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Hola y bienvenido a WatchMojo Español, hoy conocerás los motivos por los que México y el mundo no son los más fanáticos de la joven cantante de regional de la dinastía Aguilar.


00:04Angela Aguilar performed at the Kid Choice, but things didn't go well.
00:09With booing, whistling and shouting the name of Kazoo, they boycotted her participation in these awards.
00:17Hello and welcome to Wachmoyo Español.
00:20I am Jackie and today you will know the reasons why Mexico and the world are not the most fans of the young singer of the regional of the Aguilar dynasty.
00:30Number 18. Fan of his relationship.
00:33Although there are those who today debate whether it was real or not the comment, it became so famous that even La Rosa de Guadalupe dedicated its own chapter to it.
00:44Did you see what Angelica put in the photo of us that you uploaded to your profile?
00:47No, what did she put?
00:49Fan of his relationship.
00:51In essence, shortly after the so poorly received relationship between Christian Nodal and Angela Aguilar was revealed, a supposed comment came to light that the regional singer had previously taken a photo of her now husband with the trapper Kazoo.
01:07And it is that some time ago, Angela Aguilar commented on a publication of Nodal and Kazoo, announcing their romance and wrote, fan of his relationship.
01:13In this we can see how he says fan of his relationship, despite the fact that there are rumors that since then they already had a relationship behind Juliet's back.
01:25This comment has been replicated in various situations, from other couples, political contexts, writers, series characters, etc., becoming a phenomenon of memes and publications commented on several social networks.
01:37If it were real, the cynicism of the young performer would be impressive.
01:43Number 17. I have done everything perfect.
01:54Although it would be ideal, the sad reality of life is that nothing is perfect, and if everything were perfect, nothing would be.
02:02Apparently someone did not explain this to the young Angela Aguilar when she gave an interview in March 2023 for the American program Good Morning America, in which she explained that she had taken her career in an ideal way.
02:17It is true that by then we did not know everything that was to come that year and the next, but when people found the video again, they simply had many things to say.
02:34Number 16. I won.
02:37I won. See you next year at Good Morning America.
02:43In one of the first official appearances of the less popular couple in Mexico, singer Angela Aguilar was informed during her wedding that she was nominated for the Youth Awards.
02:55Nominated, just nominated, an abysmal difference with having won an award.
03:01Probably someone misinformed her about her status, but her reaction was interpreted differently by the people.
03:10Friends of Youth Awards, I am Angela Aguilar, I want to congratulate you very much for these 21 years of these awards, thank you for inviting me, thank you for nominating me and winning.
03:20They took the message of I won as a direct attack to Casu, for supposedly having kept the award that was supposed to be Christian Nodal.
03:30Number 15. The only famous of the region.
03:33Incredibly, no, Angela, you are not the only representative of Mexican regional music in the United States.
03:42Although it is too much to say that maybe you need to get out of your bubble, it is also fair to doubt where you get your data.
03:49And that is not normal for a woman's music, right? And less for a woman's writing, sorry.
03:56During an interview for the program El Terrible Radio, the speaker addressed the issue of machismo and misogyny in Mexican regional music,
04:05which is a topic important enough to talk about it with one of the most relevant members of the regional dynasties.
04:13You tell me how many tours of women there are of Mexican music right now.
04:17Apart from Marisela you.
04:19Apart from Marisela me?
04:21Well, among many opinions, Angela said that she was the only representative of Mexican regional music in the United States.
04:30Maybe she wanted to give a different message, but she simply did not succeed, as on many occasions.
04:37Put that the only headliner, headliner, headliner in the United States I think it's just me, because everyone has headliners.
04:46I mean, I'm the only one doing a tour.
04:50Number 14, cover of Rocio Durcal.
04:53There are things that should be left intact because they are very good as they are.
04:58A practical example for this list is the song of Rocio Durcal, La gata bajo la lluvia, which became a total success in Hispanoamerica.
05:20Y ya no seré tuya, seré la gata bajo la lluvia.
05:30The Spanish singer was very loved by the Mexican people and they received her warmly.
05:36Something that maybe Angela also tried and it goes without saying that it did not work.
05:41This cover remix with Steve Aoki was harshly criticized by people who did not like it and even saw it as an offense.
05:50Ya lo ves, la vida es así, tú te vas y yo me quedo aquí.
05:58Lloverá y ya no seré tuya, seré la gata bajo la lluvia.
06:07Y no llores.
06:10Just see the comments on Steve Aoki's official channel to realize the bad reception he had.
06:18Number 13, woman of the year.
06:21And that by supporting each other, we achieve something better.
06:25After all the harsh criticism that has received the inappropriate behavior of Ángel Aguilar, after having gotten involved with the singer Cristian Nodal, people had enough of her.
06:36It was then that she began to appear in all the media and it is suspected that there is an active campaign to try to clean up her image, which perhaps is not working so well.
06:47However, the young woman decided not to parade on the red carpet like the rest of the awards, not to be questioned by the press about the controversy that caused her appointment on social networks and other controversies.
07:00After her unexpected nomination for the award of woman of the year in the category of regional music of the magazine Glamour, people were confused and outraged.
07:11I am truly grateful to my family, to my husband, to my friends, to all the women who paved the way for me to be here tonight. I just wanted to be a singer and thanks to you I am achieving it.
07:27After a petition signed by almost half a million people, the director of Change.org contacted the director of the magazine Glamour, so they had to download the publications in which they announced Ángela's award.
07:41Number 12. Don't hang out with married people.
07:45This is the jar of existential doubts and I'm going to be answering some words.
07:51Oh, if only we could all listen and take our own advice into account.
08:00Well, it is true that Cristiano Dahl was not married to Casu, but they did have a relationship that seemed to be formal, and even worse, with a baby in between.
08:10I think you have to learn to be at peace with yourself and let things slip. My grandmother would always say, the best contempt is not being appreciated.
08:18Sadly, after all the scandal of the love triangle, people revisited an interview that the magazine Glamour Mexico had had with Ángela Aguilar, in which she gives advice that seems too ironic in contrast to her current life.
08:34Everything is possible in life, except for married people.
08:37Don't hang out with married people, that's bad.
08:40Number 11. Interview with ABC News.
08:44As part of this alleged image cleaning, Ángela Aguilar came out to give her version for the ABC television network, when the waters seemed to be calmer than ever.
08:54In this interview she mentions that all the people involved, referring to Casu, Cristiano Dahl and herself, were aware of the relationship.
09:14I don't feel like I have to explain anything to anyone. I think that people are being villainized and I think people are being badly portrayed. I think that they are not putting our characters where they should be.
09:24Naturally, she unleashed the anger not only of the people, but also of Julieta herself, who after remaining silent for a long time, finally came out to defend herself on the channel of one of her friends.
09:38As it is suggested, I was part of a kind of plan, which I feel like I need to completely refute and say that it is a lie.
09:49Especially because there is an audience that I take care of, that I respect and that knows that I have opinions and thoughts.
10:00No, evidently she was not aware of anything, and Ángela is now even further from regaining the love of the people, if that ever happens.
10:12No one's heart got broken. We have a clear consciousness. We're working on something together. Life is so amazing right now. As long as I turn off my phone, I can enjoy how amazing life is.
10:28Number 10. Why is it 25% Argentina?
10:32It was the year 2022 and Argentina's triumph in the World Cup was the topic of the moment. Ángela Aguilar, whose name was barely known in the world of regional music, thanks in general to the Aguilar dynasty, young and innocent, congratulated the Argentine team.
10:50The reason? A publication by Ángela Aguilar on social networks, showing her support for the Argentine team in the framework of the World Cup final, where the team commanded by Messi beat the French team in the penalty shootout.
11:04Obviously she did not forget to put herself in the center of attention, throwing the little detail that it was 25% Argentina.
11:13I can't explain it to you because you won't understand. 25% Argentine heart, 100% proud. Today, we are all more celestial than the sky.
11:22Critics did not wait on her Instagram account, where her dad had to go out to defend her from the attacks. Then Don Pepe Aguilar had to clarify that the singer's grandmother was actually from Argentina.
11:36Well, while most criticized her posture with comments like, you are a gringa, period. And you, a jealous one. She is not Mexican, her father was born in the United States, her mother is Argentine and she was born in the United States. As a Mexican, she only has the last name.
11:52Number 9. Selena Quintanilla.
11:54Maybe, and only maybe, Ángela Aguilar has never been the best to choose her words when she wants to express something to the public, which will be quite evident throughout the top.
12:13Once a photo of her on Instagram caused controversy for being dressed as the icon of Tex-Mex, Selena, the folk singer announced that she would pay tribute to her.
12:25There are criticisms as in everything, but I don't read the comments and I'm comfortable with what I'm doing and it makes me very happy.
12:34Everything was going well in Popa, despite what some thought, until she gave an interview that put the final nail in her coffin. To say that Selena ...
12:48And that the new generations would know her through her ... Ouch!
12:58Number 8. Disgusting help.
13:03After her surprise with Odal, we will talk about this later, the couple began to go out little by little in public, despite the fact that many people did not agree with their relationship.
13:24During a concert of the singer, he invites his now wife to the stage and what happened seconds later outraged many on social networks.
13:33And it is that recently Ángela Aguilar surprised everyone to attend the concert of Christian Odal in the state of charm in Mazatlán, Sinaloa.
13:40A member of the staff who was near her extended his hand to help her enter, however he barely touched it and not only that, but also immediately afterwards you can see how his hand is cleaned.
13:53We see that during the concert, Christian Odal invited his wife Ángela Aguilar to go to the stage to greet his fans.
13:59Well said, raise fame and go to sleep.
14:03Number 7. Lack of humility.
14:05As we mentioned earlier, the singer of the regional has not shown to be the most strict in the choice of his words.
14:14Well, I'm a singer, shouldn't I sing well?
14:16It's just that not everyone sings well.
14:17I know, that's why, well, I'm not going to say it.
14:19No, you say it, man.
14:21Which was evident during this interview for the Mexican radio station EXA-FM.
14:27While he was on a program promoting his new album Bolero, he mentioned that people who did not know how to sing should not be considered artists,
14:36referring to the new stars who use the autotune to give their concerts and record their songs.
14:43Well, they shouldn't be singers if they don't know how to sing.
14:46I mean, my parents and my grandparents taught me, if I'm going to do something, I have to do it right.
14:50In addition, in what many considered a display of presumption, he commented that his parents had made him study opera since he was 4 years old.
14:59And that's how it should be, because the public deserves that respect of being able to be on stage.
15:04And if they pay a ticket, it's because they want to hear you sing live.
15:07Number 6. The sponges.
15:09Actually, we need to say that this is a rumor that has been spreading over time and that many people have been in charge of keeping alive.
15:18The fans are sure they have discovered what their incredible secret is.
15:23Can you guess what it is?
15:25There are those who assure that Ángela's figure looks drastically different when she goes on stage to offer a concert.
15:33Nothing more and nothing less than pants with filling,
15:37assuring that she usually uses sponges in her pants with the intention that her hips look much more prominent and so her waist also seems smaller.
15:48Many have noticed the huge difference in their hips when they see her casually and swear that she uses sponges or fillers to make her look more curvy.
15:59After some photos were leaked that showed a different figure than the one she usually wears on stage.
16:06According to some users, this is because the singer uses fillers under her clothes to get a more attractive physical appearance.
16:14Number 5. Tennis for poor people.
16:18Mom, they don't look alike.
16:25They are the same.
16:26Ángela Aguilar choosing her words wrong again. Yes.
16:31Basically, in a story for her Instagram account, the singer showed that she had tennis shoes from the brand Valenciaga.
16:39And many people criticized her because it is a cheaper brand against a very expensive brand and she has those of the very expensive brand of $ 4,000.
16:47That is, a Valenciaga worth more than $ 4,000, some tennis.
16:51Although they do not appear on the screen, both she and an unknown friend mention having come across an economic version of the shoes that the singer has.
17:01What they say, look, that is, it is a comment that you can make, but there is no need to record it, right?
17:06That is, and also to show how, well, I do have the expensive ones.
17:10People took it as a mockery for people who do not have the same purchasing power and should resort to much cheaper brands,
17:19clones or products simply within their possibilities.
17:25I mean, what burns is laughter, right?
17:27So, be careful, because many people who buy tickets to go to see your concerts, right?
17:34Maybe they only have a pair of tennis shoes. Or they don't have.
17:37Number 4. Princess of what?
17:39Britney Spears is still the princess of pop.
17:42Lady Di was the princess of the people.
17:45And undeniably Ángela Aguilar is the princess of Mexican music.
17:50Or at least that's what she and a single magazine around the world have said.
17:55This video unleashed a lot of comments against it from users who mention never having heard someone refer to her in this way.
18:03And they consider that it was a very proud comment on their part.
18:06During a brief interview on La Alfombra Roja, the regional singer was wearing a small crown on her head and said that
18:15They call me the princess of Mexican music and sometimes I don't believe them.
18:19So with the crown, maybe I'm going to believe it.
18:22Ok, Ángela, whatever you and that magazine say.
18:26This was not the first time Ángela called herself the princess of Mexican music.
18:31Well, a few years ago, and during an interview for TNT América Latina,
18:36Angelita mentioned that she did not want rudeness because she was a princess of Mexican music.
18:42Number 3. National anthem.
18:45Y retienden sus centros la tierra
18:51Al sonoro rugir del cañón
18:57Unlike what we have seen in the pop culture of the United States, the national symbols of Mexico are untouchable.
19:05That is, they cannot be modified under any concept.
19:08Or otherwise, whoever alters them in any way could pay fines and even spend time in prison.
19:15I wish someone had told Ángela that when she sang in the fight of Canelo against Saunders,
19:21in which people criticized her for having changed the tempo of the national anthem and practically made it super boring.
19:29Que en el cielo tu eterno destino
19:36Por el dedo de Dios escribió
19:43This happened several years ago and rumors say that she has not yet finished singing it.
19:49Mexicanos al grito de guerra
19:56El cielo apresta y el grito
20:02Number 2. From aunt to stepmother
20:05If something does not like the Mexican people, it is the people who pretend to be friends with another person and then stay with their partner.
20:13You can manipulate a message as many times as you want.
20:17You can invent messages, you can invent and put and remove as many times as you want.
20:22Today, with technology, you know, a thousand things can be done.
20:25But we'll talk about that later.
20:27During the controversial relationship between the Argentine singer Casu and the also nothing dear Cristiano Dal,
20:34the first announced her pregnancy during a concert.
20:38And after leaving completely to the public, she removed her coat, showing a bulging belly in a white suit monkey that emphasized her even more.
20:46And in case there were doubts, the singer positioned herself aside to confirm it.
20:52The images went viral on social networks and one of the people who were asked for their opinion was our princess of Mexican music, who responded
21:07Hey, we haven't reached the end yet, but almost. Just make sure to subscribe to our channel and activate the bell to receive notifications of our latest videos.
21:16Very well, let's go to the end.
21:20Number 1. Nodal. All his relationship with Nodal.
21:37Cristian Nodal already had the fame of being an unstable person when he joined the team of his long history, Ángela Aguilar, the protagonist of this list.
21:47The Mexican singer not only proved several times to have supported the relationship between Casu and Nodal,
21:53but he said it was a paused love, which many people interpreted as having deceived his daughter's mother.
22:01Let's remember that a couple of months ago is when they announced their romance.
22:05Before, Cristian Nodal announced his throne with Casu, his daughter's mother, and well, that now ends in this wedding.
22:12Was it even more suspicious that they would get married two months after starting their relationship?
22:18Yes, a lot. And honestly, we can't defend them too much.
22:23Don't crucify us before knowing what we've done or what our sins have been.
22:28What other moments like this do you know of Ángela?
22:31Tell us in the comments and don't miss these other original videos of Spanish Watchmojo.
