• 2 months ago
Get ready for "Daredevil: Born Again" with our ultimate recap! We're breaking down the most crucial moments and backstories you need to know about Matt Murdock, Wilson Fisk, and the Marvel Netflix universe before diving into the new series.
00:00I will admit, it's not entirely unpleasant seeing you again.
00:06Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for everything you need to
00:10remember before tuning in to Daredevil Born Again.
00:14Since we'll be discussing major plot points, beware of spoilers.
00:18By the look of it, you've come up in the world.
00:22Number 10.
00:23Matt Murdock in the Netflix series.
00:25Matt Murdock is a blind lawyer with superhuman abilities who fights crime as a masked vigilante
00:29by night.
00:36He gained his powers after an industrial accident in his youth gave him enhanced senses.
00:40When we first meet him, his law firm, with partner Foggy Nelson, is struggling financially.
00:45Together, along with Karen Page, they uncover corruption and criminal activity in Hell's
00:49Kitchen headed by Wilson Fisk.
00:52I realized that the city was a part of me, that it was in my blood.
00:59And I would do anything to make it a better place for people like you.
01:04The two throw down, with Daredevil coming out on top and Fisk is arrested.
01:08Murdock then comes into contact with The Hand and Electronachios.
01:12After defeating The Hand and putting Fisk back in prison, Murdock, Nelson, and Page
01:16look to repair their relationship.
01:18So what do you think?
01:22Why the hell not?
01:25To Nelson, Murdock, and Page.
01:28Page, Murdock, and Nelson.
01:30Hang on a minute.
01:31That actually has a nice ring to it.
01:33Number 9.
01:34The Blip.
01:35Thanos set out on a quest to acquire the Infinity Stones in order to wipe out half of life in
01:39the universe.
01:40With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers, they would all cease to exist, and
01:45I call that mercy.
01:51And then what?
01:53I finally rest and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe.
01:58The Avengers put up a valiant effort to stop him, but ultimately were unsuccessful.
02:03With the snap of his fingers, many of our heroes, among many others, literally turned
02:08to dust.
02:09Up, Deuteran.
02:11This is no place to die.
02:17The remaining survivors were able to come up with a plan and undo what Thanos did and
02:21restore everyone back to life.
02:23During this five-year gap, it's not entirely clear which characters from Daredevil were
02:27blipped as the show was canceled before the effect of Infinity War could be shown with
02:31the series.
02:32How long are you gonna stick around?
02:35Actually I was thinking about moving back into my apartment.
02:39Number 8.
02:40The Defenders Defeat The Hand.
02:42The Defenders miniseries was like a low-rent version of the Avengers coming together in
02:46their titular film.
02:47I can't believe I'm saying this, but let's go do something crazy.
02:54It combined the main heroes of the Marvel Netflix shows as they worked to defeat the
02:57criminal organization The Hand.
02:59The Hand requires the substance, which is a regenerative elixir that comes from the
03:04bones of dragons.
03:05You guys need to get to the surface.
03:07No complaints here.
03:08What about you?
03:09No, I'm gonna meet you up there.
03:11I know I can get through to her.
03:13There's a deposit underneath New York, and to prevent the destruction of the city, Jessica
03:17Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Daredevil managed to save the day.
03:22Murdoch was thought to have died during the final battle with Elektra, but he survived,
03:26so it's possible Elektra has as well.
03:29Get Maggie.
03:30Tell her he's awake.
03:37Number 7.
03:38Frank Castle Is Here To Punish.
03:40Castle first appeared in the second season of Daredevil as a vigilante known as The Punisher,
03:45who is dedicated to eradicating all crime after his family is killed.
03:49Do I know you?
03:50I need NYPD mobile communications rig, one that gets encrypted tactical frequencies.
03:55What do I look like, Radio Shack?
03:58Anyway, dealing in this shit is illegal.
04:01This naturally brings him into contact with Daredevil, as both men are on similar missions
04:06but act through very different means.
04:08Castle is eventually arrested and put on trial, and ends up in prison.
04:12After this, you and me, we're done.
04:13Yes, we're done.
04:14The shiv is the best I can offer.
04:26Something tells me you'll make do.
04:28He's freed by Fisk, and eventually tries to leave his Punisher life behind, posing as
04:33Peter Castiglione.
04:34He's brought back to being the Punisher, and despite other attempts to move on, we last
04:38see him fully embracing the Punisher identity.
04:51Jessica Walters isn't your average MCU hero.
04:54Her alter ego is She-Hulk, who, like Deadpool, can break the fourth wall.
04:57I do believe you are owed compensatory damages.
05:03What is the name of the manufacturer?
05:06Luke Jacobson.
05:07He specializes in super suits.
05:09Oh, shit.
05:10She's a lawyer by day, and takes on a case to represent Eugene Petilio, who wishes to
05:14sue Luke Jacobson for making him a faulty super suit.
05:18Jacobson ends up being represented by none other than Matt Murdock.
05:21I'm here.
05:23Apologies for the tardiness, your honor.
05:26I had trouble finding parking.
05:28I'm just kidding.
05:30My driver got lost.
05:32My name is Matthew Murdock.
05:33I'll be representing Mr. Jacobson in this case.
05:36Murdock ends up winning the case by demonstrating that Petilio disregarded Jacobson's instructions
05:40on how to use the suit.
05:42Later, She-Hulk and Daredevil team up to take down Leapfrog, the vigilante persona of Petilio,
05:47after he kidnaps Jacobson.
05:49Afterwards, the pair catch up on case law, if you get our drift.
05:53Hey, maybe next time I'm in town I can take you out to dinner.
05:56Yeah, or maybe we can skip all of that and just...
06:00Number 5.
06:01Benjamin Poindexter has his back broken.
06:03Nelson Fisk manages to make a deal with the FBI that sees him under house arrest at the
06:07presidential hotel.
06:08Your lawyer almost screwed up the whole deal.
06:11Those terms guarantee my safety.
06:14Beyoncé has fewer demands.
06:16While being transported there, Fisk is attacked by the Albanian syndicate, but FBI agent Benjamin
06:21Poindexter is able to save him.
06:23Following Fisk, Fisk is able to manipulate him into becoming his personal assassin.
06:27He was even tasked with posing as Daredevil in order to ruin the hero's public reputation.
06:32Who are you?
06:35I'm Daredevil.
06:39Eventually, the real Daredevil is able to convince Poindexter of Fisk's manipulations,
06:44causing him to turn against Fisk.
06:46During a fight with Fisk, his back is broken and he's left with paralysis.
06:50However, he undergoes surgery to repair his spine.
06:54The patient knew the risks.
06:56We continue.
06:58Number 4.
06:59Maya Lopez shoots Wilson Fisk.
07:01In the Hawkeye miniseries, we're introduced to a deaf Choctaw and leader of the tracksuit
07:06mafia Maya Lopez.
07:07We have them both.
07:12We have them.
07:20She is on a mission of revenge, as she believes Ronan, one of Clint Barton's vigilante personas,
07:25is responsible for the death of her father.
07:27How do you know?
07:30Because he's dead.
07:33So who got him then?
07:42So Ronan is dead, and the person who killed him is dead.
07:45That's convenient.
07:46How do you know this?
07:47During her pursuit of Barton, the two come face to face, and while Barton did in fact
07:52kill her father, he informs her that his actions were at the behest of her boss, Wilson Fisk,
07:57who wanted to get rid of her father.
07:59This leads to a showdown with Fisk and her shooting him for his betrayal.
08:03You and I were family.
08:11Sometimes family doesn't see eye to eye.
08:15Number 3.
08:16Matt Murdock represents Peter Parker.
08:18Peter Parker was wrongfully blamed for the death of Mysterio.
08:21You murdered Mysterio?
08:23You helped him murder Mysterio?
08:25No, I didn't.
08:26Come on.
08:27During their final confrontation, Mysterio was able to make it look like Spider-Man
08:31was responsible for his murder and reveal Spider-Man's identity to the world.
08:35Naturally, this puts a lot of pressure on Parker, and he's soon interrogated
08:39by the Department of Damage Control.
08:42I didn't kill Quentin Beck, the drones did, okay?
08:45The drones that are yours.
08:46No, well, look, Nick Fury was there the entire time.
08:49Just ask him and he can explain everything.
08:51Nick Fury has been off planet for the last year.
08:54Things aren't looking good, but thankfully he's got great legal representation
08:58with Matt Murdock as his counsel.
09:00He's able to get the charges against Peter dropped,
09:02but warned that Peter may still face challenges due to public scrutiny
09:05of him being Spider-Man.
09:07Peter, you may have dodged your legal troubles, but things will get much worse.
09:10There is still a court of public opinion.
09:20How did you just do that?
09:22I'm a really good lawyer.
09:28After shooting Fisk at the end of Hawkeye,
09:30Lopez goes on the run, but soon is reunited with Fisk
09:33as he wants her to be part of his criminal empire.
09:36I have a proposition.
09:41You want an empire.
09:44You'll have it.
09:48You can have everything.
09:52All you have to do is come home with me.
09:55After contemplating Fisk's offer, she resolves again to kill him.
09:59Upon meeting, he reveals that he had killed his own father
10:02due to violence directed at his mother.
10:18I killed him to be free.
10:22Later, while rescuing her family from Fisk,
10:24the two have another showdown.
10:26This time, however, Maya uses her powers to try and heal Fisk's past trauma
10:30by getting him to let go of his anger.
10:32He couldn't let go, but the experience may have changed him.
10:37What did you do?
10:41What did you do?
10:43Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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11:02Wilson Fisk is one of the big power players of crime in New York.
11:06Nothing changes until I'm ready to move on Vladimir.
11:09And what if he finds out the truth before that happens?
11:15That would be unfortunate for all of us.
11:17After he comes into contact with Daredevil,
11:19the two enter a final showdown resulting in Fisk's defeat.
11:23He ends up in prison, but that doesn't mean he's given up his criminal ways.
11:26He comes up with a plan to clear his name
11:28in order to reunite with his eventual wife, Vanessa.
11:32Hello, Wilson.
11:33However, he's once again defeated by Daredevil and returns to prison.
11:37It's likely he survived the blip
11:39and was once again freed and resumed his criminal activities.
11:43After encounters with Hawkeye and Echo,
11:45Fisk becomes inspired to run for mayor.
11:48A bare-knuckled brawler would do well in this race.
11:51An outsider.
11:52Somebody who is not afraid to take on the establishment.
11:55But wouldn't that candidate have emerged by now?
11:57That's the question.
11:58What are you looking forward to most in Daredevil Born Again?
12:01Let us know in the comments.
12:03Sometimes, peace needs to be broken.
12:07And chaos must reign.
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