• 2 months ago
Council leader Coun Dennis Jones discusses the launch
00:00This is probably one of the best days I've had as leader to see the House
00:05Project, the first in the east of England, come to fruition right behind our town
00:10hall in Chauffeurs Cottage, a city centre location for our care leavers where they
00:16can have space, have time and learn new skills and have some companionship.
00:24Hello, my name is Banas. I am currently studying to become a pilot. Well I believe that the
00:31Housing Project will help me build resilience and help me in life with, for
00:37example, public speaking like I'm speaking to a camera right now.
00:43I'm proudly standing in the House Project which is launched today. I'm really proud
00:47that this service is now going to be available to all care leavers that we
00:51have here in the city. As a parent myself, I would be delighted for children to come
00:56and young people to come and ask how to wash, how to wash their clothes, how to
01:01sort out finances, how to sign a tenancy agreement, how to write a CV.
01:09I think it's not should be open for more than just care children as well because even the
01:16local kids nowadays, just having a house, most kids don't have the
01:22opportunity to just understand what or how much you have to do to gain an
01:28apartment or a house, how to take care of it yourself, your confidence and so
01:34deal with people around you. We're all going to find people we don't like but
01:39how to deal with them, some kids might struggle with that and even like in my
01:43case going into meetings or public-seeking. Some kids in their future
01:49career might have to do public-seeking but find that they don't have enough
01:54confidence and enough support for it. The House Project with its training
01:59programme called All Kids really will make a difference. Our project team has
02:04launched the project today. It's been a great event and I'm truly grateful for all
02:09those people who've made it a reality.
