• 2 mesi fa
Washington, 29 gen. (askanews) - Erano poche decine i manifestanti davanti alla Casa Bianca a Washington contro le nuove politiche sull'immigrazione di Donald Trump e la sua decisione di bloccare i fondi a molte agenzie federali. Hanno marciato sventolando bandiere Usa e scandendo "così si comporta la democrazia", "così cominciano le dittature", "liberate i fondi federali", "la giustizia non può aspettare, Trump non è immune"


00:00Show me what democracy looks like. This is what democracy looks like.
00:11This is the start of how autocracy's dictatorship starts.
00:16So, I hesitated to come here.
00:22And so, when we talk about these issues...
00:25Rule of law!
00:27Rule of law!
00:29Rule of law!
00:31This is what democracy looks like.
00:34Show me what democracy looks like.
00:37Stand up, fight back!
00:39...under attack. What do we do?
00:42Stand up, fight back!
00:44Transportation! Transportation!
00:51This is what democracy looks like.
00:59This is what democracy looks like.
01:03This is what democracy looks like.
01:06No kings! No kings!
01:11A human right!
01:17Because this is what democracy looks like!
01:22Show me what democracy looks like!
