• 2 months ago
-नई व्यवस्था लागू होने के बाद कुल उपभोग राशि 85 करोड़ में से केवल 37 करोड़ की ही हो पाई वसूली, वसूली अभियान केा और तेज करने के निर्देश
-नए सिस्टम लागू होने के बाद ज्यादा बिल राशि आने वाले उपभोक्ताओं की भी कराई जा रही जांच
-अधिकारियों ने कहा, नया सिस्टम है, अभी व्यवस्थित होने में समय लगेगा


00:00This is the main entrance to the building and the main entrance to the main building.
00:20There are three options to search for a bill.
00:23There are three options to search for a bill.
00:26Account number, meter number and K number.
00:29You can use the binder to find the account number.
00:35You have to go to the location and search for the meter number.
00:40For example, the meter number is 3421321.
00:47Now go to the next option.
00:50Now you have to select the meter type.
00:55In the first option, you have to select the DT code.
00:59In the second option, you have to select the meter type.
01:05In the third option, you have to select the manual reading.
01:07In the manual reading, you have to select the capture digital image.
01:11Now click on the picture.
01:13Click on next.
01:16After clicking the picture, you will see the reading in the picture.
01:19You have to note the reading in this picture.
01:23You have to note the reading in this picture.
01:26Click next.
01:29Click print bill.
01:31Click print bill.
01:33Print bill is being printed.
01:35Print bill is being printed.
01:37This is their bill print and this is how it looks from above.
01:53Hand to hand bill.
