• 2 months ago
Julian Edelman Says 8-Year-Old Daughter Lily Likes the Chiefs More Than the Patriots: ‘It’s Tough’


00:00Your daughter making the trip to New Orleans with you?
00:02She got school, so she will not be making it.
00:05Daddy's got to work.
00:06He does.
00:07I know.
00:08So maybe soon.
00:12We'll bring her to a Super Bowl.
00:14It's a lot.
00:15I mean, there's so many logistics.
00:16Of course.
00:17I don't even...
00:18You know, the Super Bowl's a lot.
00:20Passes for this, pass for that, line, this, that.
00:24I mean, it's chaos.
00:26Are you going to try to score her a Taylor Swift autograph, though?
00:28Oh, definitely.
00:30We'll get that.
00:32I mean, try.
00:33Dude, help me out, dude.
00:34Have you met her?
00:35I have not met her.
00:38Maybe did I meet...
00:39I may have met her in 2010.
00:41Back in the day.
00:42Well, she played at Gillette, and I brought my sister to her concert.
00:48And you know who opened for her?
00:50It was like a 13-year-old Justin Bieber.
00:53And I walked...
00:54I met him, too.
00:55I don't know if we met.
00:56I think she may have...
00:58It was like people...
00:59I don't know.
01:02What do you think of the extra eyes on football?
01:03I think it's great.
01:06I think it's great.
01:07I mean, it's growing the sport, and that's what we all want.
01:09It's the first time that I'd be sitting on a couch, and all of a sudden, my daughter,
01:14who's eight years old, is starting to talk about football to me.
01:18You know?
01:19And I'm a football player, so I think it's been so cool for that aspect.
01:23You know, it's bringing all my daughter and her friends.
01:26They all talk about the Chiefs, this, that, and I mean, it's tough for Dad being a Patriot.
01:29I was going to say, what about the Patriots, right?
01:31I know.
01:32She still loves the Pats, but she probably knows more players...
01:38No, but it's good.
01:39It's good.
01:41You're like, don't you want to watch the highlight reel of like the Super Bowl?
01:42Hey, sit down here, baby.
01:43This is 10 years ago with your old daddy.
01:44I mean, look at what I did.
01:48What is the most challenging and rewarding part about being a dad right now?
01:53Challenging is like dealing with the things that you can't control as a parent.
02:00When they go to school, they learn about this, they learn that, the other little kids, you
02:07That's challenging and like the phone stuff, like she's eight years old already talking
02:12about a phone.
02:13I'm like, you can't get a phone until you're 15, 16, maybe 19.
02:17Like I didn't get a phone until I was driving.
02:20So I would say the phone, the friends and trying to keep that all in control, I would
02:28say the best thing is just...
02:31The best thing is when you see them progress at something they've been working at.
02:35You watch her and she's been struggling with her times tables or threes or something and
02:40like two weeks prior she couldn't do it and then all of a sudden she's starting to do
02:44it better.
02:45Or on the soccer field or when she's on the piano.
02:49Seeing her progress is like the happiest I get.
02:52That's like when I win a Super Bowl is when I watch her do something that she's been trying
02:55to do and finally do it.
02:58It's fun.
02:59It is fun.
03:00It is fun to see them kind of achieving the next goal and the next step and yeah, but
03:03I totally agree with you.
03:04It's the outside things that are the most challenging.
03:06It is.
03:08And then, and all, you know, it's not even her.
03:10It's the other people.
03:11It's the other parents.
03:12It's the other people.
03:13I get it.
03:15It doesn't matter how you parent.
03:17Okay, I'll parent the way I parent.
