• vor 2 Monaten
Die Gangster-Serie Gangs of London wurde von The-Raid-Regisseur Gareth Evans entwickelt und ist im London der Gegenwart angesiedelt. Dort treffen verschiedene internationale Gangsterbanden aufeinander und liefern sich einen Kampf auf Leben und Tod. Ausschlaggebend dafür ist der Tod eines einflussreichen Gangster-Bosses, der ein gefährliches Machtvakuum hinterlässt.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/gangs-of-london


00:00Last night, 600 people died and it wasn't an accident.
00:09What would you call it?
00:11An attack.
00:14London is at the feet of the criminal gangs.
00:19War no more.
00:21Your days of terrorizing this city are numbered.
00:26I'm not the one you're looking for.
00:28That cocaine was deliberately spiked.
00:31People are saying that Shaw was responsible for the deaths.
00:38Someone on the outside helped him.
00:43You think you're safe in there?
00:46You're not safe.
00:49You do know what he's planning on doing, don't you?
00:51You don't want a war.
00:53You draw your lines and I'll draw mine.
00:59He was your mistake. Fix this.
01:02My mistake was not recognizing how weak my family were.
01:14I want him found and I want him alive.
01:17Your boy's a stress person.
01:22I'm looking for Sean Wallace.
01:24We're not missing persons, Bureau.
01:31Elliot's betrayed us all.
01:34Bloodshed is not the answer.
01:38Isn't it?
01:44Everyone in this city wants me dead because of you.
01:52I'm gonna make you pay for what you've done.
