• 2 months ago
00:00the riders fully have to just drop straight into the intensity and Michael Mann he's hungry
00:06for a little bit of redemption after uh after the last one he's got two wins he's always a podium
00:12threat and Michael Mann is on the lac noir face going again like you said straight into it toe
00:18side lining up for this first cliff it's huge and the transition is quick so you got to get that
00:24speed right which proves no problem for Michael Mann coming out hot and cooking
00:32Michael Mann we're just getting word that he got his second backup board
00:36delivered from the hotel up here to the face so he is riding on solid equipment
00:41which is a huge huge benefit for any athlete Michael Mann pinned here now he gets into this
00:46lower section of the face where it totally rolls away the vision is difficult here as Michael
00:51Mann approaching he's got this spine feature right off the end perfect landing for Michael
00:56Mann airing over that bottom rock easily with no problem no control issues enjoying some powder
01:02turns in the middle and setting himself up for this next feature with a huge 360 backside three
01:08for Michael Mann connecting perfectly with the transition so a great start here for snowboard
01:13men as plenty more in store Michael Mann getting himself into this billy goat section on the heel
01:19side popping off off his heel side edge into a double yes full commitment those double lines
01:25are you just can't turn you've got to just dive down into the landing oh and just clouding himself
01:33deep in this champagne powder a product of France he wow this this run snowboard man I mean we've
01:42seen it with all three categories before and I know we're in store for it but Michael Mann you
01:46can see he's just pumping his fist there he's so happy these riders they got to ride a few laps
01:53earlier in the day before we started and he came down I mean he had smashed his board on the rocks
01:58but just grinning ear to ear like how about these conditions loving the French powder for Michael
02:03Mann and it really put him into that mindset to recover from his first competition you know he
02:08had that huge crash at a comp that he's used to winning and so to see how well he comes back
02:13you can see this confidence this backside three he's here to win he's here to ride strong and he's
02:19here to show that he can make that switch from being in last place to back on the podium
02:26oh that double was immaculate it was so perfect so precise and then boom
02:33gosh it makes you want a snowboard yeah putting himself deep deep in the powder cloud here you
02:39see the Mahmood line tracker straight out of the start gate off that big cliff and then such precise
02:46um route finding there from Michael Mann that section of the face while it may not show up on
02:50camera is completely convex so knowing where you're going lining up the feature is critical
02:56for these athletes strong pulling us up there
02:58oh I broke a second one okay well the bar is set the score for Michael Mann an 83
03:12that is a big score the judges
