• 2 months ago
Bellringing at Edith Weston Church in Rutland
00:00Forget the Sally, I'll look after that, you're just going to have that bit, so you're going to pull it off and then come and hands down here, and then I'll look after the rest, but you just, whatever you do, do not let go.
00:17No Siri, it'll be alright, I'll look after you. You always hold the end of that.
00:24What happens if I didn't let go, what would be the calamity?
00:27If you didn't let go, the rope would, the likelihood is you'd break the stay.
00:34So if you break the wooden stay, that means there's nothing to stop the bell, so the bell would go, just go round and it would pull the rope off.
00:42Yes, yeah.
00:43And also, it means that I'd have to go out and fix it, so don't do that this morning.
00:46In case it gets crossed, yes sir.
00:49So, hands together.
00:53Are you right handed?
00:54I'm right handed, yeah.
00:56Okay, and then pull off.
01:12Don't pull so hard, no need to pull so hard.
01:20Don't look up.
01:22It'll come down, you don't have to look up.
01:26That's better.
01:28Nice and straight, there we go.
01:38Right, just move your hands up the rope a little bit.
01:42Not too, no, no, no, that's too much, just about there, let's try that.
01:51That's better, make it straight.
01:53You stretch and then it keeps the rope, keeps the tension on the rope.
01:58Is that better?
02:00That's better.
02:03Mm, lovely.
02:04I think we're a recruit here.
02:07By Jove, I think she's got it.
