• 2 days ago


00:00So, Juan Lebron and Martín Di Neno in their final act together will pick up a bronze and
00:06in their first and only performance together it'll be Delphi Brea and Vero Verceda who
00:13will collect bronze medals which is a significant achievement as they've never played together
00:21before arriving in Barcelona earlier this week.
00:25It's Lebron and Di Neno who will claim their medals first followed by Delphi Brea nearest
00:35to us and Vero Verceda.
00:51Well, the number two seeds here, Gemma Triai and Claudia Fernández will join Arturo Coelho
01:07and Agustín Tapia on the podium for their silver medals, bittersweet moment I suspect
01:14for Claudia Fernández but a year ago could she have even dreamed of being here still
01:19only 18, her partnership with Gemma might be over but her future is just beginning and
01:26for Arturo Coelho and Agustín Tapia, confirmation that there are rather good paddle players
01:36out there and for the first time since early July they are not top of the pile but class
01:43the sacks that they are, smiling with silver.
01:47Un momento muy especial de la noche, felicidades a los medallistas de oro de Qatar Airways
01:55Premier Paddle Finals Barcelona, Paula José María, Arianna Sánchez, Coqui Nieto y John
02:04And here are our gold medalists then, Arianna Sánchez and Paula José María, we expected
02:10them to be there, Coqui Nieto and John Sanz, nobody expected them to be there, what a story.
02:26Earlier it was Paula and Ari confirming their dominance of the women's game, a tenth title
02:32for them in 2024 and a second for Coqui Nieto and John Sanz, they won in Bordeaux as the
02:39number five seeds, this surely eclipses just about anything they've ever done, they can't
02:47stop smiling can they, it's not a dream, it's really happened.
03:09Ahora es el turno de coronar a los campeones con el trofeo que simboliza su victoria y
03:20es por eso que tenemos el placer de invitar a David Sangen y Luigi Carraro a realizar
03:29la entrega del trofeo, felicidades, Ari Sánchez, Paula José María, Coqui Nieto y John Sanz,
03:39por estas finales extraordinarias que nos regalaron aquí en el Palau Sant Jordi.
03:46And here are the trophies, these beautifully engraved trophies that say that these four
03:55are champions in Premier Paddle finals in Barcelona.
04:09Y ahora sí, para todo el público presente les vamos a pedir la colaboración, porque
04:19queremos esa foto final de este extraordinario evento a la cuenta de tres y los trofeos arriba,
04:26nos acompañan a la una, a las dos y a las tres, ¡salud campeones!
04:34They are the champions, Arianna Sánchez and Paula José María alongside Jorge Coqui
04:45Nieto and John Sanz are Premier Paddle finals champions after a wonderful four days of play
04:55here in Barcelona.
