
03:19Don't bang this. No, your fingers will be decimated. Oh, that's nice for getting the first hidden
03:28It's for very professional dudes, yeah, I think these are more professional people than we are yes
03:37Okay. Oh, no, I don't have my nail or my screw or something. Oh
03:42It's all the way down there, but don't worry. Here's the solution some must magnet brush little magnet bracelet
03:50And here we go. What are you gonna do with it? They're painting it or firing it you fine. Be careful with it
03:56Yeah, I mean that was cool though
03:58It's cool design. Yeah
04:04Setting wood on fire never heard of it
04:07This shape
04:09So they're drilling these these things together. Okay, what are we gonna make with these pallets? Okay, any any guesses any guess?
04:16I'm guessing they're going to make a
04:18giant a
04:20giant pallets
04:24Interesting idea. Yes
04:28Looks like I'm a tree house. Yeah, like that. Obviously, they're not building it in the tree, but they'll they'll stick it up there
04:36Maybe the tree house
04:38Literally could be on the on the ground not on the tree. Oh, it could be a house house house house
04:44Okay, so we got a little porch going on here
04:50Okay, it's I
04:52Think I think you're right. It's three house. It's a house. Okay, it's just a house. It's just a house house a house
04:58For kids, I guess I guess so. I mean it looks too small to house, you know for normal sized humans
05:06What are you gonna say?
05:07We're normal size
05:14So what is that offense a gate
05:19Is it for a dog
05:20It might be for a dog like a dog house. It's
05:24It's too fancy for awesome. I would give my dog that house. I give my dog anything you're gonna repeat it. Yeah
05:30Okay, easy film it and show us
05:36It's pretty nice for a dog and I think you're right but like humans love their dogs, you know, so yes
05:43I love I also love dogs, but and flowers flowers, but it's Wow
05:50Impression, it's pretty impressive. Yeah impression
05:55You're getting an upgrade bro, yes, let's roll this thing. Yeah
06:00It's best dog house ever do you think you like it? I think he loves it Wow, I would love it
06:07Okay, that's a little water bowl. That's good essential some foodies. Yay. Nice
06:13I give this dog house a 10 out of 10 me too. Me too. It's actually very impressive Wow
06:19Okay, so what is this now? We got a wire like a gun thing
06:27Soldering iron
06:28What it's Wow. That's awesome. Nice because you always I don't know if you sold or something
06:34But yeah, always trying to put the wire and yeah
06:39So this hands-free basically from you know, it's like in the button
06:44Sometimes it's up. Yeah, so protect your teeth and your hands exactly get one of these cool gadgets
06:52Yeah, and we tested this gadget, yeah, it works well very good which did it so well, okay if which did it then it works
07:02He didn't do it, okay. Oh, yeah
07:09Okay, this looks like a baton oh it's a magnet so you can pick things up you drop that's useful
07:14That's useful for any workman workshop person
07:18Save your keys
07:21Okay, ah
07:24That's cool tool, yeah
07:29I approve
07:32That's cool now you put it in it perfectly fits nice a wire twister
07:37It's just a real drill. Yeah, that's a that's a handy hack
07:45It's a wire connector, oh
07:48Okay, I you can do it better than previous time with this little bit
07:53Yeah, there was a problem and this solution. Very good. We're burning some paper now, it seems it's kind of random thing
08:08Yeah, we tried this oh
08:10That looks like it comes from the depths of you know, it's not a good place
08:14It's they also trying to put
08:17Go together. So we got red cabbage and we put it in some sprite and some what?
08:22Really you didn't know it. I had no idea. This is awesome
08:32Phone person. Goodbye phone person
08:37This is the last time you'll go against me, yeah
08:41They should do the in our shape of terminator this thing
08:48Awesome so yeah in the salty water
08:52cans float
08:55Okay, it's kind of possibly the right yeah, okay distilled water we got some microwave action and I start burning what
09:04No way we need to try to test that yes Wow
09:10Okay, we got a skittle that's getting melted for some reason of course because the the bowl is hot
09:15Yeah, it's so obviously honest. Okay
09:20Burning an egg. Yeah to make it
09:28Silver effects. Yeah, we did it. That's neat
09:33Cash paper
09:34So this is receipt paper. Yeah
09:38It's just an infinite hole cool with this the small you couldn't see the bottom of it
09:43So I don't really trust but we tried it and it worked. Yeah, okay watch our video
09:50So, okay if you froze your jelly it will broke like a glass very nice
09:55We got a magnet another magnet looks like the red hot chili peppers logo
10:00battery and here we go and the spinner
