• 2 months ago
👉 Los devastadores incendios en California, que han arrasado viviendas y propiedades, incluyendo las de famosos de Hollywood. Donald Trump niega la relación entre factores climáticos. Organizaciones financiadas por Jeff Bezos afirman que los cambios de temperatura y humedad han aumentado un 35% la posibilidad de incendios más fuertes cada año. Los académicos apuntan al uso excesivo de combustibles fósiles como causa del cambio climático.

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00:00You know the debacle that has been experienced and that continues to be experienced in the state of California,
00:07there, one of the largest states, I understand that the largest precisely of the United States,
00:12and the disaster that it has caused in different cities,
00:17the disaster from the point of view of nature, but also from the point of view of the large number of houses that were burned,
00:25even of Hollywood, we have counted it, of actors, of actresses who have lost everything.
00:29The truth is that Donald Trump, between his denialist agenda, has the denial of climate change,
00:38or actually not of climate change, but of taking responsibility for the current form of production
00:45in relation to the consequences that it effectively generates, according to scientists, and that impact on the planet.
00:52Well, the truth is that we are in communication with Adrian Sack, with our dear Adrian Sack,
00:57who brings the latest news regarding this and these lines, these latest headlines of Trump on the matter.
01:05Adri, good morning.
01:08How are you? Good morning, Lucy.
01:10I had been trusting the change of temperature and I came without a scarf, without anything,
01:16because I know that the global temperature has increased.
01:18Or you don't have a scarf.
01:20No, no, I had to grab my gloves at the last moment, because, well, I don't know,
01:25it seemed to me that I saw the sun and I trusted myself.
01:27What do scientists say? Absolutely.
01:30Because what do scientists say? That the global temperature has increased since 1980,
01:35since it was first degree in my case, you were not born.
01:38No, of course.
01:40Well, of course, of course not.
01:42And it increased 1.3 degrees Celsius since then, that is, 0.2 degrees Celsius per decade,
01:54which seems a little, sometimes it doesn't seem so much, but in climatic terms it is a barbarity
01:59in terms of how it can influence all temperature variables.
02:03It has concrete effects, yes.
02:05It has concrete effects.
02:07Well, what did the World Weather Attribution conclude?
02:12Which is a very prestigious international association of academics.
02:18They are basically European, but financed in large part by Jeff Bezos,
02:23the owner of Amazon here in the United States, which is now, curiously,
02:27quite close to Donald Trump.
02:30And what does this association say?
02:32It says that these changes in temperature, also in humidity,
02:37have caused winds and rains to change in their intensity and in their displacement,
02:45the speed of displacement.
02:47And that this means that there is a 35% more chance every year
02:54that fires will be stronger, more voracious, as the old journalists said.
03:02And, well, in the case of these fires in California,
03:09this is what has definitely influenced this.
03:14We wonder how it can be that they can't be put out, that they can't be extinguished,
03:20that houses continue to be destroyed by thousands and dead.
03:24We also have 28 dead here,
03:27which is a fairly high number compared to other fires,
03:31because, as you highlighted, even in populated areas.
03:34Well, now we have the scientific base, I insist,
03:38there are many universities that have contributed their work to reach this conclusion,
03:46and that also comes in combination with another study
03:50that was published by the scientific journal Nature.
03:54Let's remember that a scientific journal implies that they are scientists.
03:58Nature is one of the most prestigious scientific journals in the world, right?
04:03Yes, it is the most prestigious.
04:05There are four of the most prestigious scientific journals,
04:08but what does it imply?
04:10That someone who publishes in a scientific journal,
04:13is not only a scientist, but has been checked by his peers around the world,
04:18checked several times.
04:20Yes, to be able to reach that publication.
04:22It's not just anyone who wants to go public, obviously.
04:27Well, what does Nature's journal say?
04:30Well, that it was precisely the shrubs and pastures that are growing in California,
04:40they are precisely, let's say, overgrown,
04:45because there was an unequal amount of rain and drought,
04:50not a completely abnormal amount that has to do,
04:53that is linked to this climate change.
04:56Why is climate change generated?
04:58Well, what do academics believe?
05:00Well, excessive use of fossil fuels,
05:05that is, above all, of oil and coal,
05:08produces the greenhouse effect
05:11and causes the amount of temperature and rain to be out of control.
05:18Both things.
05:19And in this case, it has been given that these shrubs that grew,
05:23fed the fires, let's say, they grew first, dried up later.
05:28They fed fuels or fires.
05:30Of course.
05:31It's like when you make the barbecue that you throw branches,
05:34you put dry branches,
05:35you look for something that helps make the coal combustion longer.
05:41Well, that's exactly what happened in California.
05:44Of course, exactly.
05:45When exotic species are introduced for places
05:49or that grow in excessive ways,
05:52what is the whole issue linked to the environment is unbalanced.
05:58And well, that changes everything
06:01and generates that when there is a fire, it is controlled more difficultly.
06:04Or what we also see in the south of Argentina.
06:07It is not only what happens in the United States.
06:10Today we also counted the situation here.
06:13Well, Adri, we will surely continue to report on these issues.
06:19Yes, sure.
06:20No, it's important.
06:21The last line is that Trump denies this.
06:24And that's why he left the Paris agreement
06:27that has to do precisely with the study
06:30and the measures to combat climate change.
06:33Trump is betting on developing deeply
06:38the automotive industry propelled by fossil fuels.
06:43So there is now a very big discussion,
06:46but here, well, for Trump, there is no discussion.
06:48Well, thank you.
06:49Sorry for the extension.
06:50No, please.
06:51See you.
