• 2 months ago
Hundreds expected to take part in Eucharistic Procession from Long Tower to city centre in Derry on St. Brigid’s Day


00:00Greetings from the Diocese of Derry, the wonderful Diocese of Derry.
00:06On the feast of St Bridget, February the 1st,
00:09the University of the Church doesn't just remember St Bridget, our national co-patron,
00:14it also is the feast of the Presentation of the Child Jesus, Candlemas Day.
00:18Jesus, the light for the nations, as we hear in the Gospel.
00:24This year, on the feast of St Bridget, a group of people, good lay people,
00:30led by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, are having a Eucharistic procession
00:35at the beginning of this year, this Jubilee year, to say,
00:38Lord, we want your light to shine in the world.
00:41We want you to enable us to be salt to the earth and light to the world.
00:45So we invite people around the Diocese to join in at the Long Tower Church
00:49at one o'clock on Saturday, the 1st of February, for a Eucharistic procession into the city centre.
00:54If you're living in Derry, come and join us.
00:56If you're living somewhere else, join in your own place.
00:59Wherever you are, around the country or around the world,
01:02make this a day of prayer when we proclaim Jesus as the light to the nations.
01:07When we say, Jesus, you are Lord.
01:09Jesus, you can bring healing and hope.
01:11You can bring mercy for Father to all those who are so hurting, locally and universally.
01:18Make this a day of prayer.
01:19Make this a day of celebration.
01:21Make this a day of hope.
01:22Because the grace of God wants to be poured over our hurting, angry, fighting, lonely, painful world.
01:30And wants to offer the balm of his mercy, that we all might know the love of the Father
01:35and know ourselves as loved individually by that Father, wherever we are in our own journey.
01:40Make February 1st, Saturday February 1st, a day when you say,
01:46I want to join with the people of the Diocese of Derry, from the Long Tower Church in Derry,
01:51or wherever you're following us from, as a time of prayer for renewal and healing in our world.
01:56That's why Jesus came, to be good news for the poor, to build the Kingdom of God.
02:01Let it begin with me.
02:03God bless you all.
02:04Looking forward to having your participation that day.
02:07Saturday, February 1st, 1pm, GMT at the Long Tower,
02:14wherever you are in your own country, in your own home.
02:17God bless you.
